Forum Replies Created
I saw this topic and couldn’t wait to read it! I don’t want to steal your thunder, I totally understand support of your hubby, I have very similar stories. Isn’t it wonderful!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_razz.gif
edit: He is taking me and going to the west coast USPDF in November. He’s just as excited to see performances.
No…seriously add to this!! There are so many threads about "man problems" that we need to let people know that there are loving and supportive men out there. (I am just lucky as hell to have one and will shout it from the tree tops!!)
Funny ‘cuz he told his new employee that he is a lucky man…Saturday night he was amongst a room full of gorgeous women who pole dance. Dude said "yeah, you are lucky"!!
I searched for the song artic mile it doesn’t exsist not even an album by Mike Posner with the title Artic mile. I did a little process of elimination lol Maybe the DJ was incorrect(it happens) maybe the DJ meant Mike Posner’s song cooler than me, it’s Posner’s most recent song & it’s pretty hot on top 40 charts right now and probably is the most likely to be played in a bar or club right now.
His text was all messed up…he was trying to type "artist Mike Posner" and ended up typing "articc mile Posner".
I will also mention that Pantera totally blew him away this past weekend. We were no more than 8 feet away from the pole she was performing on. It was the first time he had seen a real performance (he missed all of Chicago because he did not want to walk in by himself and I did not hear my phone) and he was awe stricken.
It is basically a hip circle while in a elbow kneel (not sure what that pose is called….similar to being on "all fours" but you are on your elbows instead of hands). Practice circling your hips and only your hips…basically right, floor, left, ceiling.
It took me about 2 years also and I still am not a huge fan of this move. I never feel totally secure. The grip on this is totally different and pretty much uses my entire upper leg….the pole sits close to my butt in the back and is caught just above my knee bones in the front. Until I realized that the little fleshy area above my knees will indeed stop me from slipping any farther I could not do this move, and this is the reason it still freaks me out.
Greetings! What part of Ohio are you located? There are quite a few of us here…Cleveland, Akron, Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton and I think Findlay.
What part of Kentucky are you in? Nymphdancer is also from KY (Louisville area) and I think there are a few others around.
MemberOctober 12, 2010 at 1:19 pm in reply to: Competitions – complaints, good stuff, thoughtsNot all pro comps are held in expensive cities. The Arnold is one of the largest and it is held in Columbus Ohio every March. I can get a decent hotel downtown for under $150 a night or go 10 minutes outside of the city and get one for $80 (even $50’s if you look at Motel 6 and the like). I can easily eat for under $10 a meal and there is plenty of nightlife. Even the Olympia is in Vegas….cheap airfare, cheap accommodations and again PLENTY to do.
MemberOctober 12, 2010 at 11:31 am in reply to: Competitions – complaints, good stuff, thoughtsMy 2 cents:
I would really like to see more competitions where men were allowed as well as doubles.
Some of the rules seem downright silly to me. Does the ability to so the splits really make you a better performer? After seeing the rules for worlds it also seems to me that some of the criteria are based on beauty pageant type rules. Since when do you have to be "beautiful" in order to even place? The scoring should be based on ABILITY, not whether or not you are a proper "lady" on and off the stage. The "no nudity" is also laughable considering the first Worlds were held at Hedonism.
Make workshops associated with the competition AFFORDABLE. Hell, even hold some of the competitions in places where hotel rooms are affordable.
I also would like to see more showcases. Not that I really want to perform but I love being in a room of people watching people of all shapes and sizes and levels of ability get up there and have fun. I have places where I can get out and pole in front of people, many do not and I think this is a great opportunity for many.
I am sure I will have more thoughts on this.
More thoughts:
Judges should be competent and should have an idea of pole dancing or fitness or gymnastics or something. Also I think feedback should be mandatory. Within a reasonable time frame competitors should be given what they lost points on or what they need to improve.
If the event is going to be videotaped hire a competent videographer.
I was not talking about the actual performance, I was talking about everything else. You have to be this "personna" from the moment you step foot on the property (if not as soon as you apply) for the competition.
Personality, on and off the stage during the length of the whole competition with judges, spectators, friends and other contestants.
hair/makeup on and off the stage.I also find this part laughable considering all of the issues that they had with performers slipping during the competition:
The head judge reserves the right to stop any performance at any time, due to either: a candidate’s or spectator’s health and safety is at risk and/or the explicit nature of the candidate’s performance
But this is my take on it. I have been in beauty pageants when I was younger and the part about how you look and act the entire weekend played a big part of how well you scored. Forget being yourself, you had to be this plastic person in order to place.
Not to sound rude but that reads more like a beauty pageant. Really puts a perspective on this competition.
There are several girls on here from NL. Welcome to the site!!
I don’t know much about the kodak beside the fact that this will be my purchase when I get to that point.
I do know that there is a way to glue a wide angle lens onto the flips so that you can get more of an area videoed. Google it.
Oooo….Just saw that there are companies that have created magnetic wide angle lenses for the Flip. I am sure that it will probably work on other recorders (it is a stick on circle that goes around the original lens):
Wide Angle Mod Kit
Without understanding what each competition requires it is difficult for ANYONE to "judge the judges". I did not know that they set it up to choose 3 from each group; I just thought they were put into groupings so that it was more manageable for all concerned. And again, I have not viewed all of the performances.
Another instance of people forming an opinion without having all of the facts.
Now I have not watched all of the preliminary performances but I just watched Oona’s and her execution was flawless. There was only one thing that stood out to me but I have no idea what the judges specifically were looking for. Based on what I saw I would also question specifically what she did or did not do that kept her out of the finals. Hopefully she received that feedback from the judges.
I believe that nymphdancer has hers but I am not sure if she has it up yet. You may want to try emailing her through this site.