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Hahahahaha your poor cat
Nope, I've never had any complaints. I live on the first floor, so my less-graceful dismounts don't cause a problem, but I do like to blast my music while I dance. Maybe I just have really great neighbors, haha. Maintenance has also been in my apartment many times and walked right passed my pole, so I know management knows I have it. Haven't gotten any notices so everything is fine, I guess!
I think your neighbors will tolerate some clunking if you keep your practice to normal hours.
i love love looooove disco!!
My studio has the main wall completely covered in mirrors, and then huge framed mirrors along the other wall. If I could pick one or the other, I would pick the plain mirrors because I think seeing myself is more important than making the studio look cute. You can see them here
http://poleupindy.com/classes/series-classes/pole-dance/ -
Pankake– I agree, but it seems she's got a firm grasp with her hand, too.
MemberFebruary 27, 2013 at 2:38 am in reply to: Do You Ever Wear Pole Shoes Outside of Class?I definitely would not do that. My reasoning has nothing to do with pole dancing but rather with professionalism. Let's get Stacey London and Clinton Kelly in there!
bahahaha this happened to me in pole class the first time we did SM conditioning from the floor. It was just me, another girl, and the instructor. The music was loud that time but I refused to participate again until I practiced over and over at home and was confident it wouldn't happen in class (glad i practiced because the music was always quiet afer that day)! For me it happens for moves that need strong abs and when my abs aren't strong enough. I think I use the wrong muscles to pull up or something! Mortifying lol
MemberFebruary 18, 2013 at 10:45 pm in reply to: Do you get the feeling your significant other is jealous of the pole??If it's a problem you've discussed but that continues to happen, it may be worth reevaluating your relationship. You need someone who supports you!
MemberFebruary 18, 2013 at 10:12 pm in reply to: Do you get the feeling your significant other is jealous of the pole??Could there be other factors that contribute to him feeling neglected? Sounds like something you two need to discuss when you have both calmed down a bit.
When is it this year? Ohio is not too far.
Cool! I like that they include sort of rag-tag, underappreciated sports.
How is this bigger than the Olympics and I've never heard of it?
I don't know if it' just me, but i interpet this as an adjective. Like it's porn star dancing. Like the type of dancing that porn stars do. Not that "this porn star is dancing."
Idk, to me it is a dinstinction that makes it acceptable. Sometimes pole dancing can be very very sexy and sexual, just like a porn star (note: NOT a porn) might be. I'm ok with a song sending the message "I like these girls who dance like porn stars." Epecially since it is specifically about strippers… i mean, that is their objective, pretty much, right?
It's a fun song. I will dance to it. I will also dance to ballerina-type music. Pole is diverse and I embrace all aspects of it.
lol those look like a joke.
MemberFebruary 12, 2013 at 11:37 pm in reply to: I love pole, but I am so frustrated as a beginner today!Patience! It took me 8 weeks to climb, and even being able to climb I wasn't able to do a deadlift pole hold for like another month. and I'm 21! I know we're all anxious to be super pro polers, but everything takes time 🙂 Don't overdo it or instead of advancing you'll set yourself backwards.