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  • Vdub

    December 29, 2012 at 8:07 am in reply to: 40mm or Fly Gym

    Anyone have experience with the omni, fly and aerial empowerment hammock?  I was going to purchase a flygym because that's the only one I'd ever heard of until I found this forum string (LOVE this site).  I was also drawn to the flygym because it says you can use it to spot yourself on the pole.  But, now that I'm reading about the three of them, I'd like something to help with my TIGHT shoulders, back and hips.  I'd appreciate any relevant experiences you ladies may have with any of the three, or all, of these apparatuses (sp?).

  • Vdub

    December 28, 2012 at 1:48 pm in reply to: Flygym

    I want one of these but I have cement ceilings and I rent so I don't want to put in any holes that I can't get rid of 🙁

  • Vdub

    December 5, 2012 at 7:24 am in reply to: gluten free/dairy free, eating more vegetables

    I'm a GF/DF/SF vegeterian (and I feel great when I follow my diet and not so great when I don't.  I've had this diet for over 10 years.  Contrary to popular opinion, it doesn't feel restrictive if you focus on all the good stuff you "can" have (quinoa, millet, etc) instead of focusing on what you "can't" have (store bought junk food, etc).  Actually, after you've eaten this way for awhile you'll find that you don't crave gluten or junk food anymore.

    My biggest tip would be to get into green smoothies and have one each day.  If you're interested, message me and I can give you info for an online group that does a green smoothie challenge and has tons of information about doing so (all free).  Green smoothies really help cut cravings.

    You might also want to read Wheat Belly to get an understanding of why wheat may be causing your stomach issues.  He also talks about how certain GF foods are no better than gluten foods when they contain certain starches, etc.  This was the problem I had when I first switched my diet….no gluten but tons of store bought GF foods…..not a good idea.

    I could go on forever, but I'll stop here 😉

    Good luck!

  • Vdub

    November 27, 2012 at 7:16 am in reply to: Skype/Pole Jam friends

    Hey Luvlee, I requested you as a friend on Skype.  My name is poler4life.  Accept and then we can set up a jam.

  • Vdub

    November 22, 2012 at 6:20 am in reply to: The man (or woman) in the background

    My husband works at our desk with his back to me.  He thinks I don't notice when he turns his head slightly and tries to sneak a sideglance…lol!  My dog used to try and play around the pole whle I practiced until I accidenatlly kicked him one time….now he runs out of the room or stays in his bed and just watches. 

  • Vdub

    November 17, 2012 at 6:55 am in reply to: My POLE BLOG is up for a 10K Scholarship!

    Voted and will continue to do so daily.  Good luck!

  • Vdub

    November 15, 2012 at 9:11 am in reply to: MY GOAL OF THIS MONTH – love Challenge

    I watched some of your youtube vids…you're very strong so I've no doubt you'll meet your challenge 🙂

  • Vdub

    November 9, 2012 at 7:36 am in reply to: Fun New Floor Trick

    Hotelchick – I can't post either because I too was out of the frame!  And, I realized my shorts were on inside out…lol!  I remember the combo, though so we'll definitely work on it next week.

  • Vdub

    November 7, 2012 at 8:36 pm in reply to: Fun New Floor Trick

    Nice.  Thanks for sharing….always looking for something new!


  • Vdub

    November 5, 2012 at 6:22 am in reply to: pole dance attire

    I'm looking for pole dance attire as well so I'll try these sites.  Anyone have any sites in particular that carry tops that fit a D cup?  I've had trouble finding tops that don't let the girls spill out when I invert.  I've seen other women with boobs invert with no problem….what should I be wearing?   Also I prefer tops that don't have a  lot of cleavage.  I've a few sports bras that I use, but I'd like something more pretty….maybe with a little glitter!

  • Vdub

    October 27, 2012 at 5:23 pm in reply to: Deep pain in hip/butt….

    I had the same pain for about 9 months before I finally found relief.  Chiro and stretching only worked temporarily.  Foam rolling was a bit better, but the pain would inevitably return.  What really worked for me was pilates.  I found a great instructor who explained to me that my glutes were weak and my hip flexors were too tight.  After working with her for 3 sessions, the pain went away and hasn't returned.  Now I can do my stretching and anything else without pain.  Look up piriformis syndrome on wikipedia and you may get an idea of the muscles you need to strengthen and/or stretch to get rid of the pain.  Pilates is rather pricey for the refomer sessions so now I do group reformer which isn't as expenseive.  I also do matt classes.  Good luck!

  • Vdub

    October 20, 2012 at 10:08 am in reply to: What’s on your pole playlist?

    Can anyone recommend a site to find and download cover music?

  • Vdub

    September 23, 2012 at 3:59 pm in reply to: Pole “stage” name

    I LOVE this thread.  I've been struggling with a stage name for a long time.  I don't perfomr (yet), but I want a FB page and I don't want to use my real name.  Awhile ago, a friend came up with Indigo Pole….I don't really like it.

    Using the pet/street name my stage name would be Shep Easy…doesn't sound so good.   I lived on Easy Street….. I don't think I'd want to pair anything with the word "easy."

    I kind of like my grandmother's name…Katherine.  I think it's strong and confident.  I also like Roxy for that same reason.

    I love the outdoors so I'm thinking of using Sierra or Skye in my name. I like jewels too.



  • Vdub

    September 3, 2012 at 10:03 am in reply to: You may be a pole dancer if…

    Oh, one more thing….

    You may be a pole dancer if the housekeeper tries to clean your pole and you immediately jump up and give him a lecture about NOT ever cleaning the pole because you have a special way of doing it (true story…the guys eyes got real big and he just nodded okay….hilarious).

  • Vdub

    September 3, 2012 at 10:01 am in reply to: You may be a pole dancer if…

    Love this thread!

    You may be a pole dancer if you convince your husband that you only need one couch in the living room because you need the rest of the space to pole (who wants company anyway)!

    You may be a pole dancer if you tried to change your wedding date at the last minute because you realized you wouldn't be able to go to the pole convention.  (yep, I tried, but it was too late…darn).

    You may be a pole dance if you told your husband you couldn't go on your honeymoon "that weekend" because you were going to a pole jam.

    You may be a pole dancer if you find yourself pointing your toes and moving your legs around while on the train because you're doing pole moves in your head

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