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MemberNovember 3, 2010 at 9:13 am in reply to: Square hips when stretching for the splits?Also, if you are right down and square, while you are facing forward, you should be perfectly balanced to take away your hands as support – to raise in triumph or lay down your front leg as you prefer;p If you’re not square, this is much harder!! If you think about tucking your back hip under and towards the front, this might help too
Yus! I am similar to Moth in that I hated running when I was younger because of the way PE was run (har har) in schools – they expect you to just go out and do it without training etc, which is NUTS for kids who don’t normally run. Would you expect an adult to just go out for a run without training and enjoy it??
Anyway, I’m v v lucky in that I barely ever get injured. I run with squads organised by personal trainers and one of my trainers reckoned it was because of the strength cross training I do (pole and a yoga-esque class at the gym, used to do bodypump regularly too) and the fact I am a very regular stretcher (BEST part of a run is a good stretch and the hot shower after;p). I kinda think it’s ‘cos I’m not that fast but whatevs;p I have also done pretty much all my running training in shoes recommended by a shoe shop that does gait analysis to correct my foot stuff (I always forget whether it’s pronating or the opposite) and find the idea of barefoot running intriguing but not for me – love my mizuno wave inspires too much:)
I’ve just recently completed my 8th half marathon but have no immediate plans for trying for a marathon until I can face the thought of cutting down/out poling for 3ish months! Still, fitting in the running training and the pole classes, as well as the other exercise I do can be a challenge sometimes but I love it all:) https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_thumright.gif
I’m curious about flattening the jade too and wonder sometimes if it’s a strength more than a flexibility thing? I have my splits down pat…when I have something to brace against (floor, pole etc) and can keep them flat on the ground even with something under my front foot. Can I get near a flat jade? Not for love nor money https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_confused.gif
MemberOctober 26, 2010 at 8:30 am in reply to: Body position in cartwheel vs split grip ayeshaI think I know what you mean LoopieLou but when I try it, I end up dropping my butt too far back, which is the problem I have when I’m doing the jackknife too (and which means I have no hope of balancing):( I really need to get my pole up at my new flat so I can buy Veena’s lessons and learn how to be awesome like her!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif
Unless it’s the scorpio switch (starting with a scorpio on one side then bringing your leg back over, switching the side your body’s on then dropping into a scorpio on the other side) ??
As I understand it, it’s about sliding the pole to one side of the pubic bone to avoid owies and to really concentrate on tucking the hips under. However, I always fear crotching myself on the pole so have done this move a grand total of once or twice:)
Ooh I saw that in a vid recently (the name/location of which I’ve very helpfully forgotten) and thought it was beautiful! Sadly my knee grip on the BM is not secure enough to get into the eros, let alone swing around again:(
That was lovely! I love how dramatic the dark red silks look too:)
When I first started inverting, I had some probs with cramping (although more in my feet than calves) but the more I did it and the more comfortable I got with it, it just kinda faded away. Now the only time I have calf cramping in particular is if I’m trying to go into the butterfly from a jamilla mount and I haven’t done it in a while. Then the pain catches me unaware so I have to abort part way through and just do a gentle calf stretch, which definitely helps (the common one where you stand feet parallel then step one back, bend the front knee and stretch the back leg out straight). If your calves are tight in general, you could try using one of the foam rollers that are commonly found in gyms etc to gently roll them out (do a search online about them – they’re magic for runners with tight calves so imagine it’d work the same for other disciplines!).
ps. I have some recollection about magnesium supplements being good for cramping – I’m presuming that’s the rationale behind bananas?
MemberMay 14, 2010 at 8:40 pm in reply to: JungleCat made it all the way to New Zealand!Aw I’m sad I missed seeing that! That’s what I get from reading online news all the time instead of buying the Dom Post!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_pale.gif
So does this mean JC has a reason to come out to NZ now to pole jam??? https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_salut.gif
Heh I had to get a tetanus booster last week as a precautionary measure because I’m going overseas for a holiday starting from next week and it had been a while since I’d had my last shot. The nurse asked me which arm I wanted it in and seeing as I’d heard that tetanus shots can be one of the more lingeringly painful ones, I instantly said "left. I need the right one for my pole class tonight" https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif I think these belong on those "You know you’re a pole addict when…" list!
JC, you’re such an inspiration, not just for the boys but for all the polers out there!
One of my workmates sent me this article earlier this week and I was so livid that my voice went all high and squeaky right through my rant about how awful it was. I so wanted to post a reply but clearly from the comments that were left, the readership of the article are so closed minded that no amount of proof or logical argument was going to sway them from their bigoted POV. Argh, turns out I’m still angry about it! I may never watch an episode of QI with David Mitchell in it again…
I found what made this move click for me was thinking about the front leg – it’s leaning out like the front leg would be in a sunwheel (or hurkey or whatever else you call it) rather than closed in like in a fireman – I think that’s what gives you the counter balance to be able to lean out and get that other leg up there. It’s a pretty small adjustment but worked for me:)