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Fun challenge! I'm in!
Oh I would love to get an invite!!!
@Leahrose I also sit like that, i find it comfy. Sounds scary that it's bad for your kneeshttps://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_surprised.gif
@miraine yes as soon as you’ve payed they send you a link via email! There is no new or unique stretches on there, so if you already know a lot of stretches, you don’t need this dvd! I bought it because I need to have a routine to follow and I get bored if it’s the same routine everytime.
Just bought, and did, the front split/spine dvd. I really liked it, but it's soo hard to hold the stretches for one minute! I think I'm gonna do Veenas stretches 2 times a week and then VB once every week. Flexyness here I come…https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
I think Im gonna get the dvds as well 🙂 at least the one for the backbend, since there isn’t a routine for that on this site. Yet 😉
Do you guys think I could benefit from having the valentino brothers dvds even though I already do veenas flexibility training? Or is it basically just the same thing?
Polediva55: I'm one of those strange people who love to have strict schedules…I've only been poling for 3 weeks, so i guess it's to early to have a proper evaluation, but so far I've had great progress, can't believe how strong I've become.https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_rambo.gif
I have the dvd sensualscimitar is talking about and although I like Rachel Brice, I really don't like that DVD. I'm not into yoga and that dvd somehow managed to make yoga even more boring to me than it usually is. She goes through the movements really fast and doesn't go over how to do the poses correctly, just nemas a long name of a move that sounds like jibber jabber for a non-yogini. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif I've had the dvd for about a year and have only used it once..
I'm a newbie, but this is what I do
– Warm up (5-10 minutes of just dancing/veenas basic warm up)
– Practicing tricks 30 minutes
– Veenas Conditioning exercises 20 minutes
– Veenas Flexibility training for splits 50 minutes
– stretching 10 min
– Warm up/hot bath depending on how I'm feeling
– Flexibility training for back 20 min.
– Warm up (5-10 minutes of just dancing/veenas basic warm up)
– Practicing tricks 30 minutes
– Veenas Conditioning exercises 20 minutes
– Veenas strength training routine
– Veenas Flexibility training for splits 50 minutes
– stretching 10 min
Same as tuesday
– Warm up (5-10 minutes of just dancing/veenas basic warm up)
– Choosing 4-5 tricks and incorporating them into a dance in 4 different songs (tip I got from Aerial Amys blog to increase fluidity)
– Veenas Conditioning exercises 20 minutes
– Veenas Flexibility training for splits 50 minutes
Same as tuesday and thursday
oppsie, rather looong post https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
HollySatine what a great tip, working on your flexibility while in an elbow stand. I'm gonna try it tomorrowhttps://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif
I wanna knoooooow 🙂
Happy birthday! And thank you for a wonderful site!!https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif