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  • Tamarinda

    June 2, 2015 at 11:08 pm in reply to: Anybody have tips or routines for beginners?

    Lazarenka. I like your “he should be happy watching me read a book, much less dance for him.” The mantra I repeat often is, “the day I feel like a need a man and he doesn’t need me is the day I loose.”

    If he doesn’t appreciate the time you take out to do something for him then send him on his way.

    He dates gorgeous women and you’re gorgeous. I saw your video. He’s seen what you look like with clothes and is pursuing you… he’ll probably like you. We’re meaner to our bodies then men are.

    Take him down a couple notches. Maybe he has student debt or something. Remind yourself that he is human and is not perfect nor can not have every facet of his life together and in no way better than you just because he’s a doctor, his looks, or his dating history.

  • Tamarinda

    June 2, 2015 at 2:14 am in reply to: Curious about the two step powder coating finish

    OMG! I called some companies and they were all closed cuz it was around 7. What a fantastic idea though and a bargain! I’m kind of scared to mess my pole up cuz poles are expensive. But I assume they know what they’re doing to have a business. I think I might go through with it.

  • Tamarinda

    June 1, 2015 at 7:23 pm in reply to: Curious about the two step powder coating finish

    What type of company would I call and ask them if they could do that?

  • Tamarinda

    June 1, 2015 at 7:22 pm in reply to: Curious about the two step powder coating finish

    Princess buttercup. How much money did that cost you?

  • Tamarinda

    May 21, 2015 at 3:24 pm in reply to: Studio Poles… And do you care?!

    There’s only one studio in the area I’m at. The first thing I did was call and ask about their poles.

    They didn’t know what I was talking about (maybe the person was new…) but eventually I found out they have chrome 50 non spin…

    I’m a college student and on a limited budget and I’m not going to spend my money on an expensive studio that is very limited in my opinion.

    I have a chrome .45 spin at home so… what’s the point.

    I was also weary of their teaching methods and felt it was unsafe as they hired people with virtually no experience… (I asked them about that too) I also saw videos on their youtube page of instructors falling while teaching…

    IF I had all the money to blow maybe I’d give it a chance but I got a negative impression.

    If I was under the impression that the teachers were awesome maybe I would spend money despite the poles.

    I don’t have the cash for a limited studio or the doctors bills when they instruct me into an injury.

  • Tamarinda

    May 21, 2015 at 3:09 pm in reply to: custom bumper sticker causing drama

    I saw it as someone who was proud of a hobby and maybe tired of tip toeing around polite society.

    I don’t put stickers on my car in case I need to run from the scene of a crime, and I fear the sticker may identify me.

    To each their own. It’s not the first sticker I’ve seen and though I don’t personally have them I don’t get upset.

    I’m not in her head but maybe she wants a little bit of attention or a reaction… So, who is she hurting.

    Why should people be shamed for standing out or deviating from the norm.

    Facebook said, as social media always does: Let’s shame her back into a box everyone. Maybe our shame will make her take it off and stop making people uncomfortable.

    Fact is, most of society thinks pole dancers are attention seeking whores.

    (But there’s so many other fitness routes they could take but they choose THAT ONE, GASP!!!)

    She could have went neutral with it and put “I love pole sport”. Nothing wrong with that. Some people still would have said. “It can never make it into the Olympics it’s only cardio, they call that a sport, hah!” Or maybe “oh a pole vaulter, cool.”

    What if it is snarky. Why should pole dancers silence themselves and be considerate toward the feelings of people that shame us in the first place.

  • Tamarinda

    May 19, 2015 at 11:53 am in reply to: What do you do when your pole is too “grippy?”

    You’re having this problem with a chrome pole, I’m so jealous!!! I live in the south by the water so it’s humid here. We have central AC downstairs and window units upstairs. My pole is upstairs. My pole sticks best in the winter when I don’t have that window unit running. I’ve thought about bringing it downstairs but less privacy. I feel like the window units do drag in moisture and make it less sticky so maybe it would be a solution for you. I’ve also heard about people using humidifiers or dehumidifiers depending on their needs…

  • Tamarinda

    May 18, 2015 at 1:07 am in reply to: Back stretching and felxibility

    Wow I would have never known that judging from your videos! You’ve kept in great shape despite your issues. So many people give up because injuries and health problems can be defeating. I’m glad you’re not, and staying active hopefully will prolong your need for a hip replacement.

    BTW I couldn’t touch my toes at 21 lol now I can but it took time. I’m glad you can. I think I read somewhere that people generally have an easier time gaining either back or lower body flexiness. People generally aren’t both and if one comes easier to them, the other may not. Back flexy is easier for me but legs are a struggle. Don’t be hard on yourself, be happy with what progresses you make, and stay safe!

  • Tamarinda

    May 18, 2015 at 12:43 am in reply to: custom bumper sticker causing drama

    The comments on that are disgusting, I hate male dominated facebook groups cuz they usually get very disrespectful and degrading toward women… Then you have a few snipey random women coming in and agreeing with the guys to try and make themselves seem cool and like one of the guys… Cool sticker though!!! You got a lot of people’s attention. I wish people would get over pole dancing and stop projecting their hang-ups on us, but probably not in my lifetime… It’s fun, endorphin rushes are great. Dancing is fun lol let’s get over it now. If you choose yoga as a release and had a sticker in a flexy yoga pose then nobody would have said anything… PS. Judging from this post it seems army wives have a lot to go through, much respect. But it was so cool that you had some support from people you know too 😀

  • Tamarinda

    May 17, 2015 at 10:04 pm in reply to: What do you do when your pole is too “grippy?”

    This thread is making me want to toss my chrome out the window 🙁

  • Tamarinda

    May 17, 2015 at 9:53 pm in reply to: Back stretching and felxibility

    I’m sorry you have so many issues with your back, it concerns me. I hope you don’t hurt yourself more and are ok to stretch your back. Somewhere out there Veena has a video on posture but I couldn’t find it. If you are ok’d to stretch I can not recommend Veena or Krsitina Nekyia more. They are both very thorough. They don’t just tell you to bend into a stretch they tell you which muscles should be utilized and where you should be feeling it. Sometimes it is something as simple as a pelvic tuck in certain stretches to take the stretch more into the upper back. Both of them have great cues and will let you know this, whereas some instructors or online videos tell you just to get from point a to b into a pose, with no cues in between lol.

    I’m so sorry for your posture and back issues hopefully strengthening and stretching and the world of pole can help correct certain things for you.

    Although I have never dealt with scoliosis, people have noted that I have better posture since beginning my journey. Also, I used to have pain and hip problems that were alleviated with stretching and strengthening.

    I hope you find what works for you and a solution!

  • Tamarinda

    May 17, 2015 at 9:27 pm in reply to: Back stretching and felxibility

    You mentioned in your first post that you want to focus the stretch on your upper back. This video is simple and gives me a great upper back and shoulder stretch. I do it when I’m warm as a prep stretch or in a hot shower, it feels yummy.

    You also mentioned cramps in your lower back, I tend to get those in my lower back too if I’m not warm enough or if I have cooled off. Sometimes I have to jump on an elliptical or get warm again. Although it could be because of scoliosis, I don’t know I’m not a trained professional but stay warm and stay safe. 🙂 It is easier for the body to focus the stretches on the lower back and it can be difficult to train upper back. I recommend Veena or Kristina Nekyia as references for great teaching. I wish you luck 😀

  • Tamarinda

    May 15, 2015 at 10:26 pm in reply to: Jade help!!!

    Aha!!! Ping pong balls from the hoo ha!!! Makes so much more sense now!!! Thank you for your instruction and passion, so helpful!

  • Tamarinda

    May 6, 2015 at 1:31 am in reply to: Who are your favorite pole dancers?

    I forgot Nadia Sharif… How could I… This is by far one of my favorite dances and I love everything she does!

  • Tamarinda

    May 5, 2015 at 11:16 pm in reply to: Who are your favorite pole dancers?

    I could link all day there’s so many inspiring freestyles.

    As far as here, Veena of course. Her dances are always inspiring and she makes thinks look so easy lol. She always reminds me why I started when she posts because she is just so graceful and connected when she dances and that’s something I would like to find.

    PoleLeo, PixieLouBell, and ScarlettHoney. All strong, flexy, and flowy dancers on here who know how to connect.

    As far as sexy style: Michelle Shimmy, Alethea Austin, Eva Bembo, Cleo the hurricane, and Felix Cane.

    Flowy: DirdyBirdy, Marion Crampe, and Bendy Kate.

    Tricksters: Anastasia Sokolova, Olga Koda, and oona kivela.

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