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  • curvydva

    December 22, 2009 at 4:55 am in reply to: Xmas Pole jam and the weather devil….

    Aww I’m sorry I missed it!! I’m in Baltimore but I wasn’t about to try and drive in my Accord coupe Don’t think I’d have made it. Hope we can make other arrangements to get together in the future. Maybe when the weather is warmer

  • curvydva

    November 6, 2009 at 5:30 am in reply to: November Challenge

    I’m so excited about this!! I can’t wait to give it a try I’m going to look for music right now!

  • curvydva

    November 2, 2009 at 6:38 pm in reply to: Miss Xpose 2010

    Plus now that I’ve watched curvydiva I’m all depressed now LOL.

    You are so good girl! And strong as all hell!

    You are so silly but thanks I’m actually hoping someone drops from floor/chair so I can switch lol.

  • curvydva

    November 2, 2009 at 6:34 pm in reply to: Miss Xpose 2010

    I’ve had your 1 year pole-avversary vid fav’d for a long time!

    It’s funny that you mention the body wave because I have been working on that and I’ve been thinking about trying the spinning shoulder mount too! I have so many ideas of stuff I want to put into my routine but I’m only going to use things that I have down good by Feb. I have no idea what song I want…no idea at all…LOL.

    I’ve heard the music is really important. I didn’t see the competition last year, but the girl who came in second is one of the BEST I’ve ever seen and I couldn’t believe she didn’t win. I asked her what in the WORLD did the girl who beat her do to edge her out and she said she thinks it had to do with her flow and the way her music was put together. So now I’m OBSESSED with picking the right song

    Here are a few I’ve seriously considered. Some of these are only good selections if the costume goes with it:
    Circus- Brittney Spears
    Girl Fight- Brooke Valentine
    A BAD mix with Bad to the Bone, MJ’s Bad and Rihanna’s Bad Girl
    Candy Man- Christina Aguilera

    Ladies any suggestions you have for Sissy and I would be greatly appreciated We need guaranteed crowd pleasing songs!

  • curvydva

    November 2, 2009 at 4:54 pm in reply to: Miss Xpose 2010

    Sissy I’m so excited! I’ve already started hunting for a costume and I’ve got one of my songs, but I’m not sure about the other. I’m trying to nail a spinning shoulder mount for my Pole Diva routine and a body wave for the Pole Princess but only time will tell If I don’t have a move nailed by January then I’m just not going to do it.

    Oh and I have vids on youtube and I know my channel is being monitored, but I didn’t realize it didn’t post to my profile like vids directly uploaded here. No worries though, I’ve uploaded a few and I’m gonna upload some more

  • curvydva

    October 31, 2009 at 3:26 am in reply to: Miss Xpose 2010

    Hey Sissy I signed up for Miss Xpose at the Arrundel Mills location too!! I’m doing Pole Princess and Pole Diva. I would have done floor/chair instead of Pole Princess but it was full. Can’t wait to see you there I’m really looking forward to all of the performances. I’d have signed up for the 09 comp but I’d only just started going to Xpose a week before the deadline. Best of luck!

  • curvydva

    October 16, 2009 at 3:23 am in reply to: DC Pole Jam in December Roll Call

    I’m sooooo late!!! But I’m happy I found this thread! Count me in!! I’m in Baltimore add me to the list of folks available for carpooling. This is gonna be so fun!

  • curvydva

    May 22, 2009 at 3:34 pm in reply to: Stumped!!!!

    I’m 5’5. I totally gave up on the idea of wearing heels because I can touch the top of the pole barefoot lol. I’m not sure if I can do a straight edge with the space I have. The pole was slippery and I haven’t been on one in a week so I need a few days to get my strength back. I’ll be SO disappointed if I can’t do it! I’ll definitely work on the moves you’d given me and give spin mode a try (I’ve been TERRIFIED of it in the past but I could use the challenge). I wish I could try a death lay, but since the xpole has that dome I don’t think it’ll work. Thanks a ton Veena!

  • curvydva

    May 22, 2009 at 2:40 pm in reply to: Stumped!!!!

    Aww thanks

    I think I’m going to be doing a lot of moves from the floor. I might just develop a whole new style lol.

  • curvydva

    May 15, 2009 at 2:46 pm in reply to: Looking for Platform Knee High & Thigh High Boots!

    My favorite place to buy Pleaser shoes online is It’s free shipping and returns, no re-stock fee, takes about a week for the shoes to get to you and the exchange process only took about a week as well. A while back I bought a pair of thigh high boots for 35 bucks but sadly I had to return them because they made my thighs look like over stuffed sausages lol. Also, you get a 10% discount if you become a member and 10% off if you order more shoes within 30 days of your last purchase.

  • curvydva

    May 13, 2009 at 4:40 pm in reply to: Order your pole here!!

    I ordered my pole Friday night and I’m so anxious!! I keep waiting to come home to a sweet surprise!! I can’t wait!!

  • curvydva

    March 22, 2009 at 2:37 pm in reply to: Ametuer Night

    Thanks ladies!!

  • curvydva

    March 22, 2009 at 2:36 pm in reply to: Blisters?

    I think my callouses are bad because I use Dry Hands. I’ve only had to use it since I’ve been coming to this studio and now my hands look and feel like a construction workers It’s not sexy but I figure if a guy I’m dating ever has a problem with it, I’ll just ask him would he rather have a woman with soft hands or one who can flip upside down and shake her booty while she’s at it

    Recently I’ve been shaving down my calluses because when they get too thick they pinch and even rip. I use the tools and products I have to give myself a pedicure like a foot file, callous shaver and even the Pedegg and give my hands a once over every week. It’s been working WONDERS for me. I think I’ll also start cutting back on the Dry Hands though cuz when it’s bad, its BAD!

  • curvydva

    March 21, 2009 at 8:55 pm in reply to: Ametuer Night

    The studio I frequent is having an amateur night. It’s not like it would be at a bar or club though. Only women are allowed to attend and it’s not a competition. I tell people its more like a recital full of half naked women I’m still going to perform though! I’m pretty excited about it too! I’m dancing to Dirty Diana and I’m hoping to nail the twisted grip handspring by then so I can incorporate it into my routine. I can do it about 95% of the time with my shoes off and about 65% of the time with them on. The show isn’t until the 17th so that gives me about 3 more weeks to get it together! Wish me luck

  • curvydva

    March 21, 2009 at 8:30 pm in reply to: X-Pole Alternative?

    Thanks so much ladies for all your tips and advice! I’m going to definitely look into getting the X-Pole with the special extender. Another option I may go with is a removable brass pole from a local studio. It’s not very portable (it’s one piece), but I’ve always had a fondness for brass so that kinda makes up for it

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