Maria-Elena Kadala
Forum Replies Created
Don't have any special requests, but wanted to take the opportunity to say how much I appreciate your commitment to excellence!
I think Bel Jeremiah has the right idea — inversion is the fountain of youth.
I have chronic tightness is shoulders, neck, and inversion helps to release it, and I think the traction does as well.
Especially for us older women , gravity has been working against us for a long time, and inversion really helps, because it allows gravity to work in the other direction — same principle as inversion boots. PLUS it's a great core workout!
Have her do some of Veena'a strength and conditioning exercies; ask Veena which are most appropriate.
See how she does. They might even improve her CTS!
LOVE the Foam Roller. Loved it enough when I though it was jsut for massage (which is why I call mine "Sven") but to know it has stretching benefits — yippeeeee!
The foam roller lessons are terrific, I'd learned most of that years ago but still follow the lessons to have a structured plan.
Veena's strength lessons teach you to strengthen muscles you didn't know you had, let alone needed! VERY important … you don't want to find out the hard way! studios don't teach many of these. The forearm flexor/extensors stretches seemed superfluous to me, but OUCH! I'm lived to regret it. The pain comes in my wrist, because the tightness impinged some nerves. I have to work them daily now.
I demonstrated many of the SV exerises to my PT, and she was very impressed … a more fun way of doing the rehab my PT was showing me!
Veena does have a lesson in the Advanced section!
I learned (after an injury to my shoulder/arm, falling down my stairs) the my chronic wrist pain was due to hand flexor/extensor problems.
Lesson learned —- to the strengthening AND the stretches!
Home Goods has some really large mirrors are reasonable prices.
"Oh, my Papa"????
(by Eddie Fisher in the US, Eddie Calvert in UK — interesting!)
Oh, dear!
Maria-Elena Kadala
MemberJanuary 29, 2011 at 5:57 pm in reply to: I found my sore muscle CURE!!!! =DEpsom salts is magnesium sulfate, it's the magnesium that's soothing, and bathing in is like a total transdermal patch. Epsom salts has "LAXATIVE" in big letters all over the hug bags I buy of it, so I think people must give me strange looks when I get several bags at a time!
I've missed my Epsom soaks because my tub needs repair, but I'm glad to learn there's an alternative for the interim!
Maria-Elena Kadala
MemberJanuary 27, 2011 at 11:14 pm in reply to: How to convert and edit movies for freeHere's another product that does all sorts of conversions and allows you to download from youTube and convert from iTunes format to mp3 (I just used it to convert a particular version of a favorite songon youtube to mp3!)
There are some videos that I like to use for study, and by editing breaks into them, it's easier to stop and rewind!
There’s a local salon with bargain prices on the laser! I’ve had 5 treatments over the course of 16 months, and it is 95%, all for less than a year’ s worth of waxes. She charges $80 for 15 minutes, and for me that includes underarms, ‘stache (joys of post-menopause), and kitty. Hurts less than waxing.
My arm and leg hair is blonde, so the laser wouldn’t work; works best when there’s contrast between skin and hair.Stella Dieci in Milford, MA.
Wonderful interview, good in-depth coverage, not just a 3-minute glossover the way it’s done so frequently here.
I remembered "Antigone" from Greek mythology, but couldn’t remember exactly who she was, so I looked it up, and the definition was "the name may be taken to mean "unbending" — LOL! Azriel looks pretty bendy to me!
lavendar or eucalyptus oil in ears
Saline spray or neti pot, it got there thru nasal passages, warm salty water might draw it outAnd Sudafed, it will open your Eustachian tubes … you’ll feel weird, but if that congestion gets infected … you’ll really have problems … if this doesn’t solve it, see MD for labyrinthitis