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  • chemgoddess1

    December 29, 2010 at 5:50 pm in reply to: the words would you use to describe pole?

    physics at its best

  • chemgoddess1

    December 29, 2010 at 5:47 pm in reply to: Are some moves always painful?

    Once I get in to superman I can hang out all day, it was getting into it that killed until I learned how not to rip my thighs open. Knee hold was another. It took me over 6 months to get past that pain. It does go away…not sure if it is technique or tolerance or a combination of both but it does go away.

  • chemgoddess1

    December 29, 2010 at 5:42 pm in reply to: Electric Blanket to warm pole?

    The one thing with the heating pads was trying to keep them on the pole and I imagine that a heating blanket would be the same. I used bungies.

    As for the cables, you are going to run into the same type of problem.

  • chemgoddess1

    December 29, 2010 at 5:36 pm in reply to: So this clean eating thing….

    Momma….you are partially right.

    Eat Clean Diet. It is eating things that are processed as little as possible (there is no stipulation on frozen). There are lots of beef and chicken recipes along with fish and vegetarian. I am not 100% clean but probably about 85-90%. The only time in my life that I almost completely lost my pooch when when I was eating 95% clean for a few months.

    I will say that cravings for bad stuff are minimal and for the most part fast food turns my stomach. The only part I really do not follow 100% is the alcohol thing. I am not a big drinker but I do like to go out and have a few drinks or even a glass or two of wine at home. (and after a night out I usually crave fast food )

    Some of the recipes are really good, others are just so so. I also get the Clean Eating magazine that comes out every other month and I have made some amazing things out of it.

    (And Momma…you should have known I would know something about this)

  • chemgoddess1

    December 29, 2010 at 4:03 pm in reply to: $100 Platinum Stages SS 50mm Boston area

    This is killing me!

  • chemgoddess1

    December 29, 2010 at 3:59 pm in reply to: Unkind people……

    judy don’t worry about it. catty people beget drama and then they end up drowning in it. if its true that these are reviews from a rival studio… well, if they are catty towards other people, they are definitely fostering that in their own studio and breeding it within their students and it will end up undermining their own business more then they could ever realize.

    Truer words never spoken.

    What disturbs me is those that follow so blindly that they will not even seek things out themselves (although this is rampant in life in general). I can understand if someone has an issue with another studio and openly states this issue, but to have others dis on a studio just because so and so told me it was bad is just garbage. There are strengths and weakness to ALL businesses and we can all learn something from each other.

  • chemgoddess1

    December 29, 2010 at 11:48 am in reply to: I remember when….a (hopefully) inspirational thread

    I remember when Empy was the only American pole dancer I had ever heard of!
    I remember seeing a picture of you doing an aysha and I thought never in my life would I be able to do that!

  • chemgoddess1

    December 28, 2010 at 6:18 pm in reply to: I remember when….a (hopefully) inspirational thread

    I remember….
    when my boss found out I poled and I was a competitive poler!

    My coming out at work was when I was on the news. Me hanging in a CKR was the teaser clip that kept getting aired all afternoon.

  • chemgoddess1

    December 26, 2010 at 3:31 am in reply to: Anyone from DC?

    I know there are quite a few. Check in the jams thread from last year about this time.

  • chemgoddess1

    December 22, 2010 at 8:38 pm in reply to: I remember when….a (hopefully) inspirational thread

    I remember the first time I saw a caterpillar climb and thought that was the absolute coolest thing I had ever seen in my life and I for the life of me could not see how ANYONE could do it. Then I finally started working on it and could not get more than one scootch up. Then I remember being so excited when I got two, then 3 ….and then I fell out of it. I did not think I was ever going to be able to get it again out of fear.

    Forget about forearm grip or elbow grip (split grip is still elusive)

    I also remember my first super SM invert

    I never thought I would get the superman because my thighs kept getting in the way

    Knee hold?? Are you serious…it hurts WAYYYYY too much. Then I had issues with sweaty knees and it, now I can pretty much nail it every single time AND bend my body toward the floor!

  • chemgoddess1

    December 22, 2010 at 7:55 pm in reply to: Thinking of teaching on my own…

    I would also look through the various threads on here that talk about what makes a good instructor.

  • chemgoddess1

    December 22, 2010 at 7:36 pm in reply to: Thinking of teaching on my own…

    I am not sure where you are located but there are several different certification programs available across the US. Just because you can pole dance does not mean that you can teach pole dance. I think having the ability to break down a move from many different angles for different ages/abilities is most important when it comes to teaching.
    I would consider investing in all of the dvd’s out there to give yourself a better knowledge of safely teaching and also learning different styles of teaching the same move.

  • chemgoddess1

    December 22, 2010 at 6:54 pm in reply to: Hi from Florida!!!

    Hey Shellbell! There are a few others here from the panhandle….I will try to locate them for you. My sister lives in Mary Esther and I have been visiting that area since 1987. We typically hit Seville Quarter at least once when we are in town!

  • chemgoddess1

    December 22, 2010 at 6:51 pm in reply to: I remember when….a (hopefully) inspirational thread

    I remember when:

    I used to bruise all the time
    Trying to find other "polers" in your city was nearly impossible!

  • chemgoddess1

    December 21, 2010 at 4:57 pm in reply to: I want to buy a pole today. GEORGIA

    You are not going to find anything worthwhile in a store, sorry. You can try calling local pole studios but I also doubt highly that they will have any in stock. Lastly, check Craigslist in your area and see if anyone has a worthwhile pole up for sale. Stay away from Peek a Boo, Carmen Electra and My Sexy Little Pole.

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