Forum Replies Created

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  • Tamarinda

    May 14, 2013 at 8:57 pm in reply to: SV Mentors

    I would like that. I recently moved over a thousand miles from home and I have three male roomates. I really need some sort of female companionship at this point. Lol. I love my roomates and they are great and really good to me but if anyone has ever lived with males… It's something…

    I've been lurking these forums, and I am really surprised. Anytime I see a group of women I try to go in the other direction or keep my distance. Women can be catty, mean, and destructive toward each other. I've never really seen somewhere where there is so much support and kindness like there is here… It's strange…

  • Tamarinda

    May 14, 2013 at 12:47 pm in reply to: Slight movement in pole?

    Thank you for taking the time to do that you're so awesome and helpful. TY!

  • Tamarinda

    May 14, 2013 at 12:09 pm in reply to: Slight movement in pole?

    I have this issue as well (x-pole). At first I thought it was normal and a quirk I was going to have to work around. Honestly it happens much too quickly and it gets worse as my session goes on and I have to keep constantly tightening it. I took it apart and at the bottom base part the screws are wearing it kinda funky.

    My ceiling is funky (older house) and my room-ate is going to put a piece of board up at the joist and he is going to build me a tile area for the bottom cuz I told him hate dancing on carpet. Maybe this added stability will correct the issue, but I'm not getting my hopes up on that one.

    After all this, I am going to put the pole back up and see how it performs however I doubt this will correct the issue so when it doesn't I plan on doing what is recommenced in this forum.

    I hope that forum helps you, it seems pretty legit to me. I won't be able to do this for a couple days as my pole is down but when I figure it out I will let you know. And if you figure it out please let me know

  • While we are on the subject how does a pole become warped or bowed I would hate for that to happen they are so expensive. How can I prevent things like this?

  • Tamarinda

    May 6, 2013 at 3:36 pm in reply to: 2013 May Challenge

    Pole dance is something positive for me to focus my energy on. It's not as easy as it looks and there are so many different things that go into it and it requires a lot of learning and time which doesn't leave room for negative thoughts or self-destructive behavior. It gives me a wonderful endorphin release and since I have started I feel that it has helped me with things like bi-polar disorder. To me I feel like if I can keep this in my life for as long as possible then it will benefit me greatly. When I feel down it helps me back up by focusing on something positive I can work on and it makes me feel proud to see little changes in progress each day. When I am feeling too keyed up, angry, aggressive, basically adrenaline filled, pole gives me a healthy outlet to release that tension.

  • Tamarinda

    May 5, 2013 at 3:30 pm in reply to: New to stretching confused about… Stuff…

    OMG! Thank you guys you are all so freaking helpful! I'm satisfied with the steady enough rate I am progressing at but like I said stretching is horrible for me and I feel like I am getting no where. I'm going to take your guy's advice.

    I plan on joining a yoga class in a few months once I get settled down and get income steady again. But in the mean time I already bought a yoga book and I plan on using Veena's lessons along with Youtube to further teach me what I need to do.

    I'll probably be using a lot of blankets, foam rollers, and yoga blocks for support  and just stay at the most basic forms and also I need to learn proper breathing and alignment and what not. When it comes to yoga patience truly does seem to be a virtue. As long as I am learning even though I feel it is so slooooow.

    I used to do Pilates in my teens I feel like I should get back into that again because I do need a varied workout otherwise I tend to get bored and if it benefits my pole heck yes!!!

    I truly appreciate all of you for taking the time out to help to help a fellow newbie. You ladies are all so wonderful and very beautiful! TY TY TY! Seriously you have no idea, you all are so helpful to me.

  • Tamarinda

    May 4, 2013 at 5:47 pm in reply to: New to stretching confused about… Stuff…

    Thank you guys you have been such great help :). Portableninja I definitely think yoga classes would benefit me a lot. It seems a bit intimidating though I imagine all these thin whispy women who can do backbends and stuff. I would feel so out of place. I'm sure it's not completely like that though so I need to get that out of my head and go to one when I get some funds together.

  • Tamarinda

    May 4, 2013 at 3:45 pm in reply to: New to stretching confused about… Stuff…

    I really appreciate your feedback. So basically I need to learn how to have more control over my muscles and isolate (instead of contracting the whole group). I also need to learn about the muscles and how they pair up with each other. This is a start and clears up confusion. Thank you for taking time to explain to a newbie I thought stretching would be simple I can't believe I've had so many issues. I've learned how out of tune I am with my body. I have a lot to learn. I barely taught myself how to stop rounding my back and I've realized I am going to have to take it much slower than I wanted cuz I don't want to injure myself by pushing it past what I am capable especially with improper form.

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