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  • byrdgrrl

    May 22, 2013 at 11:03 pm in reply to: Keeping Motivation

    I tend to be very routine oriented, so once I get into it, it works. May not be as easy for you. Try several different ways, and see what clicks.

  • byrdgrrl

    May 22, 2013 at 9:59 pm in reply to: Keeping Motivation

    In my experience, working out really just becomes a habit.  I do it because that's what I do in the afternoons. I'm not saying that I don't do it to stay strong and flexible and get better at moves and that I no longer feel good after working out (quite the opposite), it's just that I don't have to consciously think about why I work out any more.  I'm also totally guilty of sometimes waking up in the morning just totally not feeling like working out or I get sucked into reading a book or teh internetz or something during the day.  I try to not beat myself for being lazy, and just carry on the next day (or the day after, or the day after).  I usually find that having a break is usually helpful, as it helps me refocus and gives my body a break.  Sometimes though, I do need a boost to get back in to it.  I do things like watch YouTube videos, either new ones or some favorites, or I'll listen to songs that I just like to dance to, or that I'd like to choreograph to in order to summon the mojo.  

    It seem like it really depends on what you want out of the experience.  If you are really struggling to get in a work out every day, maybe you should reevaluate if you should be working out everyday.  Try working out every other day, or maybe every couple of days.  Try shorter workouts each day, or less days but longer workouts on those days. Really consider why you are doing this too.  Are you doing it because it's fun?  Because you're training for a competition?  If you really need something out side your own self to be motivated, maybe find a friend who can give you that outside push to keep at it.  Don't forget, maybe your motivation is just cyclical.  Make the most of the time when you have it, back off a bit when you don't, then carry on when you do.

  • byrdgrrl

    May 21, 2013 at 12:07 pm in reply to: Tara Karina is back on the pole!

    Yay!  She (and Veena) got me into this whole thing. 

  • byrdgrrl

    May 15, 2013 at 4:24 pm in reply to: I seriously need some words of encouragement!!

    I got a huge boost the other day.  One of my friends who has no idea about aerial stuff came over while I was working out the other day, and was totally blown away by me doing a simple climb up the silk and standing.  I feel like sometimes I get so wrapped up in what I am working on and practicing and trying to make work that I forget just what it is that I can do, and how it looks to others.  

  • byrdgrrl

    April 26, 2013 at 9:33 pm in reply to: The only girl

    I have been the only girl (or one of few) pretty much my whole life. The most important thing that I can tell you is to not let it become a “thing”. Do your job well, act professionally, and don’t be afraid to ask questions and get dirty (metaphorically or maybe literally, depending on what you do). Tell a raunchy joke or two. Be friendly. Since this is new, they’re having to get used to you as much as you are getting used to them.

  • byrdgrrl

    April 25, 2013 at 5:48 pm in reply to: Anyone wanna yoga??

    Not a yoga expert or anything, but for me spreading my fingers reminds me to engage the muscles in my hands and arms so that I’m not just crunching all my weight on my wrists. Like when a ballet teacher tells you to “pull up”. I find that it’s easier on my joints when I make sure that all my muscles are engaged.

  • byrdgrrl

    April 16, 2013 at 2:46 pm in reply to: Beautiful pole dancer?


    1.  Strong shoulders

    2.  Defined waist

    3.  Toned calves

    Aerial related (silks, hope it still counts):

    1.  Strong enough to lift my own self (used to be one of those girls who thought upper body strength was only for boys)

    2.  Discipline to work out and practice on a regular basis

    3.  Sheer joy at what my body is capable of; what I am capable of. 😀


  • byrdgrrl

    April 11, 2013 at 1:22 am in reply to: Aerial hammock rigging advice

    I use Rock Exotica's Swivabiner for my single point hammock.  'Biners and swivel all in one.  Takes up way less space than two 'biners + swivel.  It's not a ballbering swivel though, so I wouldn't drop on it, but I can spin well with body weight on it.  Not sure if they ship to the UK though.

  • byrdgrrl

    April 3, 2013 at 9:19 pm in reply to: Aerial Hammock HELP

    Not sure if I’m talking about the same drop, and I’ve done it on silks tied into a sling, but what I find helpful is to arch my back slightly as I’m going over and lead with my chest. Think about making an arc, rather than going straight down, then over.

  • byrdgrrl

    March 7, 2013 at 6:44 pm in reply to: Shine Alternative Fitness in LV

    This! If anyone has been to a silk and or aerial class there, I would love to hear about your experience.

  • byrdgrrl

    March 5, 2013 at 12:38 am in reply to: Clearance Yoga hammocks and Pole Manuals

    I've already ordered one.  I was going to see about getting a smaller than normal one, and here they are, waiting for me! 😀

  • byrdgrrl

    March 4, 2013 at 10:36 pm in reply to: Aerial Silk Portable Rig

    I don't stake mine down.  My aerial studio does double duty as my driveway, so I have to put up and take down each time.  I don't like practicing in the wind not because I'm woried about my rig (within reason, of course, if there's a wind advisory, not going out), but because I wear myself out much quicker just chasing my tails around.  There's nothing like hanging upside down in the middle of a trick, reaching back to grab the tail to finish the move, and it's not there.  

  • byrdgrrl

    March 4, 2013 at 10:09 pm in reply to: Aerial Silk Portable Rig

    I have a Zen Swing Suspendulum, which is a tripod-style set-up.  I'm guessing it's the one from, as the link is broken.  I have used it outside with silk and have never had it tip or fall over.

  • byrdgrrl

    February 26, 2013 at 6:51 pm in reply to: Pole and aerial silk in Los Angeles or Las Vegas

    Hollywood Aerial Arts in Inglewood has silk classes. Has anyone been to any silk and/or aerial classes at Shine in LV? I’m thinking I might treat myself.

  • byrdgrrl

    January 8, 2013 at 12:29 am in reply to: The right thing to wear for aerial silks training

    I usually wear capris and a t-shirt. Someone also mentioned no lotion before class, but I find that, just like pole, dry skin is slippery on fabric too. Don’t forget the tops of your feet when slathering up.

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