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I hope this next course of treatment is effective. Do you notice any difference yet? Any of the symptoms resolving? Please get better quickly.😊
Welcome to this beautiful family!!!! You will be very happy!! 💜
I have 8 ft and I’m 5’21/2 it works very well for me. Hellonheels this is for you! You know your a pole dancer when the realtor is showing you homes and quitlely in your mind you are assessing only ceilings and sq footage of every room to see where your pole is going to go😜
Very nice work! Those tops are great! It’s so relaxing to crochet. I only make baby blankets because I never understood how to decrease and increase. That was always the hard part for me
Oh!! I do remember I went to several md’s they all thought it was stress , Anxiety!! It was frustrating bc they all had that same puzzled look on their face. And here I was suffering week after week. I could barely take care of myself. Finally one doc suggested to be tested for h pylori. She thought I might have drank bad water. It all came about after a very bad hurricane in south fl 2005. Who knows?
I am so disgusted that you are going through this, I remember that abdominal pain so well. I feel better knowing you were diagnosed and now you get on the right path to healing. As far as diet goes, I remember only being able to eat easy but healthy foods. I could not tolerate anything rough or raw. It was too abrasive, my intestines felt like open wounds being scraped. Little by little the appetite came back. No special diet. I ate very well all food groups, plenty of fluids. I remember starting with alot of sweet potato, avocado, eggs, homemade soups. Banana milkshakes with honey, nothing abrasive. Just easy things. Eat several small meals a day to entice your appetite. Dont worry, You will get better, see what those teas are about, and always consult the md first even with tea Lucca, I’m going to research that one now.
I had H. Pylori back in 2005. I was so sick also for months. Stomach pain that bought me to my knees. Finally, I was diagnosed and treated with the Prev pack which was a Prevacid and 2 or 3 antibiotics twice a day. I was working 12 hr shifts as a nurse and felt very nauseous from the antibiotics but knew I had to finish the treatment. After 2 weeks I was perfect. It completely resolved and it never returned. I was also reluctant to taking all those antibiotics but it was very effective and was thankful that nightmare ended. I also stared to regain my appetite, went back to my proper weight.