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  • Vdub

    September 1, 2012 at 10:44 am in reply to: Shawn Frances Lee "Slink, Slide, and Melt"

    I found it online last year on some obscure site and ordered it.  I never received it and when I contacted Shawn it took her forever to respond.  When she finally did take the time to respond, her response was almost exactly what others have cited here.  In a nutshell, she kept saying she'd mail it and she never did so I ended up getting a refund. You'd be better off trying to find someone with a copy they want to sell than trying to buy it from her.  Sad because I've heard from many that it's a good DVD.

  • Vdub

    August 28, 2012 at 4:33 pm in reply to: Skype/Pole Jam friends

    I just added a bunch of you to my skype contact list.  My skype name is poler4life so accept my request and let me know when you want to jam!

  • Vdub

    August 28, 2012 at 4:31 pm in reply to: Skype/Pole Jam friends

    @hotelchick, that would work for me.  Let me know.

  • I agree with watergirl.  Throw a party for her and her friends in the privacy of someone's home or at a studio.  Let them have fun with one another and see if she likes it.  I'm 44 and what got me itno poling was taking a semi private class (there were only 3 of us) with Michelle Mynx (I had no idea who she was at the time ;).  She was (is) an awesome teacher so make sure you find someone good for your mom's party.

  • Vdub

    July 11, 2012 at 9:16 pm in reply to: Hey girls (:

    HeadOverHeels I used to live in Cincinnati and took classes at both of the studios.  Bella Forza is a beautiful studio and the poles are taller than any I've ever seen.  The pricing was awesome so I was able to pole 3 times a week without breaking the bank.  Check it out. 

  • Vdub

    July 11, 2012 at 1:27 pm in reply to: What are you pole work out routines like???

    @shariya, matt pilates can work really well depending on the instructor.  I've taken classes that were so-so and then I've taken classes that were really good.  You just have to try different instructors and see what works best for you.  I've tried doing pilates at home, but it didn't really work out for me becaues I felt I needed someone there to correct my form.

  • Vdub

    July 11, 2012 at 7:31 am in reply to: What are you pole work out routines like???

    Shariya I really like pilates.  I've noticed that it's helped with my core.  But, like everything else, once you start you have to keep going or else your abs will revert to what they were.  It can be a bit pricey to work on the reformer, but if you find a studio that has good mat pilates classes you can save yourself a few bucks.

  • Vdub

    July 10, 2012 at 9:04 pm in reply to: What are you pole work out routines like???

    I try and do cardio 2-3X week, 2 pole classes (2 hours each), 1-2 pilates classes, and stretching.  I'd like to add more and structure it a bit better, but this is it for now. There are some great ideas here so thanks for asking the question!  

    BTW, I'm interested to know what rehab exercises RoseMay does as I have have problems with my shoulders and back sometimes.

  • Vdub

    March 9, 2012 at 9:38 pm in reply to: Poles per instructor

    I've been in classes with up to 15 people and 12 poles.  I didn't care for the experience.  There's just not enough time for the instructor to possibly help eveyone and move the class forward at an acceptable rate.  I find myself standing around alot in larger classes and it not only cools my body off, but it turns me off of the studio as well.  On the flipside, I've had classes with only 4-6 people and it was great.  Everyone had their own poles and the instructor was able to help everyone without anyone else feelig slighted.  I think 8 people in a class is about the max with one instructor.  

    Might be a good idea to look those studios that have larger classes and compare them to those that have smaller classes.  My guess would be that studios that have large classes and multiple people per pole have higher turnover rates and constantly have to market for new students whereas those with smaller classes have more repeat students who build a commraderie not only with other students, but with the instructor as well.   Maybe some folks on the forum who teach or own studios can comment.

  • Vdub

    March 7, 2012 at 6:04 am in reply to: Over 40 polers!!!

    Started poling when I was 40 and today I turn 44…woo hoo!    I'm not very flexibly and have given up on trying to mimick the 20 something year old "bendy" girls in class.  I've also added more protein to my diet to help with recovery and that's working out very well.  So glad to see so many 40 plus polers!

  • Vdub

    January 21, 2012 at 11:43 am in reply to: Can anyone recommend a routine dvd?

    I have the same problem with putting moves together.  Who is Bobbi and where can I find her DVDs?

  • Vdub

    January 21, 2012 at 11:37 am in reply to: Dry skin and poling

    I tried coconut oil and found that it just sits on my skin so I think Empyrean is right in that it's not a good moisturizer.  I was getting a pedicure yesterday and asked the lady about the dry skin on my feet.  She said to oil them before going to bed at night.  When I told her that I'd tried coconut oil she said it doesn't work because the molecules (or something like that) are too big and can't be absorbed through the skin.  She told me to try olive oil instead, which I put on last night for the first time before bed (I also wore socks).  When I woke up, the skin on my feet wasn't as dry so maybe it absorbed properly?  I plan to keep doing it because she said I'd notice a huge difference in about 4 days.  She said you can also use it on your body.

    Spoke to someone else about my dry skin at the apothecary pharmacy near my house and she swears by Ahava products.  She said to use the dead sea clay on really dry patches, sit in a tub of the dead sea salts and then moisturize with the Ahava lotion.  I tried it last night before using the olive oil… dry skin is driving me crazy and I'm determined to moisten things up a bit (actually, a lot!). 

    For poling, I use corn huskers and have found that it makes my body more likely to stick to the pole.

    Otherwise, I heard that drinking a lot of water (which I do) and adding coconut oil to your diet  helps alot.  You might also want to try increasing your EFAs in your diet.

  • Vdub

    January 11, 2012 at 8:34 pm in reply to: Lil Mynx pole on carpet or hard flooring?

    I had my LM on hardwood flooring for about a year and a half and it didn't slip not once (I used the non-slip pad). 

  • Vdub

    January 8, 2012 at 7:56 am in reply to: Anyone else having this problem?

    My dog used to come to the pole everytime I practiced until I accidentally kicked him in the head.  Now he runs out of the room everytime I get on the pole.

  • Vdub

    January 6, 2012 at 8:00 am in reply to: Looking for Chicago Veeners

    Empyrean I don't see a car in my future. Parking in the city cost hundreds per month, which would be a waste since most things are within walking distance.  I'll try and come out for some of your Saturday workshops.

    Luvlee you still have Vixen and others in CInci, not to mention all the polers in Cbus.  Have you checked out any of the classes with Asma?  She teaches at the community center in Dayton. Check her out.  She's a good dancer and a good teacher as wel. She also likes to get together to jam.

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