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  • CrazyKosters

    September 2, 2013 at 5:16 pm in reply to: Smacking the pole… and it hurts!

    Could you post a short video of you doing it? It might help to see where your problem is. From what i read maybe it's s strength issue with not keeping your body facing the pole? I can't picture it without seeing it

  • CrazyKosters

    September 2, 2013 at 2:05 pm in reply to: I want a flat stomach!

    I'm actually glad you posted this, I don't think anyone was trying to be negative or say you have to do this or that. You need to do whats right for you and listen to the people around you like your nutritionist etc.. Discussions like these can bring up issues that a lot of people struggle with but don't have the courage to talk about and you obviously did have the courage so don't feel bad about it. We are all here to support each other and yes you will get lots of different opinions but they are just that. I personally post things like I did for " Food for thought" for everyone, not just the original poster. People need to be responsible for their own health and with so much info from people and the internet, it can be hard to weed out what is right or wrong or just generally good for you at that point in time. Everyone needs to do their own research and get info from multiple sources to make good educated decisions. I think everyone that posted was just trying to help but we all know typing and texting can come across completely different to different people and just because one person interprets it one way doesn't mean that was the intention of the poster. The comment I made abut curves was about my co-worker because she does tons of cardio and is a stick. I wasn't implying that all women should look a certain way. I have always struggled with my stomach as well so I understand. I was never overweight but since I started pole dancing in Feb i have lost nearly 20 lbs and toned up a lot. I hardly do cardio and I contribute it to building muscle because the more muscle you have the more fat you burn resting I also eat healthy but I dont count calories and only eat when i'm hungry. I still have problems with my stomach and now that I lost weight, my skin kinda is loose and almost saggy looking up close but when I say  that to people around me, they are like your crazy what are you talking about etc.. We do build up this image in our heads of what we look like whether its true or not. I have gained so much confidence by posting my vids and getting encouragement from everyone here that I don't care anymore about my stomach or my cellulite and the way my cellulite and skin looks when I on the pole squeezing things etc..Before I wouldn't want anyone really watching me because I didn't like it but now I've accepted me for me and your right about this crazy image the world has about what is pretty or what women should look like etc.

    When you can let go of your insecurities and step out of your comfort zone, you can really free your mind and the negativity that people hold onto. It kind of bugs me when people say that they don't care about what other people think and that they are doing it for them selves because deep down why should you care then if your healthy? Why do people think that they should have flat stomachs or no cellulite, or tight skin, no wrinkles etc.. It stems from the subconscious that has been conditioned in your brain starting at a very young age from society, the media, disney movies lol, and your peers whether you realize it or not. There is a tribe in africa that views obesety as beautiful and skinny as not. It's about your environment, the views, and belief systems that were taught and instilled in you as a child. With this constant "perfect image" everywhere in our society, we are being brainwashed basically to believe that its true. kwim? people can disagree with me but I could careless, this is my take on it. It's healthy to have discussions like this as long as they are just discussions. Other people are probably glad you opened this up because everyone has insecurities but a lot are to afraid to discuss them.

  • CrazyKosters

    September 2, 2013 at 3:14 am in reply to: I want a flat stomach!
  • CrazyKosters

    September 2, 2013 at 3:05 am in reply to: I want a flat stomach!

    I was at work when I wrote that post lol so I want to also say that a girl from work last week came in and had ran 18 miles before work (she's a runner) and was saying she was really sore (obviously) and was taking Ibuprofen for it and so I had that on my mind when I read this. She loves cardio but is pretty skinny, no good muscle tone, and has "runners face." Yeah she has a flat stomach and very low bmi from cardio but personally, it doesn't look sexy at all and most men prefer curves anyways. Cardio is good for you and it does help weight loss but there is a limit to how much you should do. Especially when your calorie intake is less then 1500. When doing longer cardio sessions make sure you replenish your "fuel" often so your body doesn't break down more muscle for energy. The ibuprofen thing is more for people that take it regularly before, during, and right after working out or running to prevent soreness and pain. This includes all NSAIDS. Good luck with your journey whatever you do 🙂

  • CrazyKosters

    September 2, 2013 at 2:30 am in reply to: 2013 September Challenge

    Woa, didn't realize they were spaced out lik that….lol

  • CrazyKosters

    September 2, 2013 at 2:30 am in reply to: 2013 September Challenge

    Heres some good ones, as wel las what the previous posters posted. Sorry if I repeated any. Some of these may not be cliche but…..


    My Darkest Days Feat Ludacris- Porn star dancing

    Nickleback- Shakin hands

    Blondie- I touch myself

    Joe Cocker-  leave your hat on

    T pian- Im in luv with a stripper

    Marvin Gaye- Sexual healing

    Genuine-  Pony

    Prince- little red corvette

    Prince- Purple rain

    Warrant- Cherry pie

    Motley Crue- girls girls girls

    Poison- Nothing but a good time

    LL Cool J- Doin it

    Garbage- Crush

    Van Halen- Panama

    Lita Ford- Kiss me deadly

    The Runaways- Cherry Bomb

    Kelis- Milkshake

    Juvenile- Back that ass up

    Huey- Pop lock and drop it

    Lil Wayne- Lollipop

    Guns n Roses- Rocket queen

    So alive- Love and rockets

    Pussycat Dolls- Buttons

    Tyga- Rack city

    Kid Rock- So hot

    Whitesnake- Here I go again on my own

    50 cent- Candy Shop

    R Kelly- Ignition remix

    Depeche mode- Stripped

    Nelly- Hot in herre

    The Commodores- Brick House

    2 live crew- Me so horny

    AC/DC= Shook me all night long

    Eric Clapton- Layla



  • CrazyKosters

    September 1, 2013 at 9:54 pm in reply to: 2013 September Challenge
  • CrazyKosters

    September 1, 2013 at 8:16 pm in reply to: I want a flat stomach!

    My post was meant as friendly advice and I am not an expert lol. Just to clarify 🙂

  • CrazyKosters

    September 1, 2013 at 7:41 pm in reply to: I want a flat stomach!

    Your biggest meal of the day should be breakfast not dinner. You need more calories as well, especially with strength training (thats what pole is). For it to be most efficient, consume your protein within an hour of working out. To much cardio is actually not good for you and 10-15 minutes of interval cardio (low intensity- to high intensity at 2-3 minute intervals) has the same metabolism effects as doing cardio for 30 minutes that last around an hour. Everyones body is different though. If you don't get enough calories, your body eats the muscle before the fat. To much cardio actually does the same thing. It also causes a depletion of collagen ( aka runners face), accelerates aging, and can cause a reduction in Human growth hormone. Long cardio workouts are pointless unless your training for a marathon and can cause heart damage. Yes, cardio can cause heart damage. Cardio activates your immune system and to much causes a catabolic state ( tissue breakdown), weakened immune system, elevated levels of cortisol, scarring on your heart, etc.. Another note off topic, NEVER take Ibuprofen before or soon  after working out unless you have an acute injury. It prevents all prostoglandins and cox-2 and can prevent your joints, muscles, and tendons from repairing themselves leading to more injury and damage. To much cardio does not do anything for weight loss (except eating your muscle first)  that moderate to low intensity cardio does. Watch what you eat, eat more protein (to much though and it will turn into fat), get good sleep, and eat frequent smaller meals throughout the day. I have issues with losing weight in my stomach to but i notice a lot of it is bloating and it changes throughout the day and months. Look for a good BCAA complex to take after woking out for muscle recovery. It's not a substitute for protein but its better then nothing and I notice my muscles recover way faster since sing it. I mix it with my water and take it after workouts and in between meals to keep up my metabolism. Sorry for ranting lol, just had to say some stuff about cardio…Also lookup Aerobic vs Anaerobic workouts.. Point is, be patient, don't overwork yourself, and eat more if your working out!

  • CrazyKosters

    September 1, 2013 at 7:08 pm in reply to: stupid carpet!

    I have taped the soles of my stilettos with boxing tape. so far its worked good but don't know how hard it will be to remove any stickiness after taking it off. So far the tape has remained in place and doing pirouettes is easier.

  • CrazyKosters

    August 30, 2013 at 3:09 am in reply to: Should Kids Use The Pole?

    I meant I agree lol

  • CrazyKosters

    August 30, 2013 at 2:54 am in reply to: Should Kids Use The Pole?

    I think a lot of people let their kids use the pole and see nothing wrong with it and agree with the above posters and veena, more people need a better healthy view of sexuality instead if acting like its some sort of unnatural tendency that needs to be suppressed. I just posted a video I finally got around to editing today, its me and my friend with her kids (the youngest is 2) having a little pole jam.


  • CrazyKosters

    August 29, 2013 at 3:11 pm in reply to: Washington State Pole Instructors

    Thanks! I'll have to check it out 🙂

  • CrazyKosters

    August 27, 2013 at 7:32 pm in reply to: Washington State Pole Instructors

    I was checking it out before but it's to far south 🙁

  • CrazyKosters

    August 26, 2013 at 1:38 am in reply to: Washington State Pole Instructors

    I'll look into that place, if it's only a once in a while ting i don't mind driving I suppose. I hate driving around here, people don't know how to drive! lol I am going to have to give the skype thing a try, I just got to figure it out….lol

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