Forum Replies Created
MemberApril 2, 2011 at 4:01 pm in reply to: how to excuse your hubby from your pole sessionsI've only been practicing a few months and I must admit I prefer him not to be there for 2 reasons
1) He is a PROPER Chatabox. Only his mother can talk more ( I call him Son Of Running Mouth for jokes ) and
2) he is ready to jump up to my rescue at the slightest stumble, which I know is nice but still distracting.
If I can I'll sending upstairs to his Xbox or World of Warcraft. Hours of whatever I want
Thanks every one.
MemberMay 26, 2010 at 5:46 pm in reply to: Pole studio in Cambridge, UK and Hoops in Dublin!can you recommend one?
I can’t really as I haven’t got one yet, my birthday is not till July but I’ve been told I’m difficult to get for so I plan ahead. The one I have asked for is the 40" I have read that it is easier to learn on.
MemberMay 25, 2010 at 7:01 pm in reply to: Pole studio in Cambridge, UK and Hoops in Dublin!Hiya
I can’t help with the classes sorry
Although I have asked my boyfriend for a hoop for my birthday and showed him this website
They do deliver to Dublin but not sure the cost of postage otherwise its a google search on your area. Amazon also sell hoops too. Not forgetting ebay https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gifHope this helps
Where do you live?
Thanks Reenie
I’m the UK, Wirral right next to Liverpool which is were I’m from.
As for this site, I love reading the posts and the support everyone gives, its great. As with everyone life happens you take it as it comes, just like I have to go and get an inner tube for my bike then I’m out on it as it is a beautiful sunny day here, lots of factor 30 on. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_sunny.gif
Have fun.
Hello Everyone,
I haven’t posted in a while, but when I saw this thread I wanted to post.
I have tried to lose weight on my own and I generally can, I put it on a blog last September about my new regime and I pretty much fell at the first hurdle. As part of my regime I put my pole up but only for a week last September, when I realised that I had absolutly no strength and was sooooo unfit that I felt really bad about myself. I took the pole down while I had visitors and it has not gone back up as yet.
I was a weight watchers member about 8 years ago and lost over 100lb and was 5lb of my goal but never got there, tho the weight was maintained until about 2 years ago and I put (pretty much) it all back on.
About mid March I decided that I would give my health another go and signed up for a 5k run The Race For Life for cancer research in July and I managed to get the 5k done in stages of 2 to 3 min jogs (more feels like a skip) and 1 min walk and I felt the benifits
It was when I was on holiday about 2 weeks ago that I decided that I was going to rejoin WW as I don’t want to be here in 6 months time wondering (like I am now) why I never kept trying to shed the weight. I had managed to lose about 10lb before joining WW last week and on my visit this week I lost a further 4.5lb. I am sooooo chuffed that I feel that there is light at the end of the tunnel that is not a flame thrower……
I also want to get the pole up this weekend as I am on a little bit of a high, even tho I know I need to learn it and won’t be able to do much.
I don’t have that many friends were I live so support I suppose is key for me, even getting it of strangers, that will probably become friends due to the same experiences is also a benefit.
I am jogging, cycling and doing core work with weights to prevent flabby skin, drink lots of fluid. No alcohol and track the food I eat. I know this time its coming off -
That was awesome https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif I have not seen RG before. I enjoyed that a lot i’ve facebooked it. It has to be shared more
Thanks for sharing
Tracy -
Congratulations on your new arrival. You have a beautiful baby Best wishes.
Tracy -
I have a 50mm x-pole I weigh over 220lb however I can’t climb it yet I don’t have the strength. Also you see poles take 2 people at one time. Something to think on.
Tracy -
Congratulations on your new job.
Hope everything works out well.
Tracy -
Hi all.
I would like to mirror what some people have said, surgery is fine if there are elements that are affecting your life.
I had a breast reduction when I was 21 and it improved my quality of life pretty much instantly. Some people it doesn’t bother but it did me, my boobs were big and round but also long that they touched my belly out of a bra. Before the op I wouldn’t go out much as they were huge and protruding, if I went out to a club or bar and was chatting to blokes they chatted to my boobs and in some cases men think its ok to groap you because they are there and to be honest I wasn’t (and still not) that type of girl. I did lose weight over 30lb to prove that no matter what I weighed the boob size was the same. I went from an F to a D cup and now my body looks in better proportion. My posture improved and clothes fitted better. However I must add that now post op when I lose or gain weight so do my boobs.
My weight is up and down and at the moment I must weigh 17stone + (240lb ish) but would never have an op to help me lose the weight or fix aspects that have resulting in me having all this weight as I feel ok about that and know that I will lose the weight as I have done many times before with exercise and a better diet. I’m just wanting a mental fix that helps me keep the weight off.
Just make sure that you are happy with the surgeon, after care and know about possible side affects etc
Tracy -
I found this on dailymotion, thought it maybe worth a watch
I’m 34, will be 35 in July, I’m 5′ 7" and all I know is that I’m very overweight and will not weigh myself as I have an obsessive personality and will be checking it every day. The last set of scales broke 4 years ago and I will NOT ever replace them. Fitness and health have to come before appearence, once they are in place I feel everything else falls into place nicely.
I have just received my xpole last week https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif but I was away when it came and I will be away a fair bit over the next few weeks so I am holding off setting it up. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_bounce.gif
I used to run a lot and I was often over taken by pensioners so age has never been a concern of mine and to be fair there are so many people that look better as they age.
Everyone on here, there ages range from teenage upwards, I think its a good thing. Lets not be told we are too old to do anything
Tracy -
They have both been added to my favorites, they were great https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
Tracy -
Hello All
I would too like to share on my experience.
I’m new here and I have too had some ups and downs. I have the attitude you take the rough with the smooth.
However lately there has been a little more rough than I would have liked. At the moment I don’t like going out unless I have too, and I used to be out more than I was in. I injured my leg running and have been unable to get it to any point that I could go out and run ( once a passion of mine) and as a result I have gained a ton of weight. It may be true that I kind of let myself go. I suffer with depression but I always keep a positive attitude even in cases that may seem a little bleak.
In January I was told I had a stomach ulcer and because medication didn’t fix it I’m now having to have a visit to the hospital for investigation. My jobs sucks big but pays quite well that it’s difficult to bite the bullet and take a pay cut for a new role.
A couple of weeks ago I had some leave to take, while I was at home, I was on youtube, I can’t even remember what I was looking at and there was a pole dancing video which I looked at. From that moment on I have looked into it and it has led me here. I am in the process of all the stress of building work about to start in May for my kitchen and dining room so at the very latest I will have my xpole by June. For the time being it is now a case of getting a little fitter and active.
Life has a funny way of happening, if one door closes you open another.
I don’t know where this will lead me if anywhere but I can hardly wait for the journey. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_bounce.gif
Tracy https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif