Maria-Elena Kadala
Forum Replies Created
-Try different types of running to see what kind you like. Personally, I’d much rather go for a crazy trail run than pound it out round the pavements. This can cause me some frustration though because the running I really like (hilly trail runs at a slowish plod) is not the kind of running that makes me faster (speedwork BLURK!).
Have you tried working with a heart rate monitor? the program I used recommended looooooon slow runs for improving speed! speedwork/sprints was only once a week.
The fitness tests for referees have changed because it was determined that that training for those tests was not helpful for match fitness; we’ve learned a lot from the English referees.
So if you really love trail running, why give that up to train for a race? if you loved road running and speedwork, then racing is probably fun, but if you really prefer trail-running, then stay with what you love!
I get paid to run! I’ve been a soccer referee for over 20 years, and although I’m well past the age for pro games (my last was in 1999) i continue to work college and men’s amateur matches.
But I don’t love running for running’s sake, it’s part of an activity I enjoy. To train I have to run without the benefit of 22 frothing-at-the-mouth hooligans to entertain me, so really good pacing music gets me going.Haven’t done any racing other than what is required for the fitness tests every year. I won’t consider a marathon because I know that after 20 miles, you’re just damaging your body. Wouldn’t have a problem with a 5K or 10K (wouldn’t be the first or last across the finish line) but the logistics — especially porta-potties — remove any temptation to race.
I was interested to read of some one’s experience with barefoot running, have been considering it for myself. I can still run with 20-year-olds, but it takes me longer to recover. I had two repetitive strain injuries that came primarily from lack of flexibility, not making stretching a part of my training program. Flexibility dramatically drives (or limits, in my case) your running mechanics.
Although I haven’t run a marathon, I’ve pushed myself past a reasonable limit with games (3-4 men’s games on a Sunday used to be the norm), especially for tournaments, or July afternoons at the stadium inside Logan airport, on the old astroturf-carpeted cement, inhaling jet fumes. 2-3 days to recover, just to be able to train for 3 days, to go out and do it again?
Still love running around for the games, but I’ve also learned to make choices, and keep a pace that doing the activities I enjoy doesn’t prevent me from doing the activities I enjoy! -
Maria-Elena Kadala
MemberNovember 7, 2010 at 10:47 pm in reply to: Anybody else having video problems?Yes, I was looking at older videos, that have been in the system awhile — same problem.
Maria-Elena Kadala
MemberNovember 7, 2010 at 5:37 pm in reply to: Racheal Ray talks about poling accidentIf the man was close enough to get kicked, he was endangering the dancer’s safety … he needs to be sued!
Maria-Elena Kadala
MemberNovember 7, 2010 at 5:30 pm in reply to: Anybody else having video problems?Ditto, and I also upgraded as recommended … I try rebooting, but it seems to be getting worse.
It’s not been a problem so much with the lessons, because everything is repeated and slow motion. But in some of the uploads, I’ll miss whole sequence, the buffering seems to last for seconds where before it was imperceptible. -
Maria-Elena Kadala
MemberNovember 3, 2010 at 1:43 pm in reply to: Please Vote for Pole Dance Calendar Cover 🙂 -
When I started, I actually would take Bonine the night before (it last 24 hours).
Over time, my spin tolerance has increased tremendously. Previously, in belly dancing, i could do one revolution … now I can easily do 2-3.
So your body adapts over time, but in the beginning, I recommend the meds to get you thru! you can try those wrist bands too, but they didn’t help me. -
I was not talking about the actual performance, I was talking about everything else. You have to be this "personna" from the moment you step foot on the property (if not as soon as you apply) for the competition.
But this is my take on it. I have been in beauty pageants when I was younger and the part about how you look and act the entire weekend played a big part of how well you scored. Forget being yourself, you had to be this plastic person in order to place.I can understand why you might feel that way, but I don’t think a pageant wants you to be a plastic person, they just want you to show your best qualities. Pageant queens represent those organization at public functions, and the organizations want to be sure they won’t be embarrassed.
Appearance (and demeanor) also count heavily in a competition that is considerably less glamorous: I’m a soccer referee, and when we are assessed, appearance is 15% of our total score. That means having our uniform and grooming according to standards. Our responsibility begins when we arrive at the venue, and ends when we leave, which is well before and after the game. We are taught how to present ourselves in a manner that instills confidence in our abilities; yeah, there’s some theater involved. At the professional level, the pre-season clinics give a fair amount of attention to appearance & presence, because the Federation certainly does not want to be embarrassed on national TV! We might be at peak fitness and have all the knowledge & ability in the world, but we still have a role to play, we need to look as competent as we are — slouchy posture and scuffed shoes means reduced credibility, that is the reality of it.
Thank you, Eva, for sharing that information … the competition not only presented the judging philosophy, they even gave tips to the competitors for how to show well. One of the things referee assessors tell us is to be sure to sprint in the first & last few minutes of each half, whether we need to or not, because it enhances our credibility. Presentation is truly our most powerful tool.
We know these presentation elements to be part of the judging process in Olympic skating and gymnastics, so it’s reasonable to expect it for this sport as well.
Maria-Elena Kadala
MemberOctober 16, 2010 at 3:27 am in reply to: WOW, This is gonna be me at 73!!!click to see the article on 77-year-olod pole dancer in Pole Spin Magazine!!!
Maria-Elena Kadala
MemberOctober 13, 2010 at 5:17 pm in reply to: Rodney James USA Burlesque Tour 2011 Feb 1st to March 5thI am currently planning my workshops for my USA tour. Please share to studios (both pole studios, as well as local dance studios which offer things like zumba or belly dancing) to all you know!
I am currently looking for studios to host my workshops for the month Feb 1st, 2011 to March 7th, 2011.
I will be on the West Coast from the 1st to the 15th, the desert from the 16th Feb through to 20th and then the east Coast from 21st Feb to 7th March.
…To express your interest Please email on my face book, address is
rodney james syaranamual or mailto:rodney.syaranamual@gmail.comDON’T MISS IT!!!
And if you’ve tried the moves he does in the chair, you realize you’re gonna get a serious workout.
AND you’ll fall in love … with yourself!Like what you see??? well, come on, because you might never … ever … see that again!
I’m going to try and add all the sets I’ve made to my website this week http://www.sweetvixencouture.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" , there are alot of them lol.
LOVE the onesie in your profile pic, if that had a sports bra top, it would be exactly what I’m looking for. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif
Many of us "mid-century modern" women have issue with the middeline of our bellies, due to some combination of pregnancy and/or gravity+time. The sad reality is that while our muscles may be nice and tight, thanks to pole, the skin doesn’t fit quite as well as it used to. Some of us have had surgery. I have a scar from navel to bikini line, and a bikini-line scar plus the saggy skin. I need to wear a real bra underneath; built-in shelf bra won’t do.So hurry up and get your onesies on the site!
I found this one on Alethea’s facebook page
Behind the Sexy Scenes
https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_razz.gif -
Back Around by Earnie & the Automatics
Love Potion #9 by Sally Kellerman
Black Velvet by Alana Myles
I Put a Spell on You by CCR or Van Morrison
Spanish Sky by Chris Isaak
Pulling Back the Reins by k.d. lang
Come on Closet by Jem -
My aunt got me onto ginger last winter … she uses ginger tea for her arthritis, which was so bad in her knees she could barely walk. She boils fresh ginger root in water. I started grating it into green tea, because that’s good for you too. But in warmer weather, I don’t feel like a warm drink, so I grate the ginger into my fruit/green smoothies, and it helps with ALL inflammation, even allergies/asthma (which I wasn’t expecting). Keep the root in the freezer makes it easier to grate!
And having said that, focus on what you can do, instead of what you can’t. Your body will continue to change with your efforts, and all there are some things you will never be able to do, you’re still able to do more than you ever expected to, right?