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  • debbierockz

    January 27, 2011 at 9:57 pm in reply to: US Pole Dance Championships

    Hey the button thing is a great idea.Im making plans on being there iv never been to one before (sad isent it) and iv never been to new york im so excited of course my b.f. is my bodygaurd to lol would love to attend a after pole party i,ll be ready to pole party!!! woo hoo

  • debbierockz

    January 27, 2011 at 11:55 am in reply to: US Pole Dance Championships

    my b.f. and i are wanting 2 go just have to get those income taxs back lol….coming from missouri blahhhh

  • debbierockz

    January 25, 2011 at 9:27 pm in reply to: US Pole Dance Championships

    my boyfriend and i want to go so we are saving money as of now.we never been to new york and so excited to go and see the champinships..anybody know of any hotals close by the event please let me know thank u my pole sisters lol debbie n missouri

  • debbierockz

    January 23, 2011 at 11:34 am in reply to: Not feeling it anymore…. 🙁

    I feel ur pain..iv been poleing it for 6months and trying 2 master my faverite moves and its making me so mad that i feel like why even bother but i know 2 keep at it because everbody has started out the same way..trying to do this right and that right etc etc but if u just keep pushing urself you will build ur strencth and stamnia i know i have.But just to let u know im thr with u stuck n a pole rut (grrrrrrr) keep pushing thru it u will get better.u run the pole it doesnt run u.

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