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MemberApril 3, 2009 at 1:17 am in reply to: Related to Dariens post..Im thinking about working at a clubOh, and if you don’t go to the site…
You’ll make money. Women of all sizes and shapes do. But it’s not a good time to start, considering the economy. Sports and Strippers are the first luxuries to go. My town’s strip clubs are filled with a huge variety of women who did bankmuch, but I’ve no idea if they still do, because I do not have the money to peek in! LOL.
Just know it can be a bitch on your self esteem, even if you were PERFECTLY assured of your sexiness. You’re selling yourself as an object of sex- so … be prepared to be treated that way!
MemberApril 3, 2009 at 1:10 am in reply to: Related to Dariens post..Im thinking about working at a cluband.. go you on the nude modeling! I’m a recreational filth creator, so I dig it!
I had a bit of time on SW when I was considering dancing- it’s a good site.
I love Fiona Apple! My favorite is the way things are. So sexy to dance to.
Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited is a … super album using translated Serge Gainsbourg lyrics. It has monster names.. Portishead, Tricky, Franz Ferdinand, Placebo.. … my favorite has been the song "Requiem for Anna".
You may have purchased a sucky shoe. Dance shoes usually feel better than normal high heels to dance in. So if they feel a little more precarious than the average 4 inch pair of heels, then they’re not the right shoe type for you.
BUT, if you couldn’t dance in any heel, then yes.. follow the other advice.
Or, if you really need genuine shoe breaking in, I would suggest doing housework in them. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
The other news one with the actual davis commissioner is worse. AT least they have a backup venue. What is up with people disliking hot pink? Seriously. Hot pink is the new color of the devil. Female silhouettes are shocking, terrifying images. And what kind of people have no clue where the hell they’re at? How hard it is to look at the daaaamned banner before you open your mouth.
The rules -are- a bit absurd, though. I understand it’s because of some strange city/county mumbly jumbly to make it as legal and respectable as possible, but the curmudgeonly commissioner has a point when he suggests that all the rules look as though they are to prevent the true nature of pole dancing from coming out.
ANYWAYS. I’m sure whatever community center it’s at, you’ll do a wonderful job. Be sure to post your routine after, eh! Or get a sneaky cameraperson in.
My sister’s a skinny bitch follower. Both her and my niece are dedicated vegans. My sister lost 40 lbs and made it back to her high school weight… my niece gained weight due to her indiscriminate love of french fries. I think the reason why skinny bitch works for some is because it is a nice organized way of eating. Any organized way of eating is going to have good results if you follow it, bad results if you eat the french fries.
I also think that you’ve got an amazing body. I insist you tell us how much weight you intend to lose! You should give us the chance to moan and groan, mourn and yearn.
I agree with everyone else on the methods, though. It’s also a good reminder to go drink some water!
That was quick! Glad you decided to buy the x-pole, you’re going to looove the dickens out of it.
LOL @ stupid tax. I had to pay that one, too.
You would THINK that they’d be out of business by now, but no… beefing it up with celebrity endorsements! And why on earth would she let her name get stamped on such a terrible product… Oi.
Oh wait! Disclaimer! Just in case!
He’s got a very filthy fetish club style! And he’s wearing a jockstrap! If you don’t know about the body coverage of that particular product, just know the coverage is…. well, peen only. Not for the faint of heart.
MemberMarch 24, 2009 at 2:32 pm in reply to: trying to convince parents pole dancing isn’t skanky!On club dancers…
I think anyone who makes that money makes it for a daaaaaamn good reason. Even if they are just crawling on the floor. Or shaking their thighs in the face of a ying-yang twin. It’s a job, to make money. The few times I’ve been in a club and seen someone make it rain, it’s not been because of a straight-edge, or even a jamilla-esque burlesque appearance. No way. It’s been because of some super nasty-delicious floor work. SO when your parents are like, "Well what’s the difference?" … it’s that you’re not getting paid. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif
I think you shouldn’t lie to your parents. If you’re going to be an athletic only type dancer, than sure. Go ahead and preach gymnastics and "no it’s not sexy". But you can’t say it’s not sexy wearing heels. Or if you ever wiggle your backside. Or if you run out of athletic boyshorts and have no problem "working out" in lace as opposed to spandex.
Why not just preach the good that happens when a little sexy meets self esteem.
Oh! I can answer the shoe one
I’m a 10.5, so I purchase size 11 Pleasers from either ElectriqueBoutique.com or Snaz75.com. Both have searchable discount codes. I’ve had to try on different models or types, I guess… all pleasers have some silly name, which depicts the style of shoe-base, and then numbers which show how it goes.
Basically, find a model type you like, and stick with it, or things that look like it. I’m a fan of "Adore", and still pissed that I wasted 30 bucks on "Party".
I don’t have any Jazz recommendations at this point, I am however going to use your suggestions. LOL. If it helps, though, my rhapsody suggest Don Cheetham, Clifford Brown, and Fats Navarro. I know for a fact that Leon Redbone is absolute, but I’ve no idea if he’s of the same jazz genre as your guys.
I also second the love of P-square. Super jam! No one like you is fantastic, and what a way to warm up the hips!
I don’t know if I suggested it already, but I loooove the new Akon album! Love-love-love!
I am -enormous-. Not just fat, but tall and fat. Six feet tall and 228 lbs. I’ve always been a very sexy individual, so becoming overweight didn’t bother me much.
I made this decision a few months ago.. Uhh… October, last year, to lose weight. I was 207 lbs, which was my heaviest weight- I had been pole dancing two months, but the birthday made me feel older and weaker. So I was like, "YEHA, lets diet"
I started a food journal to see what I needed to cut and realized I was eating 500 calories on "good" days, and a whopping 2500 on "bad" ones. I was overweight at an average of 1000 calories a day. Ridiculous. RIDICULOUS. So, I went to a nutritionist, and he was like, "Holy hell, why do you do that to yourself?" He said my habit of starve-starve-binge was causing my body to hoard, and it would hoard my binge days because of how awful I was to myself on my starve days.
Eheh. So I was like, "well what do I do?" and he was like, "eat". And boy did I. Apparently it was OK to overdo it in the begining, because I was convincing my body that there was no need to hoard. And I -really- overdid it. Overdid it right into obesity at 236! Hee! Anyways. Since the new year, I’ve been actively working out not just on the pole, but with cardio machines… and I’ve been monitoring my diet. I’ve only lost a couple of pounds, but I’m getting there.
So, my goal for the moment is to weigh 213 lbs.
I also quit smoking and drinking. I’d like to stay clean. Forever. No matter how many times I get free coupons from marlboro.
I’d like to grow my hair out some more, and resist the need to "trim" it.
I want to cook better quality, better tasting food.
I also want increased flexibility, especially in my back and neck. I want to get at least an hour and a half of stretching in each day. I usually get in 30 minutes every other day, but that’s definitely just laziness.
If you’re willing to go permanent, why not just order one from markstaar. 115for a stunning pole you don’t have to polish yourself. It’s also got the inner tubing, which I think is necessary.