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  • CrazyKosters

    July 15, 2014 at 3:39 pm in reply to: Social media, inspiring or discouraging?

    I really like that video and feel the same way Veena, I used to hate social media and was never on FB hardly ever because I thought it was stupid and feel the same way that guy described in the video but this year I gave in. What I realize though is the only good thing from it is being able to keep in touch with people you would have lost contact with or people you would only see at high school reunions lol until the invention of social media. However on that same note, besides people who live far away and distant relatives etc, I guess the only people that matter are the ones you stay in contact with off of social media I suppose. I would rather have 3 or 4 good friends that will come over, meet up, or pick up the phone and call you then 100+ friends who only will stay in touch with facebook and would not have cared otherwise about you if it weren’t for social media..

  • CrazyKosters

    July 14, 2014 at 4:34 pm in reply to: Social media, inspiring or discouraging?

    ( kinda off topic) I like everyones point of view and it opens up different ways of thinking about these situations. I do want to say though in response to “likes” ,”comments” or “shares” as far as facebook is concerned. I could careless about these things on youtube or studioveena etc.. It is nice to have that though, knowing people liked the video and took the time out of their lives to watch it is a great confidence booster to some. BUT on facebook, it is my personal account. Almost everyone on there except a few of you polers and a few friends of friends, I know everyone. It is my friends and family. So when I post videos, I sometimes get likes and comments and shares but hardly. But I will post pictures of my pole stuff or share some other video and it gets lots of likes! lol. It makes me feel like no one cares really and thats fine too! But it does kinda make you feel like your being a creeper posting this stuff because people will private message me and say awesome or that was bad ass or your getting good but they don’t say that on the video or whatever. They will say “i hope i’m not being a weirdo telling you this”…That right there is like “Am i being a creeper posting this lol” That is what bugs me. If you watched the video and you like it or want to say something, do it on the video!! Don’t pm me unless your scared of your girl or something lol because I am trying to inspire people and share my journey with friends and family like they share their kids and other life things and passions. It makes me feel disheartened thinking that im being a creep. I am not trying to show off or get attention, well maybe a little haha but you know what i mean. I just want to share a big part of my life with friends and family like they do theirs.. So when no one likes it or anything, I feel like i’m being weird or they just don’t like it or get sick of it and that hurts me because these people are my close friends and family. I know most do like it because they have said things to me and encouraged me so I get trapped in my own head putting thoughts in their that have no business being in there lol. It is just the reassurance that some people need, not that it is for attention. Because I don’t give a shit what people think except when it comes to certain people. I am getting over the anxiety of posting this on facebook and will continue to post regardless of likes etc..I already have quite a few wanting to try it out so that is my goal, to motivate people and inspire. That is what i have to remind myself.

  • CrazyKosters

    July 12, 2014 at 12:20 am in reply to: Social media, inspiring or discouraging?

    These discussions make me feel better lol. I never planned on performing or doing comps, not that i wouldn’t if i felt like it but it just seems to draining and would take the fun out of it for me. To each their own though! When I freestyle or dance to a whole song (or try to anyways lol) I usually end up doing the same things over because they feel comfortable to me and it takes me a while to incorporate a new move I learned, so I usually stick to the same things in my dances. It works for me!! Some people just have a competitive personality and thats fine to. I personally think performing and competing are 2 different things in a sense. For comps you have to push the boundaries and do newer and crazier things to stand out. For performing, it is more about connecting with your audience and making them feel what your feeling. Drawing them in to you and your dance, not just crazy tricks.

    I don’t like hearing that “I will never do that move” or “I could never do that move so I don’t try” Having that mindset will make it so you can’t do it. doesn’t mean you have to try it but to completely block it out because you think you’ll never get there is damaging to a possible growth that you never knew you had 🙂 I never thought in a million years I could some of the things I can now due to physical limitations or the fact that it looked to hard. But I think we can do almost anything we set our minds to unless you prevent yourself from doing it by your own mindset..

  • CrazyKosters

    July 10, 2014 at 3:21 pm in reply to: Social media, inspiring or discouraging?

    I agree with the initial post topic 100% veena. I see it and feel it to. I also hear all the same things from people like I’m to fat or to old or not strong enough. I’m like how do you think pole dancers get that way? Lol they do it! It’s a progression and it is as individual to each person as is their finger print. I love making videos to and it is another creative outlet. I find that the longer videos don’t get watched like the short clips as much. Most people on my fb don’t even like or comment anymore but I do get private messages because some people feel like they are being creeps watching them lol which is just as bad…I am trying to make people see pole as a great workout and form of art like ballet is. Not just some “stripper thing” (not that stripping is bad lol!)

    Since I started this journey it has gave me a total mind body transformation. Seeing myself in videos achieving things I though I couldn’t do gives me so much confidence. Which is why i don’t post to much blooper stuff, because I like to see myself in a good light if that makes sense. Sure I’ve lost weight and toned up which helps confidence but I have always been embarrassed by my cellulite even knowing that 90% of women have it and eventually the rest of the 10% will someday. But seeing myself in a new light and always seeing myself in my underwear and achieving great things made me not care about cellulite and any other negative thing I seen about myself. Because of watching my videos I am no longer ashamed of myself and enjoy being able to walk around in my underwear or bikini with people around and not care about my cellulite. Sure it has been reduced since loosing weight and toning up but I still have it and I could care less 🙂 I love the new me! Now I just got to work on my ranting and filter on social media haha. Sorry if I got off topic..

  • CrazyKosters

    July 9, 2014 at 11:39 pm in reply to: great grip for legs!

    Awesome thanks for the info. I have started using firm grip spray on my pole and it works awesome but I noticed yesterday when sweating really bad it lost its tack but usually works pretty good. Almost to good lol. I don’t recommend static spins with it.

  • CrazyKosters

    June 9, 2014 at 4:25 pm in reply to: Advice (or encouragement!) for a Beginner!

    I just remember always wanting to do pole and my friend had one when I was like 19 or something. Wanted one since but never did it until January 2013. As far as advice and motivation, remember that everyone learns at their own pace and persistence and patience pays off. Watching vids of the pros can be both motivating and discouraging when all you want to do is be like them lol. Some of the people here and on YouTube etc..have been doing this for years and some have gymnastics or dance background. Stay determined and record your sessions if possible. You don’t need to post them but it will help you to see what your doing and what you want to change. My motivation is nailing a move and or watching a vid of myself and seeing the improvement over the long run. Some days will be bad pole days, don’t get discouraged. Sometimes you will loose moves you could previously do. Yes the pain gets better! Lol

  • Hey limien..This is not a place to advertise and spam the forum selling phone cases. Just saying..

  • CrazyKosters

    June 3, 2014 at 4:11 pm in reply to: Favorite Pole Performances?

    Ok, I LOVE this forum topic and post!! I aspire to be sexy like all these wonderful ladies. It is def a big work in progress for me, but thanks for all the inspiration videos!! Now back to day dreaming because I’m too sore right now lol.

  • CrazyKosters

    May 10, 2014 at 3:23 am in reply to: I need some friends!!

    I only have 360 and they don’t have skype.Only kinect video chat. I am wanting an xbox 1 so soon! I can do skype on my phone but that would be pointless for a pole session lol. To small..

  • CrazyKosters

    May 9, 2014 at 3:32 pm in reply to: I need some friends!!

    For me the chat wont work. My computer is in my computer room. I have tried to access the lessons on xbox360 because you can use the internet and view youtube vids etc.. but it doesn’t work. Would video chat work with the xbox and kinect sensor? I don’t have a tv cam or a webcam but like I said, my pc is in a different room. So no skyping,or video chatting… 🙁

  • CrazyKosters

    May 8, 2014 at 5:13 pm in reply to: I need some friends!!

    You use the kinect. There is an option for video chat 🙂 You just have to have an xbox gold account i think

  • CrazyKosters

    May 8, 2014 at 1:27 am in reply to: I need some friends!!

    Video pole not chat lol

  • CrazyKosters

    May 8, 2014 at 1:26 am in reply to: I need some friends!!

    I don’t have skype capabilities but I would love to video chat with the kinect and xbox 360 if you or anyone else is interested. Just message me to let me know!

  • CrazyKosters

    May 2, 2014 at 3:50 am in reply to: Interesting article I thought we would all enjoy 🙂

    My animals usually make cameos lol. In fact I think most my vids have at least one animal wondering in lol.

  • CrazyKosters

    April 30, 2014 at 3:28 pm in reply to: Pole studio parties and alcohol

    I’m out lol. Whatever helps you sleep at night..People are going to do what they are going to do. What works for some might not work for others. I pole under the influence of pot all the time. Mostly because it is at night and i have a prescription. I have other problems that I take pot for and it helps me sleep. It works for me and I don’t really care what anyone has to say about that! So yes, people do all kinds of things under the influence of meds and drugs. I don’t go to a studio or even out of my house under the influence and studio owners and instructors should be careful and professional and not let anyone under the influence participate. What I do at my house is my business and just because someone doesn’t agree with it doesn’t mean it is wrong for me. all the times i have gotten hurt has been alcohol. Pot actually helps me mostly. I can dance better usually lol and stretch better. To each their own!!

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