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  • Sapphirecatzeye

    September 3, 2010 at 1:39 am in reply to: Twisted Grip Lift

    I just thought i would put the thought out there, its not new in athletic worlds that people who are small and tiny have the better advantage sometimes with tumbling and gymnastics, you’ll also notice that the handbalancers for cirque (the men) are on the "shorter" side that we would consider in the US.
    NOT saying that anyone who is taller cant learn the move AT ALL , that wouldnt make scene, but i just hate when someone has a advantage and doesnt have to work as hard because of natural ability, and they never state the fact.
    I sould just suggest that it means dont give up! and dont feel like you are just not "getting" it, maybe someone just had a natural advantage, and didnt have to work as hard, but anyone can learn the move

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    August 31, 2010 at 4:02 am in reply to: Twisted Grip Lift

    Lifting into it from the floor and mid pole i feel like has alot to do with shoulder /arm training, along with your lower body mass compared to upper body.
    When i first sought out to learn the lift, i lifted weights, but I found that practicing the handspring version over and over also helped. There is also some abdominal control needed to get your hips up and give off the floating look.
    After you first grab onto the pole in the TG position, my nose is still facing down and I use my abs and arm muscles to start the ‘lifting’ process, then tuck legs in and rotate body (also abs) upward and then you are vertical.
    It does a killer on your shoulders when you first start to learn, and i also bought one of pull up bars for your door way and practiced leg lifts with it for my stomach muscles.
    But i really think a serious trick to getting a good lift is lower body ratio to upper body, i’m 5’4" but i know the TG lift master sarah cretul is alot smaller than me. Not to say that anyone cant learn it, but i think sometimes when you see someone less muscular than yourself that might be a key as well. I had a few videos of myself doing lifts on my channel.
    i really dont think there is a secret trick to them, other than really putting them as a goal and working on upper body and abs
    hope this helps some! i learned to do my lifts after 2 months of intensive practice, and i have the skinnest arms i’ve seen lol

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    July 12, 2010 at 4:35 pm in reply to: Who wants to be my bendy buddy?

    I’m happy yall enjoyed me helping out, remember to keep it up though out the week!
    much <3 to everyone

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    July 2, 2010 at 4:44 am in reply to: Who wants to be my bendy buddy?

    ok so next thurday? we’ll all get in chat, and turn the cams on and keep each other company while where in positions , it will make it a little less dull

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    June 30, 2010 at 4:50 pm in reply to: contortionist training

    Thanks for the sweet comment mini:) <3
    There are not any books, dvds or anything lol. contortions training is all kept low key. there is another thing that people have marketed and used quite a bit called yoga , but i dont know if thats what your looking for.

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    June 30, 2010 at 4:46 pm in reply to: Who wants to be my bendy buddy?

    Me and David (Stellarmotion) have been corresponding about stretch sessions, maybe we can both get on one night, i def wouldnt mind a stretch partner for my legs, they are so boring to me lol

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    June 27, 2010 at 7:23 pm in reply to: Am I a wimp or am I normal?

    Its normal for your body to feel extremely fatigued when having a full schedule. Even more so when your dealing with a huge burst of energy (like a pole performance) Rest is super important though. You will be surprised what the body can with stand if you have to do alot of physically demanding activity. But pole takes up so much muscular activity its hard to keep them going 24/7

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    June 14, 2010 at 11:01 pm in reply to: Mixing pole and belly dance…

    oh and i thought it would be fun to post a pic of some of my ol belly dance days , cause i figured some might think i was making it up or something… lol
    the name of the resterant was shahenshah dinner in Georgia, and they had the BEST food everrrrrrrrrrr

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    June 14, 2010 at 10:58 pm in reply to: Mixing pole and belly dance…

    This is such a interesting forum and i am surprised someone didnt use belly dance in pole before now, or the topic come up.
    Everyone knows i’m one to mix forms of art together. After A year of pole, i was really interested in tribal belly dance, which is why i have the tattoo on my stomach, I self studied at home, and then was hired by a middle eastern restaurant to dance there on the weekends.
    I will say the belly dance world, (well professional world) sometimes they are picky about tribal vs Egyptian, and styles and music etc..also you have to keep in mind its origins, sometimes come from conservative countries..
    (Although please dont tell me im being to general about whatever im saying or what not, im just commenting from first hand experience)
    So you have some places that hire bellydancers and want the woman looking and acting one way, and some dont care and long as your a good dancer. You will find the tribal belly dance world is more forgiving of fusion of styles , tattoos, cultures, but more people are use to looking at the Egyptian style.
    I never used belly dance in pole because, well… i thought my costume was to heavy to do anything on the pole with it, but i have nothing against fusing styles, by any means. Branching out and learning to explore new things is what being human is all about.
    And i really think despite what alot of hardcore bellydancers would like to admit, pole dance (as of the recent years) has alot more in common with belly dance than most think.

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    May 30, 2010 at 5:00 pm in reply to: Motivation for Stretching

    I’ll put my 2 cents in this forum
    Motivation for stretching has to be something you really want, because unlike learning a new move on the pole the results are not always right away.
    You also have to make sure you are doing them right because other wise you will be spending time doing something that wont give you progress the next time.
    The benefits of having good balance with your legs is incredible, every move on the pole can be alot easier with the strength and balance of a decent middle and side split.
    I know because when I started training for splits in January I was like 4in off the floor, and now I’ve got a slight oversplit and a middle split , and it changed the whole way I feel when I am on the pole.
    Some moves that I wiggled alot on to find balance became that much easier. You’ll find alot of the greats on the pole seem effortless and most of the time thats because their strength and balance is super increased with their splits balancing their hips out and creating good leverage.

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    May 13, 2010 at 3:47 pm in reply to: Love the look of this ? pose

    I would suggest you start low enough to the ground , but not so low that gravity takes over and you flop back.
    Pointing your toes and engaging your uh… butt will help you control your legs. the other trick is , to try and tilt your head UP towards the wall or just try to look up, and you will get a better U shape and hold it longer.
    Hope that helps some!! its a tricky one, i def prefer doing it the split grip way.

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    May 11, 2010 at 10:51 pm in reply to: Love the look of this ? pose

    looks like the one i made up back in the day that nobody gives me credit for lol, might have been around before me, but this is where I started trying to touch my toes to my head in that poise…
    at 1:50
    I named it the levitation , but others have thought of other names for it.
    and older may 08 here..
    at :41
    I find though, the other split grip TG version gives way more stability

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    May 7, 2010 at 2:11 pm in reply to: How do you moisturize your skin?

    I have this same problem ALL the time, my skin is really dry, and i’m anemic so i’m always cold. A good trick is like everyone is saying to moisturize the night before. Or, i’ve gotten use to using Firm Grip on my thighs and legs pretty regularly.
    I’ve also been told about using shaving cream on your legs to get them sticky.

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    May 6, 2010 at 10:42 pm in reply to: Ladies with a Curved Spine (Hip Joint Popping)

    If anyone knows anything else about this please post, my sister has been trying to do some splits training lately, and she has been noticing more that she has this same problem.
    She also said she had the same thing about the bedroom issue.
    I’ve been trying to help her with her middle splits and she was wondering if something is wrong and if its safe to keep trying to split, i thought maybe it would be a advantage ,but i dont know anything about this.

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