Maria-Elena Kadala
Forum Replies Created
Great links!
Let’s all put them on our Facebook pages!Webmaster, you’re such a sweetie for thinking of that … now ask M&M if they can put little zipper graphics on the M&Ms, just like in the commercials?
https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif -
helloo, So I am just wondering if there is any ladies out there who have had a hysterectomy (uterus removal) surgery and how that has affected your ability to pole and for how long afterwards, <snip>
I am worried of alot of things but would like to hear any stories or experiences any women have had who has had the surgery after they have already started poling… thank you so much gals for reading this, any input would be soo greatly appreciated, for im a little freaked out and all… Jess https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gifThe idea of major surgery and the implications of a hysterectomy are understandably scary, and your first worry should be your health. My experience was that I felt a whole lot better after the thing was gone!!! It was weird, all these women were telling me I wouldn’t be less of a woman (for losing my uterus) … and that thought had never occurred to me! If it wasn’t going to give me more babies (and I only had one) then I was glad to be rid of it! That was over 25 years ago, and I only started poling last year.
Most important, listen to your body (oh, and your surgeon too!). You will need to take it easy for the first few weeks, so you will lose some strength in all your muscles, and you’ll need to build back up. You’re not going to lose all your strength, but it will take you at least as much time to recover as the time you have taken off. But you’ll probably be back to where you were in 3-4 months time, and that’s not so bad, is it?
Be careful with your abs because you don’t want a tear that will keep you out even longer; you might want to consult a trainer or request physical therapy.You may lose some sensation along the incision, and the internal scar area will feel weird. Massage can help soften the scar so it’s not so tight feeling. It will take some time to recognize what is just tightness from the scar, and what is a strain to the incision, so go carefully. My hysterectomy came 7 months after a C-section, for which I was given an anchor incision, not only across the bikini line, but also from the navel down to bikini line (the pregnancy was complicated by multiple fibroids). And I’d had a previous bikini-line surgery before the pregnancy.
You are going to feel soooo much better afterward! so just be patient with yourself. Start dancing around the pole as soon as you feel up to it, and consider it an advantage to improve your dancing! also start flexibility exercises when you are able. Your physician might permit you to do some non-pole strengthening exercises before (s)he allows you on the pole. You won’t have to start over completely, you’ll recover to the point you were before the surgery, and then you’ll be better than ever.
Keep us posted on how you’re doing!
Maria-Elena Kadala
MemberAugust 12, 2010 at 12:04 am in reply to: Where did your nickname come from???"descalzada" means barefoot (in Spanish; I’m Venezuelan), and I’ve always preferred being barefoot.
It’s been my on-line nom de plume for many years … when I was a young engineer back in the mid-70s, the prevailing male attitude was that women should be "barefoot & pregnant", so initially I was using it sarcastically.
I still prefer being barefoot at home most of the time, but I also enjoy putting on my CFM heels! -
Maria-Elena Kadala
MemberAugust 5, 2010 at 5:42 am in reply to: Can I dance with my damaged fingers, and what size pole?We all have limits and limitations! we all do some things better than others, enjoy some things better than others.
Go for it, and you will do things you never expected to do. Veena has some good lessons on strengthening and stretching hands, pay special attention to those, to maximize your chances of success, and you can start those now while you’re watching for your pole to arrive!
You may have to improvise, and even discover/create a new move because of your "limitation"! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif
Keep us posted! -
So I asked my parents for a mirror for my birthday, a mirror to put in my pole room.
Well … what did you get??? when do we get to see a picture?
Happy Birthday, btw!
I will also have a section with Flow Flexibility training.. it’s how I like to train for my flexibility. Its more that just stretching the muscles after a workout. I will be helpful in increasing flexibility.
Looking forward to that, Veena … dynamic stretching is THE thing these days, I see all the teams doing it before games, and my team (the referees) are doing it as well. I promise to be patient, your lessons are worth waiting for.
We have Bendy Chat on Thursday evenings where some of our bendiest members share their wisdom with we aspiring bendies — it’s been a great help. Please join us!
Everyone has been where you are … don’t feel discouraged. Improvement doesn’t seem to come at a steady state, often leaps & bounds, followed by a plateau, and then the cycle begins again.
Be sure to follow Veena’s most excellent advice and instruction so you don’t incur an injury and get frustrated with the setback.
Those bruises are your badge of honor … get used to ’em … arnica & ice might help, but the bruises go with the territory. They’ll come from banging the pole for the first couple of months, later from the holds, where you’re feeling the burn.
Keep us posted with your progress! -
Is that cute outfit the one you made for yourself for the Detroit Showcase?
This is more a web-master question …
It would be great if the list of videos below the video showing would "hold" its place, so I don’t have to scroll thru ALL the videos (at each level) each time.The lessons are getting better and better, and let me say it again, I LOVE the new format!!!
I’d never even tried an Aysha, but I got the reverse one in your lesson on the first try.
(Still trying to find that vid where you flip into the Superman from V, I think you move the upper hand to outside the leg, then continue to flip over, been trying to work out the logistics rolling on the floor, LOL) -
The aerial silks just take my breath away … your performance was lovely!
i would rather give this up than have to live each day hating how i look, I do want to progress further, and if someone can give me a way to redefine my waist i’m willing to give it time.
Nothing will ruin your waistline quicker than a baby, and do you plan to forego mother-hood to keep your figure?Some of it comes down to genetics. I have broad shoulders (size 10//12 jackets) and narrow hips (size 2 jeans). I’ve never had an hour-glass figure, and never will. Should I hate the way I look?
Rather than focus on this one detail of your body, focus instead on your well-toned muscles, and love the other 95% of your body for what it is able to do. You can visually change the proportion by building shoulders as described. Or you can can cut back on the moves you think are "ruining" your waist-line, eg, more spinning & dancing than lifting moves.
Learn to accept your genetics and make the most of what you have!
OH I love that idea!!! I wouldn’t normally want everyone to "copy/do" then post a lesson routine exactly how I performed it, but this would be a fun challenge…and the routine is only a min long so you could do it a few times for a longer song!
Veena, that would be a terrifichelp for those of us who haven’t done a routine yet.
Will you be adding a few more intermediate & advanced routines too?
Thanks for all you do!
I’ve been hoping you’d do this, looking forward to the others!
Thanks so much.
https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_sunny.gif -
Hooked, I found a folding exercise mat at Target for $30, complete with carry handles.
It doesn’t surround the pole, but I can place it under where I’ll be trying a new trick (which I start low to the ground anyway).
Sometimes I fold it into four layers, others two layers, and it’s a great exercise mat unfolded. If you’re on bendy chat tomorrow night, I’ll show it to you. -
The other news is that I never had a shoulder injury! I went to see a sports injury specialist/orthopedic surgeon that didn some tests and X-rays. He said my shoulders are fine, and I actually have bicep tendonitis! Nothing looked torn.
…Interesting you mention this what — I thought was a knee problem (for having damaged miniscus, years ago) turned out to be an injured quadriceps that made it so tight it was pulling my knee-cap. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_eek.gif My massage therapist sorted that me, and recommended some stretches between appts.
Strengthening and stretching properly are SO important — boring, but injuries happen if we don’t maintain the equipment properly!