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  • CrazyKosters

    August 25, 2013 at 8:35 pm in reply to: Washington State Pole Instructors

    Thanks for replying. I have veena's lessons but sometimes i feel I want someone to help me and make sure I'm doing things properly while i'm doing it lol. I haven't skyped before so I could try it out. The studio I went to offers private lessons so i could always do that but I just wanted to see if anyone on here does that in the area. I didn't like driving to kirkland from where i was at and i moved but its not really different. I just got a new phone that has skyping, i'll have to look into it. I always want to pole jam with friends or have someone workout with me but all my friends are always doing their own thing and the ones that do do it occasionally with me, I'm teaching them! lol

  • CrazyKosters

    August 25, 2013 at 6:24 pm in reply to: Free Pole Edits!

    Wow! Nice pics 🙂  I have some i would love for you to retouch. Are you still accepting pics? I will pay!

  • CrazyKosters

    August 25, 2013 at 5:58 pm in reply to: 2013 XMAS TREE SPLITS!!

    Have one side front splits (not consistently) so that gives me plenty of time to get the other side. Heck im gonna try for middles too! Im in!!

  • CrazyKosters

    August 18, 2013 at 2:10 pm in reply to: which Pole Expo workshops are you interested in?

    Awe man…I want to go! I live in WA though and can't get away right now  @ Luvlee- I would totally hang by the pool!

  • CrazyKosters

    August 16, 2013 at 11:34 pm in reply to: Right and left side, different anatomy?

    Hahaha Good point lol

  • CrazyKosters

    August 16, 2013 at 10:39 pm in reply to: Right and left side, different anatomy?

    Thank you! I'm just like my father with being stubborn! although I never admitted it when i was younger lol. I just need to make sure I take it easy though…but it's hard!

  • CrazyKosters

    August 16, 2013 at 10:21 pm in reply to: Right and left side, different anatomy?

    @chemgoddess- Wow, sounds a little weird lol, I wouldn't want to do that either

  • CrazyKosters

    August 16, 2013 at 10:20 pm in reply to: Right and left side, different anatomy?

    I will def look into those other muscle groups and it makes total sense about the nerves. I do stretch my pecs and shoulders, strengthening, etc.. I think I def need to try rolfing. I have had so much problems in the past with injuries from being imbalanced on my right and left sides. The army injury really did a number on me as well, I was always putting more weight on one side than the other for years…Might take years to fix but i hope not! I am a very stubborn and determined personality type and it doesn't help that I have a high pain tolerance so i may be exacerbating injuries by not recognizing some pains as injury instead of thinking it's just normal pains. I am becoming more aware though and any pain i feel, I quit what i'm doing right away.

  • CrazyKosters

    August 16, 2013 at 9:54 pm in reply to: Wall Street Journal addresses pole dance

    I think dance is dance and sport is sport. Why can't both be together? Everyones brain is different and everyone sees things differently than the next. I agree you can't really judge dance  ( technical aspects i suppose) because its an art form and people take what they want from a performance and it's in the eye of the beholder. I personally like the sexual side. It's no different than any other form of dance, they all cater to love and sensuality. When i try to explain pole to people that view it as a strip club mentality i first say " pole dancing has been around for around 2000 years, chinese pole!"  "it wasnt until the 80's i believe when it hit the strip clubs in canada" " It's like aerial ballet or gymnastics"  What would any form of dance be without expression and sensuality?  not very interesting i suppose…. I wish people were more open minded of things in this world but to many are scared of what they don't know. It's up to us pole dancers to change the mindset of the masses. Once people can see it for what it truly is, an inspiring feat of fitness and grace that takes perserverance and strength whether or not it's "sexy"  then the world will forget about the exotic dance mentality around it and move on to something else to put down. I watch dance shows and Americas got talent and people vote for the little kids dancing all provacatively swaying there hips, booty popping etc..I guess thats ok and cute but god forbid you put a pole into dancing…just saying… When I mention the aerial ballet, most say " I never thought of it that way" lol

  • CrazyKosters

    August 16, 2013 at 9:21 pm in reply to: Right and left side, different anatomy?

    I have looked into the iliopsoas and stretch it all the time. My pt said it was not tight at all but my hips still pop and get stuck, so do my knees….It sucks!

  • CrazyKosters

    August 16, 2013 at 9:19 pm in reply to: Right and left side, different anatomy?

    Thanks for the info and replies! I posted a video of my tg progress today and mentioned in the description that I have pain when I try true grip or cup grip in my forearm but I don't get pain when I use the twisted grip unless I do it to much which I limit myself. Is that normal? I can't do it on the other side at all even though I train both sides. It's weird cause when I go to the chiro, my left side is always weaker until i get adjusted…. I wonder if my form is wrong for the other grips or maybe strength is an issue even though I have good upper body strength. I was thinking I was just weird… Any thoughts on if its body mechanics or form? Anyone else have issues with different grips? I will definately try rolfing! I am trying to be more aware of correct form and not being haphazard.

  • CrazyKosters

    August 11, 2013 at 5:48 pm in reply to: Hi! Im a new member and just bought my first pole! YAY!

    Welcome! It is great site, one of the least cattiest! It's a very warm and inviting site 🙂  Welcome to the world of pole also. you will most likely become quickly addicted, especially when you have your own pole, studioveena, and youtube lol.

  • CrazyKosters

    August 11, 2013 at 5:45 pm in reply to: Problem with inverted V.

    I agree with the above posts. I also injured the back of my shoulder by pulling a muscle a few months ago by doing it with bad form. It's not just your arms and abs that need strength, also work on your back and shoulder strength and make sure your engaging your shoulders, arms, and abs before you tilt back. I'm no expert at all but injuring yourself from improper form really puts a damper in your day,week or month/s….If you don't have the lessons here, youtube it and view multiple videos from the pros. ive seen some pretty bad advice on youtube, and i've been guilty of doing those and hurting myself so do your research. Good luck and you'll get it eventually!

  • CrazyKosters

    August 11, 2013 at 5:37 pm in reply to: Fitness questions

    I have lost close to 20 lbs since feb when I started. I wasn't over weight to begin with but i was about 138 lbs in feb and now i'm about 118-121 lbs ( I fluctuate a little). I don't run or do any cardio except i consider my cardio the pole because I dance around it a lot and just doing the moves gets my heart pumping and I feel like i ran. I do lots of floor type stuff a lot to. I watch what i eat and stay away from processed foods as much as possible. I don't eat fast food unless i have to, I don't drink pop ( a big weight gainer ), and i just try to be all around healthy. Gaining muscle improves metabolism too but everyone is different. some have to work really hard, others not so much. Also the heavier you are, the faster you'll loose weight ( for most). Your body has to work harder to pump blood etc.. the more you weigh. I also eat a lot of cayenne pepper and drink lots of plain water.


  • CrazyKosters

    August 11, 2013 at 3:53 pm in reply to: Obsessed and effecting my family 😉

    I don't have kids yet but me and my husband joke about our kids coming to tell him "Look what mommy taught me on the pole" lol. I let my friends kids play on it. The 2 year old girl likes to hold on to it and shake her butt while looking in the mirror and she enjoys my videos lol. Her son who is like 9 likes climbing it like a monkey and I taught him the flag move and he can do it! He is into break dancing also. I have a video of them but I need to get permission to post it lol. I am very obsessed with pole, it's always on my mind, especially listening to music. I always think "what move could i do there" lol. I have 3 poles, one in my living room 45mm, and my 50mm in my pole room/studio and the other one i let my friend use. It has taken over my life

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