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Girl I am seriously considering a tummy tuck as well. my babies were both over 9lbs and im only 5ft tall https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_eek.gif , they stretched my skin so bad that it seriously is NOT going back to normal. I also dont have much sensation in it either. It looks disgusting. Its all extra skin too, if I could get it cut away it would take prob 2 inches off my waist, at least! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_eek.gif So from someone who knows exactly what you are feeling, id say do what is goin to make you feel less conscious about it. Im not at all embarassed about my stretch marks or anything, but I also KNOW that the skin is NOT ever gonna be even close to what it was, regardless of how much i work my core, it simply has lost all elasticity, like a 5 yo scrunchie. To have a "butt" in the front of my body is not hot! So Im choosing to get rid of it! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif
thanks so much https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
WOW! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_mrgreen.gif I just joined this site a few days ago, and havent gotten to know anyone real well yet. However, by my "lurking" Ive definately noticed how close knit the forum is, how well everyone knows each other, and how dedicated and caring Veena is towards us. Ive seen that all ppl of different sex, shapes and sizes are accepted and applauded for their efforts and successes. Noone has been made to feel embarassed or ashamed of anything. Support and love and unity is completely overflowing this forum. I love it. With a post baby body who is in need of a bit of cosmetic surgery I am still confident that when I do post my first video I wont be made to feel ugly or ashamed for what being a mother has done to my body, https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_redface.gif but that I will be commended for every single fall, and bump, and bruise that you will see from me trying to get where i want to be https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif ! I am super excited to get to know everyone more and involved in this community full fleged! Just waiting on my pole. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
add me to ur email list too please! its mailto:toccarathreatt@yahoo.com, thanks https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif
Im learning photography as well. I love it, absolutely love it! And that is a great pic!
I think you should write the magazine and inform them of the mistake. Theres no way Id let someone else get recognition for my hard work. That is a "door-opener" the way i see it. Just MO of course! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
hilarious! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif Im doing kegels right now at work though *squeeze* https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_mad.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif
Ok so Im trying to workout and get a little, well a lot more toned and in shape in preparation for the arrival of my pole, which im not sure when that is because im still saving to buy it, lol. But has anyone tried the nutiva shakes? Ive heard they’re good for say breakfast shakes or protein.
Veena, could you possibly recommend some exercises to do at home? thanks
yay for you! Im a "lurker" now, but its only because I havent been able to purchase my pole yet! And the classes are so far away from me that i cant even go take a class. So for now Im just doing regular workouts to build up my strength so that when i do get my pole ill be ready to take it on! lol But I look forward to seeing a video posted by you! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_sunny.gif
you are sooo right! In the past year, I have tried very hard to stop doing that to myself. If a man or anyone compliments me, I accept it and say "thank you!" People dont wanna continue to compliment you if youre just gonna tell them they’re wrong. Its also such a turn-off to men. All it does is show how insecure you are, and that is NOT a good look! For men or yourself. People are always gonna say bad things about you, you shouldnt include yourself in that. The more you say nice things about yourself the more you will begin to believe it! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif Lets love ourselves ladies!!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif
Ok cool thanks so much ladies! I think I WILL just go ahead and spend the money on what Im confident is a good purchase, the X-pole. Id hate to have things go wrong and have to go out and buy more over and over ya know?! thanks1 https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_thumright.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_thumleft.gif
lol ok i thought so, but wasnt sure! thanks https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_redface.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
thanks! But since im still so new, i dont understand what the difference is between a spinning pool, and static pole? https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_redface.gif