Forum Replies Created

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  • amcut

    May 18, 2011 at 9:02 pm in reply to: how long

    Since my lapdances are for business rather than pleasure (business = 1 song) I roll through three or four songs.  I may start on the floor, showing off, move into his lap for the second one, and then have him lay down for the third one… 


  • amcut

    May 18, 2011 at 8:59 pm in reply to: Which is better for “Thunder Thighs”

    Hehehe, not unless you're a masochist!  The smaller diameters are a lot more painful for thigh holds, so I'd stick with the 50m if that's your concern.  Of course, they make a lot of spins and grips nice, so it's give and take! 🙂

  • amcut

    May 18, 2011 at 5:47 am in reply to: Notification Separation

    ooh, well, they say prevention is the best remedy!  Now I have to go check what other commentable items have this unfollow button! LOL

  • amcut

    May 18, 2011 at 3:38 am in reply to: Creepy Creepers Lurking!!!!

    Yeah, this last challenge totally looks like pure pornography to me.  With some of y'all doubling up your videos on youtube, I've no doubt there will be a rise in creepers.


    Unfortunately, there are creepers everywhere and they find everything sexy, so unless you intend to do nothing (and some of them will find that sexy) there's nothing you can do about it.



  • amcut

    May 14, 2011 at 5:46 pm in reply to: I Made National Television!

    Yeah, you're totally in your house rockin' out.

    That sound effect scared the bejesus out of me, though!

  • amcut

    May 13, 2011 at 3:50 pm in reply to: floor problem – help wanted!!

    ..that’s strange! It must be a soft wood. I had hardwoods in my last home and my heels left scuffs that I could clean up, but no gouges…

    Of course, then I was complaining about my knees hurting from the hard hard wood. LOL

  • amcut

    May 13, 2011 at 7:56 am in reply to: floor problem – help wanted!!

    Huge recipe for disaster. Chemmie, was that sheet of bathroom business stable? Maybe I could find a MASSIVE piece and slide along slide along. I swear I hate renting. I should just pull it up and dare them to complain about new hardwood floors.

  • amcut

    May 13, 2011 at 7:47 am in reply to: floor problem – help wanted!!

    I hate carpet floorwork. Can I lay a piece of linoleum down over my carpet, or is that a recipe for disaster?

  • amcut

    May 7, 2011 at 4:25 pm in reply to: International Pole Convention 2011, West Palm Beach

    Whoa! I didn’t know the workshops were that large. I can’t imagine that many damn people!!

    No thanks!

  • amcut

    May 5, 2011 at 7:52 pm in reply to: Do you wear your pole shorts with or without undies?

    Hahahahah. So, thong, but no cleanup detail? Hahahahah.


    My crack is reeeeally long and over all these years of it being crazily long if someone notes it to me, I never adjust. I’m like, “yeah, look at my ABNORMALLY LONG CRACK SO SEXY”.

  • amcut

    May 4, 2011 at 10:08 pm in reply to: Miss Pole Dance Germany 2011

    Mm!  Lovely!

    I'll admit, Natalie Schonberger being 17 scares me as I fear a hoarde of infants being trained in the art of pole dance so they can take over and make the rest of us dinosaurs.


    but she's beautiful, and 17 is very close to 18 so I decided not to shake and quake in my boots and instead enjoy her quality performance

  • amcut

    May 4, 2011 at 5:06 pm in reply to: Do you wear your pole shorts with or without undies?

    I very rarely see VAG, but I see a lot of pubic hair stubble… especially in areas a thong would never cover

    ..Since I'm not going to shave EVERY day,or ask you to shave EVERY day, I'm okay.  Lets just aim our vaginas elsewhere.   

  • amcut

    May 2, 2011 at 3:47 am in reply to: SOOOO MAD!!!

    Are you serious? 

    Make them cancel the order.  If they had to order another one, that's nonsense about no refunds. 


    AND ask for a refund on your classes telling her that you don't want to take classes from such a bitch.  If she says she wont refund you, go to the class spitefully. 

    What a trashy wench! 

  • amcut

    May 2, 2011 at 3:39 am in reply to: House of Pole Error

    Send Chris an email and MAKE HER FIX IT. 🙂

  • amcut

    April 30, 2011 at 1:51 am in reply to: To Youtube or not??

    I post on youtube because I'm a plus sized pole dancer and at the time, there weren't as many of us on youtube… so I was attempting to be encouraging.

    But, the more viewers you get, the more negative comments you end up getting, and while I LOVE making snarkier comments, the time I take to put idiots in their place could be time working on better things.

    And before someone says, "Don't feed the trolls".. I can't help it.  I like to keep my claws sharp.

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