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MemberOctober 24, 2012 at 6:37 pm in reply to: Anyone here ever fell off ::grasp:: a pole??I fell off several times while trying to learn the CKR. Fortunately, since I was learning, I had thought to put down some pillows! It didnt hurt too badly and I pretty much expected it would happen at some point (hence the pillows). Be safe! If you're attempting a trick for the first time, put down some padding!
I can hang upside down forever, but my face always turns bright red so fast! I don't think it would look too cute in a performance! Any suggestions?
I think that's the main difference between pole fitness and pole dance. Pole dance really does have that added artistic element to it. What would look good together, or with the music? What feels good to you? There's a flow involved.
I was in a trick frenzy for a while. I think it's a normal part of pole… you want to do things that "normal" people can't. Once I had a few tricks on tape though, I decided there was some fine-tuning I had to do on what I had learned before continuing. Like… my invert? Man I though I had it but it turns out it's kinda crappy. So I'm focusing now on being AWESOME at the few things I know rather than being okay at many things.
SpinningBunny– its a personal challenege, so don't worry about the moves! 😀 Fun for all
MemberOctober 3, 2012 at 2:49 pm in reply to: What does your MOTHER think about poledancing?Rachel, I hope she does! Progress! 🙂
YESSSS I love halloween! I already have the perfect idea!!
I don't think I understand the pain thing, but I support that you're looking for constructive ways to attain it rather than just hurting yourself. You will get through this temporary depression, even if "temporary" means a few weeks or months… its all temporary in the scheme of things.
Chin up, lady. There are so many of us here in the same boat, but we have to stay positive.
MemberSeptember 24, 2012 at 9:47 pm in reply to: What does your MOTHER think about poledancing?I agree. My mom came to my level 1 performance where she watched me shake my ass a whole lot, and at the end she told me she was proud of me. I was like "…what?!" And she said that even though it was a little sexy, she was proud of me for finding something I enjoy doing, committing to it, following through, and paying for it by myself. Not letting inconveniences like the expense and time (its an hour and a half drive away) deter me from what I want to do.
So overall I'd say I'm one of the lucky ones whose mom is supportive. She tells all her friends, and even her mother (My jaw hit the floor when she told me that… "GRANDMA knows??? Did she keel over then and there?! but grandma seems alright with it too) Although she also thinks "well not so much secret training for stripping, but now you have this… skill set to fall back on, and I just hope you don't, okay?" 😛 Ohhh, mom. <3
MemberSeptember 24, 2012 at 7:19 pm in reply to: What does your MOTHER think about poledancing?A direct quote: "You should enjoy your hot young body while you can, as long as you're not doing anything infectious."
I have to agree with Beginner. It may be better to just let this one go and understand that you should never loan out something you don't mind never getting back. Hard pill to swallow, but your chances aren't looking very good. 🙁
Oh, another thing that helps me is calculating how long I'd have to work out to burn off what I ate. Like, once I was at the gym and I went (what I thought was) hardcore on the stationary bike for 45 minutes or so. I looked down at the end and it said… 180 calories. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That's not even a good cookie's worth of calories! I worked my butt off!
Makes me think twice now!
My number one rule is drink only water. So when you say, "Should I get a coke with lunch?" the answer is always no! Takes the thinking out of it, for one, and for two, you save a lot of money. Don't drink your calories! When you make something NEVER acceptable it's easier to stick with it.
I dont think that works for cake and cookies though 😛
MemberSeptember 20, 2012 at 11:36 pm in reply to: feeling like the juice is being sucked out of my lifeI feel similarly. I'm in my senior year of college, and beyond the fact that my courseload is more intense than ever, I also have the added stress of grad school considerations, money problems, entering into the real world, etc. You know what I mean!
I started pole classes this summer, and my boyfriend cheated on me and dumped me after my first class. I was a total wreck, like lose-25-pounds-in-a-month sort of wreck. But I was always smiling for a while after pole class let out, so the timing worked out. Things would have been a lot worse if I didnt have the positivity that came from poling.
I'm in level 2 classes now, and they meet on Mondays. It's weird, for the first time ever I'm excited for the weekend to be over so it can be Monday! Pole has definitely given me something to look forward to and that helps with all the other stress. I wouldn't say that I dance the stress away or anything like that, really, because I'm not that artistic with it yet, but having a hobby that has direction and measurable growth has definitely offset the rest of the stress. It makes it disappear if only for that hour and a half and I definitely feel mentally revitalized afterwards. Your mind needs a break! and pole fits the bill.
if you are genuinely excited to open a gift and find it's rubbing alcohol
MemberSeptember 11, 2012 at 10:37 am in reply to: Monday’s StudioVeena.Com Downtime And Preparing For Growth