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  • amcut

    April 28, 2011 at 2:35 am in reply to: SHOES! Shoe montage video challenge!

    that's a pretty neat idea!  I'd totally be down, except I'm supposed to stay out of heels for my silly little back.

    what a shame since I have several lovely pairs!  🙁

  • amcut

    April 20, 2011 at 11:49 pm in reply to: Are you watching the new Americas best dance crew? You should be!

    Ahahah, I usually love Ke$ha but that song for some reason does not hit the spot!

    Blow would have been exciting, but that’s weird … maybe I’ll have to grow to love that song. If you like it, there’s no way it can be bad.

  • amcut

    April 20, 2011 at 11:46 pm in reply to: Non heel pole shoes

    RhiannanNichole danced in bloch jazz shoes. Like dance sneakers. I think they have a pointe box thingy in the tip but feel and look like archy sneakers.

    You can buy ’em at any dance supply store.

  • amcut

    April 20, 2011 at 11:44 pm in reply to: New Apartment

    I always wondered about my extreme heel clacking and if the guy downstairs was thinking, “that’s the sound of a whore at work”. LOL

    But yeah, no complaints.

  • amcut

    April 20, 2011 at 3:42 am in reply to: Are you watching the new Americas best dance crew? You should be!

    My only problem was the sexy knocking.

    In my dreams, when I perform on ABDC, I'm in heels and leg warmers and I'm being a TOTAL strippuh. PTA moms are scarred for life because I have done 7 consequtive spread eagle moves in a row. 


    I do agree that poling is HARD to coordinate.  Even the best duos I've seen haev been off- it's just not natural type stuff.  When I watch other dance crews doing flips and gymnastics, they're not always spot on.  Pole dance is even easier to recognize the.. lack of syncronized movement.


    All in all, I was disappointed because of the sexydowning, but I do like that they brought pole dancing to the stage!!  I also thought the song sucked ballskinty, too, though.  I don't think anyone could do a great routine to that garbage.


    I also agree that we shouldn't be such beeehatches.  These are our sisters!  Our clothed fitnessy sisters!  Don't be talkin' smack!  😉

    I think it was Charley who said on facebook that pole dancers and non pole dancers are impressed by different things,  Before I started pole dancing, I thought the scorpio was the most beautiful sexy thing in the universe, I still do!  I am AMAZED by scorpio.  So for me, it's not, "whip out the jade drops!".  I'm still impressed and thankful that they brought pole there, just a little sad that they wanted to bring it without 6 inch pleasers.

  • amcut

    April 20, 2011 at 3:33 am in reply to: Valentino Brothers Dvds.

    Hmm!  Thank you for the review.  I really like how active they are in the community so I wanted to get these.. but either way, I still can't work hardcore on my flexibility so I might as well wait! 🙂

  • amcut

    April 20, 2011 at 3:32 am in reply to: What do you look for in a Pole Fitness Dance Studio?

    What do I look for?  Teacher Quality, Clean Floors, Nice Website, – personally, I dislike bronze and chrome so I prefer stainless steel.  I don't like talking to an instructor who doesn't care about the pole community, either.  I like them to know what's going on. 

    I guess I'm also WEIRD, so me personally, I look for a teacher who isn't going to give me stupid looks.  If I would have beat your ass in highschool, I have no interest in you teaching me pole.

    I like day classes and evening classes.  I think evening classes are more important because lots of people work, but for those of us who don't and still want to attend class.. a single class during the week works pretty well.

    I prefer pole dancing under pink lightbulbs.  Black lights hide cellulite, but personally I'd rather see what I'm doing.  Pink lightbulbs make the skin look great without making it impossible to see anything but your white shorts.

    I like a mixture of drop in and curriculum classes.  I do think you should monitor who goes into your drop ins so that you don't end up with people who shouldn't end up in a certain level of class.

    I'm also going to polecon.  I will be the fatty in the super short shorts & leg warmers.  😉

  • amcut

    April 13, 2011 at 6:32 am in reply to: Foam Roller…couple of questions

    I'm not sure which set of foam rollers to get.  🙁  I want them ALL.

  • amcut

    March 2, 2011 at 12:17 am in reply to: International Pole Convention 2011, West Palm Beach

    Moxie and I are going this year.


    I fucking loved it last year.  I even almost killed a famous pole dancer with my exuberant Dry Handsing.  I met everyone and I need to call Cinnamon Boots 'cause I LOVE HER.   I miss the whole of DC, but I like the thought of visiting some nice tropical place I've never been to!

  • amcut

    March 2, 2011 at 12:14 am in reply to: 2011 March Challenge

    Ewww.  Big Willie Style.  Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-NaNa. 🙁

  • amcut

    October 11, 2010 at 7:08 am in reply to: Competitions – complaints, good stuff, thoughts

    Man, that was a nice post! I agree! With everything.

    I love y’all!

  • amcut

    October 6, 2010 at 8:33 am in reply to: Worlds

    I cleaned poles at the DC pole convention and was nearly the death of prana thanks to my over enthusiastic use of dry hands. I felt so awful because her life and limb were … well, nearly victims of a circumstance she had no control over.

    Jenyne’s choreography was so amazing. Had it not of been up to weird circumstance she would have knocked felix from the throne. …if she wasn’t a trained circusperson, she would have been seriously hurt! Maybe to where she wouldn’t be able to perform again…

    …. I’m rambling. Jenyne is Queen!

  • amcut

    September 29, 2010 at 9:15 am in reply to: It’s here!! Now why am I afriad to get on it?

    It’s fun! Get on that pole!

    Don’t forget why you got it in the first place- to have ooodles and oodles of fun with yourself. So get at it.

    Do keep a video even if you don’t upload it! It’s good to have a true estimation of your progress! and don’t worry about routines- just dance!

  • amcut

    September 29, 2010 at 9:13 am in reply to: USPDF West Regionals 2010

    That is one SERIOUS fricking lineup.

    Somebody better be making a secret hatcamera right now!

  • amcut

    September 7, 2010 at 10:58 pm in reply to: Online Voting

    Raquelle, you totally had a fit when you didn’t get picked for the East and said that everyone’s style was similar compared to your unique style. That’s ballsy, and while you didn’t DIRECT it at anyone, it could be perceived that way, and it could hurt someone else’s feelings so you totally cannot come in here with hurt feelings because you chose to perceive this post negatively. Yes, you are talented enough to share the stage with whoever else. Wendy and Anna picked people who could definitely compete. You are a talented pole dancer.

    I’m pretty sure the part about the sharing the stage was in reference to Voters Only Competitions. Like if I competed, and was a naughty Cam Girl… and I posted a video with an envelope covering my junk and said, "everyone who votes for me gets a video of this junk, right here". And then I was all set to compete with Alethea Austin ’cause I showed my junk to a bunch of boys who wanted to see my junk. It totally doesn’t work in this case, where the finalists we vote for are still chosen by W&A. We’re talking about the DIRECTION of Online Voting in regards to pole competitions.

    How you feel about it, how popularity fits in. Personally, I’m not a fan. I trust W&A to give me the best pole competitors- and I know that there are plenty of great pole dancers who would not win through online voting- just because elements of it are popularity based.

    ESPECIALLY in regards to phone and text messaging. I wanted to rain fiery death on America when Kris Allen defeated Adam Lambert in American Idol. FIERY DEATH.

    None of it made sense. I was livid. I’m still livid. I would hate to feel that way about pole dancing. I would hate to want to rain fiery death on the pole community.

    As it is, I think we’re fine, so long as this doesn’t … become a trend.

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