Forum Replies Created

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  • CrazyKosters

    January 8, 2014 at 3:29 pm in reply to: Non-stripping pole entertainment venues?? Do such places exist?

    This is something me and my husband have talked about opening. Not just pole dancing but different kinds of shows and dancing as well. Family friendly until a certain time like some bars do. With a full bar, restaurant, tv’s, pool tables, etc… something like a sports/entertainment bar, female friendly, and a little classy lol. That’s what I want to open up.

  • CrazyKosters

    November 8, 2013 at 5:10 pm in reply to: Anyone use a pole light?

    I use one sometimes and I posted a few vids using it. I like it but if you want it to go to the beat of the music you have to have the music up a little loud.

  • CrazyKosters

    October 15, 2013 at 10:10 pm in reply to: weight limit for studioveena pole

    Thanks for the replies everyone! She bought the studioveena pole last night 🙂   I am going to save up and get a 45mm studioveena pole as well. I am tired of slipping and grip issues with my T/G xpole. Don't get me wrong, I love the xpole but I want to try something different 🙂

  • CrazyKosters

    September 27, 2013 at 3:48 pm in reply to: How long did it take to feel like you sucked less?

    Keep practicing and don't give up! There will be times when things don't progress or your just not feeling it.. If your getting frustrated, then maybe try to perfect the things you know and then work on other tricks that you haven't tried before 🙂

  • CrazyKosters

    September 27, 2013 at 3:44 pm in reply to: Calling all twerkers! lol

    Lol! It does look like that at first haha

  • CrazyKosters

    September 27, 2013 at 1:53 am in reply to: How long did it take to feel like you sucked less?

    @Katana- You nailed it! That's sooo true 🙂

  • CrazyKosters

    September 27, 2013 at 1:48 am in reply to: Calling all twerkers! lol


  • CrazyKosters

    September 26, 2013 at 2:49 am in reply to: How long did it take to feel like you sucked less?

    As far as inverting combos..I was about a month in when I started inverting and could do the scorpio and gemini. Couldn't combo them though and dismounting looked terrible lol. about 2 months in I think, I could do the inverted crucifix. After 4-5 months things started really picking up for me and stuff just started clicking and my strength was better then ever. I have always had good upper body and back strength though. I have been pole dancing since late Feb 2013. I have my moments where i can't do a dam fireman spin right lol.. As far as flow….thats to be determined at a later date lol, i am still working on that one. Do you have the lessons or have access to someone in your area that poles? people skype on here to. I was just wondering because sometimes hinderence might be from bad form, wrong hand placement, etc..Its nice to have someone watching that knows the mechanics of a move your trying to learn to help guide you while your doing it. Then it might click faster and you start building the muscle memory. Good luck on your journey, if you live in the washington area, you could pole with me!  I'm still learning to but veena's lessons are great if you have them.

  • CrazyKosters

    September 26, 2013 at 2:34 am in reply to: How long did it take to feel like you sucked less?

    I agree with everyone else, its all relative and everyone's body and progress is different. Everyone will find something that they don't like about their dancing or pole tricks. Just know that it will get better, and your having fun and working out at the same time 🙂  I always judge myself to harshly with pole and painting.. I'll say " that looked like crap, my toes were weird or my hand was looking un-flowy, etc.." But then when i mention it or show someone, they're like what are you talking about? lol  Do you record your progress? it's not something you have to post but can be just for you to monitor progress and see what you need to work on. I'm still a rookie with the dancing thing but once i started recording, i improved a lot in my eyes.  With the tricks, for me anyways, it can take a while sometimes for it to "click" but once it does, things progress nicely. You can also know something and loose it, it's happened to me with a few things and I suck at spins lol. At least i think i do… 

    You will nail that butterfly!! Positive thinking goes a long way

    @runemist34-  I would be your biggest pet peeve if you had to judge my writing lol, I suck at that and don't know how i managed to go right into eng101 and pass with a b+ haha. Mostly im lazy with my writing and i have a dr's handwriting to.. I do the same thing with my painting!  We are all our own worst critics I think 🙂

  • CrazyKosters

    September 25, 2013 at 11:10 pm in reply to: protein powders?

    Also I didnt need to read everyone else’s posts because she was wondering what other people took so I told her what I took 🙂

  • CrazyKosters

    September 25, 2013 at 11:05 pm in reply to: protein powders?

    Lol, all I did was answer her original post. She asked what other people took and I told her what I took. She wasnt asking about ED so why should I say anything about it. I answered the original post, your the one that took it off topic and then proceeded to put words in my mouth and tell me what I should have said etc… I gave her the info she asked, I never once gave her advice or said “you should do this” why do you think you know it all? I dont care about your credentials either, everyone including studies and doctors can be wrong. Maybe u should re-read her original post before you go acting like the forum god and think you have the right to tell people what they should or shouldnt be posting. Now back to work in the laboratory…

  • CrazyKosters

    September 25, 2013 at 5:22 pm in reply to: protein powders?

    I have researched it! I do agree that it is a lot of marketing and false advertising etc..I know most supplements are a waste, I never said it wasn't. I was not suggesting she take my advice or take supplements, don't put words in my mouth. I was answering her questions and saying what I take, not what she should do. She is an adult and was asking about supplementation of protein and you also mentioned stuff you take so…. I never said to take this over that, take supplements,etc…I do know what my stuff contains because I don't take supplements or synthetic, propietary blends, and  i only take the whole food source protein powder and 100% all natural bcaa's. Both of which are full disclosure labels with nothing hidden. If they are lying then shame on them and the third party labs that test their products. I never said to not eat. I never siad you should do this or that. She asked and I said what i took just like everyone else did including you. I'm done, wasn't looking for a debate, i was just answering her questions and I'm sure she can make her own decisions, this is an online forum and I would hope people would have the smarts to do their own research and talk to professionals instead of making blind decisions based on what people post here. If not, then that's their own stupidity if something happens. Don't make blind judgements on me, you don't know what I do and don't know and research. I was only talking about two things i take, both of which are from foods and natural. I wasn't trying to debate the whole supplement industry…

  • CrazyKosters

    September 25, 2013 at 4:48 pm in reply to: protein powders?

    I just re-read my op and I don't take the bcaa's and protein at the same time. I alternate but like to make up a glass of water with some bcaa's to drink while working out. I can't eat that soon after working out so that's where the protein powder comes in. i also can't do soy and whey as they can mess with your hormones and was told to avoid them with my endometriosis. I also have MTHFR and require bio active forms of B vitamins and I take methylguard from my dr and B12 injections so i try to avoid all synthetics in supplements and my multi vit are made from whole foods.

  • CrazyKosters

    September 25, 2013 at 4:38 pm in reply to: protein powders?

    I wasn't implying to take supplements over food. The OP was asking about supplementation. I don't like to eat right before, during, or right after working out especially when i'm inverting etc.. So drinking some water with BCAA's during and right after instead of my regular water is better for me and i do know what my supplements contain, they have full disclosure labels and I always buy whole food sources. I don't like synthetic anything and avoid it as much as possible. When I take this while working out, it helps my stamina and muscles at that moment because it's more fast acting than food and gives me more energy. I personally notice a difference when I take it vs not taking it ( i don't do it every time). All I was doing was answering her questions she asked and providing why i take it. To each their own but thanks for the info and I will check it out.

  • CrazyKosters

    September 25, 2013 at 2:04 pm in reply to: protein powders?

    To each their own, I have personally had success and don't have delayed muscle soreness as bad when I do take BCAA's vs not taking it. Of course calorie intake and proper nutrition is important. It's also important to properly fuel your muscles before and after working out when strength training. When I take it during a workout, i have been able to workout longer and harder. This protocol works for me so just thought I would share. I could barely climb my pole 7 months ago and now i can do an Iron-x. My strength really started to soar when I added the BCAA's. I have also lost around 20lbs and all i have done is pole. I do not do much cardio at all and I do not go to the gym. I eat properly and make sure i get enough protein during workouts. To much protein though just turns to fat. Most protein powders as well as protein form food sources contain bcaa's and they are essential for muscle growth and repair.

    "According to College of New Jersey sports nutrition researcher Jay Hoffman, Ph.D. Your muscles readily convert leucine into energy during exercise, which prevents the breakdown of muscle tissue. While BCAAs are the most crucial amino acids for muscle development, the World Health Organization emphasizes that you need to consume all of the essential amino acids in your diet to maintain proper nitrogen balance in your body."

    Read more:

    I notice a difference when I take BCAA's. With them being some of the most important amino acids and is required for many body functions including the prevention of muscle breakdown, and all the literature supporting the use of them, I don't see how you can say they are ineffective whether you get them from food or supplement. I will continue to use them, they work for me. I could post links to research and articles about this all day but I thought the ones i posted are pretty straight forward.


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