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  • Stevesgirl

    August 2, 2011 at 12:52 am in reply to: Another Pole Studio Faces Harassment and Discrimination

    Did you read the comments?  Almost all of them are positive for the studio!  At least I was happy to see that.  I hope the people who are persecuting this studio soon finds something better to do with their time and I hope this studio will be okay and not have to close. 

  • Stevesgirl

    August 2, 2011 at 12:35 am in reply to: International Pole Competition in Denver

    Hey there!  I haven't heard about this either!  I'm your next door neighbor, I'm down in Littleton.  I would LOVE to go but I have to make sure I have a sitter.  If I have a sitter, then absolutely I will be there!!!!  How about you?

  • Stevesgirl

    August 1, 2011 at 10:50 am in reply to: Hello All!

    Welcome.  I have the same pole too and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!  I started poling on May 7 so I'm getting close to my 3 month anniversary

  • Stevesgirl

    July 29, 2011 at 6:47 pm in reply to: a day of ambulance, ER, doctors

    Well they started the EEG today.  Depending on what the findings are, she will have the EEG going until sometime between next Monday and next Friday.  She is not a happy camper lugging this thing around.   I've decided she will not go to school with this thing on.  I don't know how she can really get around anyway, but I don't want the kids making fun of her. 

  • Stevesgirl

    July 28, 2011 at 7:05 pm in reply to: HELP! Do you use 45 mm or 55 mm ?

    The studio I (sometimes) go to uses 50 mm.  My pole at home is a 45 mm Xpole Xpert titanium gold.  My hands are on the smaller size but not exceptionally so.  I find my hand grip is SOOO much better on the 45 mm.  I have only done spins on the 50 mm – I have never done a pole sit or invert at the studio but at home I am doing them often on my 45mm.  Since I never did other grips on the 50 mm, I can't compare the two.  I will tell you that I'm totally in love with my 45mm.  If I ever get another pole, I am positive I will get a 45 mm.  I also think that you just learn on whatever you have so you really can't go wrong.

  • Stevesgirl

    July 27, 2011 at 4:58 pm in reply to: I wish I had a top loading pole

    I have the 45 mm TG Xpole and I've not had a problem with the adjuster cover.  There was one time it started to unscrew, but I just tightened it and I've never had it happen again.

  • Stevesgirl

    July 26, 2011 at 10:44 pm in reply to: a day of ambulance, ER, doctors

    We saw the neurologist today.  He believes that my granddaughter probably has some sort of seizure disorder.  They are going to do an EEG and an MRI to see if they can tell anything from that.  The EEG that they are doing will take an entire week.  She is hooked up to all the little electrodes and those are attached to a portable recorder.  Her entire head will be bandaged up.  Unfortunately, she starts school (kindergarten) on Monday.  I don't want her to miss a whole week of school but I also don't want her going to school like that – kids can be so cruel.  In order to do the MRI, they will have to put her under sedation.  They want to wait a little while before they do that.  I guess they want her brain to have some recovery time after the seizure before they sedate her.  I am waiting to hear when they are going to schedule these procedures.  I think they are going to do the EEG as soon as possible.

  • Stevesgirl

    July 24, 2011 at 9:48 pm in reply to: a day of ambulance, ER, doctors

    We are back home now.  Thanks for all the well wishes.  The doctors told me that she is pretty old to be having the febrile seizures.  They said that since she had it at this age, there is a good chance she will have seizures later in life.  They did say they want the pediatric neurologist to be the final judge on that though.  I am hoping for the best, but I'm trying to prepare for the worst.  Usually, for us, it is always the 'worst'.  Seriously, my friends tell me that my sold purpose for being on this earth is to make them feel better about their lives! 

    I am terrified of letting her go to sleep tonight.  I want to sleep in her room tonight but I know I can't sleep in there forever.  I might be overreacting, but when my son was 12 years old, one of his best friends died from a seizure so I'm quite paranoid about seizures. 

    At least we are going to be able to get into see the specialist soon.  We are quite lucky on that part.

    Thanks again to everyone for the thoughts and prayers.  I really appreciate it.

  • Stevesgirl

    July 21, 2011 at 6:20 pm in reply to: Pole damage to floors/ceilings??

    sugartoe – I did have my pole up on a ceiling that was 'orange peel' too.  It was only up there for about 48 hours, but there were no marks at all on that either

  • Stevesgirl

    July 20, 2011 at 12:06 am in reply to: I INVERTED!!!!

    Thanks everyone.  I love being upside down!  It is so cool!

  • Stevesgirl

    July 19, 2011 at 11:47 pm in reply to: Pole damage to floors/ceilings??

    I have a 'popcorn' ceiling and an XPole.  It did leave a small 'ring' on the ceiling.  I can't stand popcorn ceilings anyway so I took the popcorn off and now I have a flat ceiling.  My pole has not left any marks, dents, or anything on the flat ceiling.

  • Stevesgirl

    July 16, 2011 at 8:49 pm in reply to: Alethea Austin and Be Spun DVD’s

    I don't believe anyone has gotten Alethea's DVDs yet.  She was having some sort of production problems.  We are hoping they will be shipped early next week.  There are quite a few of us who ordered these so I'm sure you'll get a review just as soon as someone gets their DVD.  I haven't seen the BeSpun DVD so sorry I can't comment on that. 

  • Stevesgirl

    July 12, 2011 at 4:01 pm in reply to: Need your opinion

    I would say if you really love sewing and designing and you think you'd enjoy it and it would be good for your career, then go for it!!!  Anything that is pole related, I'm definately interested (and I think most of the Veeners are too)!  By the way, I'm going to show my ignorance here, but where is Gatineau?

  • Stevesgirl

    July 12, 2011 at 12:36 am in reply to: super blue stuff vs. icy hot extra strength

    I have tried both and I think Super Blue Stuff is FARRRRR superior!  I tried an experiment a couple of different times after some hard sessions of poling, where I used Super Blue Stuff on one side and Icy Hot on the other.  The next day, my muscles felt so much better on the side I used Super Blue Stuff.  There was a HUGE difference in how sore one side of my body was verses the other.  Plus, I can't stand the smell of Icy Hot so that is two strikes against it.  That being said, it didn't do anything for the bruising – only sore muscles.  For the bruising, I use Arnicare and I SWEAR by that!  I bruise easily, I bruise BLACK, and I bruise BIG!  Arnicare helps these problems.  It also makes my bruises feel MUCH better.  As far as where to find Super Blue Stuff:  Do you have a King Soopers, City Market or Krogers?  They usually carry it and if they don't, just ask them and they will order it for you.  If you don't have these, I would ask your local supermarket if they could order it in – also ask in the pharmacy if they would order it for you.  (I think I MIGHT have seen it at Target also, but not positive.)  The Arnicare can usually be found at any speciality food stores, especially organic and natural food stores – Whole Foods, Vitamin Cottage – or online.  Hope this helps!

  • Stevesgirl

    July 10, 2011 at 8:56 pm in reply to: Splits Flexibility

    Thank you Veena.  You are truly a gem.  I can't wait!  I LOVE your lessons!  Thay are always so full of information and great easy to understand instructions.  (I especially love how you show how to do it wrong!  It really helps me make sure to do it right)

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