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  • bformosa922163

    September 28, 2016 at 2:59 am in reply to: What’s are your weekly workouts?

    Great question.
    I recently just started to get into a routine. Focusing on flexibility monday, wednesday and friday and try to fit in some sort of cardio other days (Dancing, hammock, walking).

    It’s not really set in stone, but i’m just working my way up as I havent been doing a lot of fitness the last couple of months.

    My main goal is to be healthy and more energised.

  • bformosa922163

    July 7, 2016 at 1:59 am in reply to: Do you tell your family about it?

    My whole family knows. It was pretty easy to tell people.. But I’m very wary of telling people at work or people I hardly know. It’s not a major part of my life but just enough to tell family. Whenever my family come over, the boys always take the pole for a spin haha.

  • bformosa922163

    June 29, 2016 at 11:43 pm in reply to: Kids and pole dance

    As soon as he comes over, he runs straight for my pole room and drags me and his mum with him. It’s very cute. And then reaches his arms up so I can lift him.

    When I have kids of my own, classes will definately be on the agenda as long as they want to but my pole will still be up for them to play on. I’d love for them to grow up around pole, hammock and hula hooping.

    For now, I’ll enjoy spending the time with my nephew and hopefully when he is a little bit older, he can do some tricks.

  • bformosa922163

    June 28, 2016 at 11:34 pm in reply to: Kids and pole dance

    There are kids classes near me and they also have mums and bubs classes. It’s more focused on the tricks rather than dance moves. I agree, the sensual side of pole isn’t appropriate for kids, but using the pole for doing tricks would be a fun extra curricular activity.

    The pole actually was used as an apparatus to teach my nephew to stand and walk. Now he wants to learn how to climb haha.

  • bformosa922163

    June 24, 2016 at 3:17 am in reply to: Too tall and too heavy?

    Welcome. Firstly I understand where you’re coming from, whilst I’m not tall, I’m on the heavy side.. A lot of the time, I don’t have full strength to hold myself up.. And when I try, I tend to lose grip after a second.

    Personally, I have been on and off the pole for about 3 years and still consider myself a beginner. But I have gained a few other hobbies from studio Veena and I’m very happy with alternating hobbies. I really admire others dedication to pole, but I always have trouble dedicating myself to it.

  • bformosa922163

    May 21, 2016 at 10:22 pm in reply to: not having children

    Veena, I can relate to the whole ‘being too young’ comments. I got with my partner when I was 19 and we got engaged when I was 20. I got comments about how I was still young. Not by my family but by strangers. We’ve been together almost 5 years now, whilst not married yet, we definately still flirt with each other and tell each other everyday that we love each other.

    I also got a lot of unwelcome comments when I had a miscarriage ‘oh you’re still a baby, you have plenty of time’. Well regardless, it doesn’t change the fact that I want kids.

    As you said, with anything, people will make unwarranted comments like this.. Whether you are too young, too old, too big, too skinny. We are dealing with a bunch of goldilocks where everything has to be ‘just right’.

  • bformosa922163

    May 20, 2016 at 1:46 am in reply to: not having children

    I agree with Veena. I have a friend that’s a mum and she told me that once I have kids I’ll probably stop pole dancing but I agree, you don’t stop being sexy just because you’re a mum.

    I know I won’t be a traditional mum either.

    Also regardless of whether or not you want children, you are an individual and you shouldnt be treated any different.

  • bformosa922163

    May 19, 2016 at 2:08 am in reply to: New Pole Clothing Brand Wholesaling to Studios

    Hi pushandpole.. I don’t own a studio but I have studied business and currently in the process of venturing with a small candle making business..

    Through my research, I have found that the general rule of thumb is to add the cost of material and production and double it for wholesale and triple for retail. Of course, if you believe that the price may be too high, you can always readjust it.

    Also, you can either add the price of shipping into your product or seperate the cost.

    I hope this helps.

  • Yes take it down. I live in a rental and my landlord has been trying to sell the unit.. But I had kept my pole up while people were inspecting the house.

    The landlord was fine with me having it up as it wasn’t causing any damage.. They were having trouble selling (not sure if my pole had anything to do with it) but a couple of weeks after I took it down, there was finally an offer on the unit. Might be worth taking it down.

  • bformosa922163

    April 1, 2016 at 3:28 am in reply to: Energy Problems

    Yes. Sometimes life can get busy and it’s very hard to do 2 passions at a time because they really do take up a lot of energy. I too have been off the pole for a while because of a few things going on.

    Fortunately though, the plateau doesn’t last forever and it’s actually healthy to be away from your passion for a while especially if you’ve got other things going on. When you do get back on the pole, you’ll remember how much you love.

    I’ve learnt that accepting the fact that I won’t always want to be on the pole does really help.

  • bformosa922163

    March 10, 2016 at 8:40 pm in reply to: Feeling very very discouraged…

    So sorry you had this experience. I know the feeling of discouragement. Not with pole dancing but with something else.

    A good instructor guides you through each movement and even gives an alternative move. When I was doing lyrical pole and I couldn’t do a certain move, the teacher always gave me an alternative move to try.

    If you are paying for an experience, they should not stress over how you point your toes. Especially if you’re not competing and just doing it for fun..

    I have done a pole class where I’ve felt Dissapointed. Unfortunately it happens.

  • bformosa922163

    March 7, 2016 at 9:18 pm in reply to: Draw a Blank when it comes to Freestyle

    Practising things like body rolls, isolated hip movements and isolated core can really help when wanting to do freestyle. They are my go to moves when I feel like doing something sexy. Try to keep it simple. Maybe in your warmup, Practise the body rolls etc.

  • bformosa922163

    February 24, 2016 at 12:56 am in reply to: Body negativity

    Cantetinza17 I know where you’re coming from. My dad was a personal trainer when I was growing, so I would get some remarks about my weight. My mum also had weight issues. Growing up, I wasnt particular big, but my sister is naturally thin and she doesn’t workout so that’s just her structure. A lot of the time, I think I was compared to her.

    In high school, I remember getting one remark from a fellow high school student about my weight (even though I wasn’t big), but I wasn’t skinny either.
    Unfortunately because I was very naive, I never really embraced my body. I was scared to wear a bikini or clothing that shaped my body.

    I got a lot of body negativity from my ex too. Things like ‘your body doesn’t really appeal to me’ even after I lost 10kg.

    He constantly reminded me and told me he was embarrassed of me because when we went to his friends parties, he told me to go change into something more appropriate (because I decided to wear trackies to a house party).

    I guess that still is stuck in my head and it replays constantly. I realised after that relationship that I shouldn’t need approval from a man, only approval from myself. Lucky enough though, I did find someone that constantly reminds me how sexy I am,even when others have told him that I’m a bit on the chubby side.

    I guess the only way for me to have gotten to a point where I can be confident with my body, is to have gone through the body negativity.

    Just like you said, some things just need to stay in your mind rather than spoken out loud.

  • bformosa922163

    February 22, 2016 at 7:19 am in reply to: Body negativity

    I never really thought about it that way but I definately understand that people can often say certain things to fit in.

    Lately I’ve just been hearing it in the lunch room at work, but I never really get involved in those conversations.

    I didnt know about the 10% thing either.

    I used to be very negative about my body until I made the mirror my best friend.

  • bformosa922163

    February 18, 2016 at 9:11 pm in reply to: Splits

    Definately Japan has the weirdest gameshows, but they are definately entertaining.

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