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  • I used to have serious yeast and bacterial infection issues. It was incredibly frustrating, so I know  your pain!

    I had never had one before in my life, then I started getting either a bacterial infection or yeast infection every two months like clockwork. It didn't matter when in my cycle it was either. My poor boyfriend thought it was him since the first time I got one was about 4 or 5 months after we started dating (sleeping together). My gyno (Planned Parenthood) said that it could be sperm, but we had stopped using condoms (after being tested, of course and I'm on the pill) a while before that and it wasn't a problem before, nor had I ever had that problem with any previous boyfriend. The doc said it could be perfumes and dyes in detergents, soaps, etc… anything that comes in contact with my lady parts. I switched everything, ate less sugar and white flours, tried EVERYTHING. I still got them every two months.

    This went on for about a year and a half, and the whole time my boyfiend swore it was him. Then I thought back to when I first started getting them. I had made a change in the toilet paper I bought. I had started using Scott Naturals, which contains recycled material. I switched back to what I had used before (the plain Scott) and the infections stopped.


    SO, if you have tried everything, change your toilet paper. It's worth a try.

  • Yogini

    May 6, 2011 at 3:09 pm in reply to: Yoga…at home?

    Hello Runemist!

    Yoga is such a great practice, even if  you can only squeeze 10-15 minutes a day in. I especially think supplementing pole with yoga is a great idea. Yoga works muscles I miss in pole, and vice versa. Plus it works wonders with flexibility.

    As a daily routine, I suggest following any/all of the tips in the above posts. My personal practice, when I can't get to a class for a while, is: 5 surya namaskar A; 5 surya namaskar B; a mix of standing poses like the warrior sequences, high lunge, parsvottanasana, triangle, revolved triangle; back bending poses like bridge and wheel; seated forward bends and twists, pigeon pose, wide-legged forward bend; headstand; shoulderstand; plow; fish; savasana. If I'm pressed for time, I only do the 5 rounds of surya A and 5 rounds of surya B. It takes under 10 minutes and gets the heart pumping. At the bare minimum, I suggest 5 rounds of surya A. Aside from the suryas, which move with each breath, I hold each pose for about 5 breaths (longer in forward bends).

    As Dustbunny suggests, go to for photos of the poses and how to be in proper alignment in them. Yoga Journal is a really great resource!

    Sorry if I got too specific! I'm a certified yoga teacher with over 10 years personal practice, so it's kind of a passion, I guess! I don't know much, but I know my yoga 🙂

  • Yogini

    May 4, 2011 at 12:14 pm in reply to: Do you wear your pole shorts with or without undies?

    I personally prefer to wear undies with my shorts. I'm just nervous that I'll try a move and my lady parts will somehow get exposed. As for the kind of undie- I like a thong, but will wear briefs occasionally. This might be TMI, but my favorites are these: 

    The lace waist really helps prevent any panty-line issue. And they're comfortable and sexy, so win-win.

    But anyway, the shorts are lined, and seem to be acceptable to be worn without, so maybe it's just preference…

  • Yogini

    April 25, 2011 at 10:51 am in reply to: Hot Yoga &menstruations

    Oh, also for food- I agree red meat if you eat meat. If not- I would eat high-iron veggies. Or, perhaps try a multivitamin with iron. I think dark greens are good for iron, but I’m not a nutrition expert, so don’t take my word on it…


  • Yogini

    April 25, 2011 at 10:40 am in reply to: Hot Yoga &menstruations

    I have been practicing yoga for a long time and have my 500 hour certification to teach hatha and vinyasa. Typically we say that it’s okay to practice while menstruating but do not practice inversions. The idea there is that your body is expelling the flow downward and to turn upside down would pull that energy back in. I believe in ashtanga yoga, they recommend not practicing for the first 2-3 days of your cycle. I think it’s ok to practice during that time, but be mindful of your body and do not invert (no headstands, shoulderstands, etc). And of course, if you feel dizzy, rest! Everyone’s capabilities fluctuate daily. Don’t be discouraged if you find it difficult to do something that was easy last week. I feel that the same thoughts apply to pole. I wont practice inverts if it’s early in my cycle; I’ll work on climbing and spins instead…

    I hope this is helpful!

  • Yogini

    April 22, 2011 at 9:08 am in reply to: USPDF….What to wear!!

    Veena- I was wondering the same thing!

    I'm only able to go to the Pro Competition (can't take the whole day off from work), and I originally thought jeans and a tee would be fine. But then I figued if we go to the after-party, jeans and tees are probably not appropriate.

    I've never been to a pole comp before, so I am just about clueless, but at this moment, I'm planning to wear jeans, heels, and a nice top. This all depends on this thread though and if others have better suggestions, I might change my outfit idea 🙂

    Oh, and check the weather!!! Currently it's a high of 65 and low of 51 with rain.

    BTW, I am SOOOO excited to meet fellow Veeners! I have only been poling since January and am consistently pleased with the comaraderie of the community.

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