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  • amcut

    January 5, 2012 at 10:29 pm in reply to: Platinum Stages and X-Pole Side By Side Demo

    Weird.  I'm a platinum Stages user.  I feel the need to chime in because I use PS poles exclusively and I love PS and I drink the kool-aid.

       I … would not buy the standalone.  I don't like it, it's doodoo, and has been a danger since it was released.. That said, I thought the demo left out the good things about the PS standalone, that it has despite being doodoo.  Like the spin mechanism on PS poles being convenient, or the fact that it offers a convenient drop to do floorwork.  It also didn't mention the bad things about the xpole, like those sturdy old legs getting in the way of everything.

    THAT SAID.  None of the missing items are really THAT important.  Really, the standalone is DOODOO, and the most important part of the video came across just fine.

    Plus, no one would be inclined to make a positive review when the damned pole didn't even come with all of it's parts shipped.  Jeez.

    So, the creepy witch needs to go.  It's completely reasonable to boot her the hell off.  She's insulting, and rude, and a troll.   

    As a platinum stages user who can say, "Yeah, that pole is some poop", here is my opinion.   I support you, V.   BOOT.



  • The stained concrete would look gorgeous (I too lovelove concrete) but I imagine it would be super hard on the knees.

    Hah, everyone was okay with the mirrors.  Both times they were having an evil ruckus and ran before the thing hit the ground.

    Poor puppy, though!  Kudos to you for your patience!  I wish more owners were willing to take in problem dogs and find creative ways around the problems.   My Ginger suffered acute renal failure because her previous owners thought it was cool to leave her out in the snow for the whole damn day without any shelter…. so then she had to pee every few minutes and drink ridiculous amounts of water.. leading to more every few minute pees.  

  • amcut

    October 10, 2011 at 10:20 pm in reply to: Pole dance: polici and rules in class

    I can see signing them beforehand.  I think it may be signs in particular that bother me.  Also, I prefer Policies over Rules and the words conduct and misbehavior are big turn offs. 

    Granted, I'm a weirdo, so my opinions are quite easily ignored.  Heheh.

  • amcut

    October 10, 2011 at 10:20 pm in reply to: Pole dance: polici and rules in class

    I can see signing them beforehand.  I think it may be signs in particular that bother me.  Also, I prefer Policies over Rules and the words conduct and misbehavior are big turn offs. 

    Granted, I'm a weirdo, so my opinions are quite easily ignored.  Heheh.

  • amcut

    October 10, 2011 at 2:47 am in reply to: Los Angeles aerial/pole studio looking for instructors!

    Congratulations!  I'm sure you'll be able to find an amazing instructor in the land of plenty! 

  • amcut

    October 10, 2011 at 2:43 am in reply to: Pole dance: polici and rules in class

    I.. would be mildy offended by a rule sheet.  Especially misbehavior.  Like, "Don't do it without a spotter" on the wall is one thing.  Safety rules are cool.

    I'm not going to wear no panties and big leg shorts, scream in the room, bring my 7 kids in, or make appointments and then miss them, but I don't want to hear about how I can't, either. 

    Just like signs in the doctor's office, they are just somehow annoying.  If someone doesn't have the human decency to be considerate, no sign is going to make them be so, but you are going to annoy the normal people who don't want to feel like they're in gradeschool. lol

  • I've danced on lineoleum before and I liked it.  The kind I had was actually kind of cushy so it was really nice for floorwork. I imagine that would be OK for the pup!  Do you crate train?  🙂

    As far as mirrors, the best thing to do is just to order them from either a glass company (for one big solid)  or just get pieces from a hardware store and mount them yourself (large squares like for bathroom vanity mirrors).  Another option is to get Mirror Closet doors and lean them against your wall, but I warn against it because I used to have them and my dogs toppled them over.  They're really cheap and work well while they last though.



  • amcut

    September 12, 2011 at 3:30 am in reply to: Who has a YouTube channel?

    Jesus.  I didn't even know there were this many pole dancers on youtube that I didn't know about!




  • amcut

    June 26, 2011 at 5:46 pm in reply to: Extreme super pole multi piece….

    Oh wow!  I didn't know little mynx has different stainless now.  I guess if they fixed their rotator problems, I would be down to go with them.  Then again, my pole is merry and doesn't really want replacing!

    Me no likey chrome! 



  • amcut

    June 26, 2011 at 5:44 pm in reply to: Extreme super pole multi piece….

    Meh, I have an original multipiece superpole and I love it to death.

    Mine is always fused together when I take it down, and I just loosen them with strap wrenches.

    I've heard a ZILLION terrible stories from both sides, like, terrible terrible.

    I can say that Kim is the only person who gets anything done at Platinum Stages and she can be a super bitch. 

    On that side note, chrome is not meant for me, and little mynx rotators (their removable) don't seem to be made for opposite side spinner users, which I am.  I also think little mynx's stainless steel feels funky compared to Platinum Stages.

    My next pole will be a PS, and Kim and I will just have to duke it out if it comes out wrong. 😉

  • amcut

    May 30, 2011 at 2:17 pm in reply to: I have a question for everyone…..

    Damn.  Eff you, "save thread" button!   Good thing my last statement was important enough to be posted THREE TIMES.

  • amcut

    May 30, 2011 at 2:16 pm in reply to: I have a question for everyone…..

    Everyone who has said they they are a stripper in this thread is immediately required to make a floorwork video, stat.

  • amcut

    May 30, 2011 at 2:16 pm in reply to: I have a question for everyone…..

    Everyone who has said they they are a stripper in this thread is immediately required to make a floorwork video, stat.

  • amcut

    May 30, 2011 at 2:16 pm in reply to: I have a question for everyone…..

    Everyone who has said they they are a stripper in this thread is immediately required to make a floorwork video, stat.

  • amcut

    May 18, 2011 at 9:07 pm in reply to: fave combos?

    I'm not very good at spin combos, but I like chair, to reverse grab, to splits.  I like a lot of boomerang combos.. like boomerang to attitude…

    I like all the upright combos, where it's like climb, big x, wrist seat, spin down, splits… or climb, sexy climb down, cross ankle release, bridge, bow and arrow, etc.

    Inverted, I really love Aysha into butterfly, into flatline scorpio.  Sexy! 🙂

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