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  • Money still hasn’t been transferred to my account. I never got a chance to talk to my bank or them today, Ive been sick and didn’t call in time. I’m hoping everything works out and know it will be fixed but if not…I will def let Fawnia know and keep the fraud charge against them. I just don’t get why they couldn’t get this figured out with my bank, professionally. Instead of having me worried and having to do more because of their mistake..

  • Thanks for the info Webby! I do have the text if that would make a difference.. They are a big company or well known i should say so hopefully everything works out. I am going to see what happens tomorrow and still contact my bank to say they are refunding So there is no extra work or investigation being done. I will update when the money comes through 🙂

  • It was Phat Buddha as far as I know. The number I called when I found out was the number on their main website. The girl i spoke with said that they had asked her to handle it because she was one of the girls at the stands..I think the whole thing seems sketchy to me. She texted me a little bit ago and said they had refunded $360 but I checked my bank and nothing is in process yet..I will call them back and my bank first tomorrow to see what is going on. They should have been able to deal with my bank and I should have been able to talk to the business itself, not through an employees personal cell. I wouldn’t have given her my info if i hadn’t already cancelled it. I am calling the bank tomorrow to see whats going on and if the refund will go through since it was cancelled. I asked her that too if it would and she said it should because it is through the bank? Idk… If it doesn’t go through, i will ask to speak with someone in charge. So frustrating lol!

  • So to update again. I just got contacted by someone from phat buddha and they called on their personal phone. They said to send them a picture of the receipt and my cc info so they can reverse the charge. I had canceled my card when I originally contacted my bank to be on the safe side. I asked if they could do this and work with my bank and they said no they can’t contact my bank and do that…I had to text this girl my info on her personal phone. She said she would delete it asap and it would be safe because “they do this all the time” ….Huh? lol. If I hadn’t canceled my info already I would have been hesitant. Why wouldn’t they do this with my bank? Needless to say, i hope they properly reverse the charge and I will only use cash at expo next year..

  • Actually i wasn’t bad mouthing any person or the business. You misread my intention. I was trying to reason in my head why they would make a huge mistake like that and it was true, the lady needed help and didn’t know what she was doing. I was standing right there! I wasn’t saying what you think Chem..Re-read my post. Sorry if I came across as over emotional or rude but I still stand by what i said. I have nothing against you chem or anyone else, just don’t like it when people tell me what i should and shouldn’t be posting. This was an issue i was trying to get help for, not just coming on to rant. Yes my language can be harsh sometimes but I was mad and I still am! It is nothing personal against anybody, I just don’t think you or anyone else knows what is best for me and how I should handle situations. I wasn’t posting anything inappropriate besides maybe a few choice words.. but I was trying to be as professional as i could considering my emotional state at the time. Like everyone else is perfect? I generally like what you post, but sometimes not. This..not so much. It was not helpful to me because it had nothing to do with my actual questions and I felt you just posted to say I was in the wrong for posting this. Sorry if i came across as rude or a smart ass, sometimes those filters are hard to employ when you are upset.

    Nothing in my original post was rude to anyone. I didn’t name anyone except the company and I wasn’t bad mouthing any person or them. Just trying to figure it out. I did update as well before you posted your response and in my original post, i mentioned what my bank said so that right there was a clue that i had already contacted my bank so that didn’t need to be said. I took your response as you just saying something that sounded helpful just so you can say what i shouldn’t be posting. That is rude to me. Sorry if my perception was wrong but so was yours… I will update again when they contact me. I have yet to hear from them..I sent them 2 messages and one voicemail. You would think they would have contacted me back given the nature of the situation. It has almost been a full business day for the east coast (where they are at) but still nothing..Bad customer service in my book.

  • I did update the thread. Even Before that response about “This isn’t the way to handle it” I just don’t like people that think they know how people should handle things and do things especially when they know nothing about the person and their situation. And to come on a public forum and tell people what they should and shouldn’t be posting is pretty snooty to me. Sorry but that’s my opinion. I have nothing against anyone here, still, and people can have their opinions. I still think i was in the right to post this and i wasn’t coming out and saying it was def fraud and blowing shit out of proportion, I even said i will pay for what I bought but I wasn’t going to pay for a typo, so it wasn’t like i came out and was saying they ripped me off on purpose..

    Pheonix Hunter makes a great point. I may not be the only one. And you never know, it could be fraud. Phat Buddha is a legit company so i was thinking more of a typo but when my bank said they manually put in my card and everything else, it threw up red flags because I used cash and the rest was scanned with credit card scanners so i didn’t understand why they manually put everything in…Besides those phone card scanners are sketchy to me so I was on it! I am not going to feel bad because I posted this. Period.

  • Actually thats why i said POSSIBLE fraud. Because of what my bank told me. That is a big honest mistake to make and i have dealt with this stuff before and it is a pain in the ass so really they should pay more attention to what they are doing instead of causing problems for their customer so I have every right to come on a forum and ask questions. How do you know it wasn’t a mistake?? Do you? Didn’t think so. I know what to do and i did all that already. I can post whatever I want. I was posting to try to get all the puzzle pieces until I remembered I had the expo map and figured it out for myself. I was asking a question and if you didn’t have an answer except to tell me what i shouldn’t be doing then don’t bother. I am a big girl and can say and do what i want. I was pissed off and frustrated, you don’t know what else is going on in my life and my financial situation so you really have no say in anything.

  • CrazyKosters

    September 13, 2014 at 7:09 pm in reply to: Instagram Bandwagon

    I’m KrazyPolerChick on instagram but I too just opened up. I remember meeting you at expo 🙂 Instagram is kinda dumb imo..They also pretty much own your pics once posted. So photographers beware lol..

  • Aysha handspring into iron x or extended butterfly into caterpillar then into shoulder dismount.

  • Thanks. i figured it out. It was my blingy outfit pictured. It was $40 not $400. I had to look at the expo map to remember. I remember the lady having a hard time and someone else had to help her so I think it was just a typo or something. They better fix it. I hope I didn’t sign for it and not realizing it said $400! I have the receipt though but there is no price or order number!! What? Just my name, email, and the name of the outfit.

  • *with the Z on it not zeet even though that is what it says on the tag lol. I wish we could edit! lol

  • *top. The only thing i don’t remember where i bought it from is the blue skull and crossbones yoga shorts with the ZEET name on it and the blingy outfit…The rest is alethea and cleo, fabpole and the venetian hotel..

  • I was wearing my cleo the hurricane leggings and the to to the bikini so that is not in the pic but that is all I bought!!

  • CrazyKosters

    September 8, 2014 at 4:47 pm in reply to: Sickle Feet and Popping Joints

    Thanks for the responses ladies! Glad there is more like me, well not glad but you know what i mean lol. I seriously want to try ROLFing and yes I do Roll On The Floor Laughing all the time 😉 Hahaha

  • CrazyKosters

    September 4, 2014 at 2:02 am in reply to: If you don’t have our lessons why?

    Now I’m all paranoid lol!

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