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  • distracted

    March 29, 2012 at 1:28 am in reply to: Pole Convention 2012 – I know its early!

    Sair! My friend and I (both Canadians too) will be staying until Thursday. We were thinking of checking out Be Spun for sure, maybe Tuesday morning?

  • Just ordered a pair! Can't wait to try them out. A girl can never have too many pairs of shorts. 🙂

  • distracted

    March 20, 2012 at 9:15 am in reply to: What moves do we do that men find sexy?

    Okay, I have to know. What's the vagina monster?

  • distracted

    March 14, 2012 at 11:20 am in reply to: So excited!!! Just ordered a new pole!

    Horray for the new pole!

    Someone in my area is selling a 45mm titanium gold xpert and I really want it despite the fact that I haven't put up my chrome xpert since I got my stage pole 5 months ago. I emailed to ask the girl about it last week but she hasn't gotten back to me. Maybe it's a sign that four poles is too excessive…

  • distracted

    March 13, 2012 at 3:27 pm in reply to: How many of you have an x stage worthy of investment ?

    I have both an xpert and a stage pole and I can say that I've never put up my xpert after I bought my stage pole.

    The xpert never damaged my ceiling, but it did leave a slightly noticeable ring in the popcorn texture. I enjoy how maintainance free my stage pole is and how easy it is to move around by myself if necessary. I definitely have more faith in my stage pole than my xpert (it's a total mental thing, I know). Yes, the stage pole does take up space but it's space that I need to dance in anyways. As for floorwork, I actually have a PS Star Stand Alone, so my stage isn't as high off the ground, but I find that I can do a lot of floor transition/litte moves on the stage itself. If it wasn't for the stage, I wouldn't be doing any floor work since my pole is in a carpeted room. 😀 

    The option of a spin mode is worth the money, even if you only put it on spin once a month. And yes, being able to just switch out to the different pole if you want another size is so convenient! 

  • distracted

    March 10, 2012 at 11:31 pm in reply to: Pole Convention 2012 – I know its early!

    This might be a silly question, but for those of you who went to the previous pole conventions, did you take the workshops where you're two to a pole (pole star workshops)? If so, what did you think? Were there too many people in a room or did you feel like you still had some attention (even if it's just once in the entire workshop)? Most importantly, were you able to see and hear the instructions clearly?

    I'm totally fine with two to a pole, but I just realized that there'll be a lot more people in the workshops than I had originally thought (good old misreading). I've done workshops with 20+ people before but 50 students just seem a little extreme to me. 

    Please put my fears to rest!

  • distracted

    March 7, 2012 at 10:41 am in reply to: Any chicken leg polers here?

    Chemgoddess, I was also going to mention Karol's legs too. ha ha.

    But yes, it's all about practice and learning how to squeeze/rotate your hip or leg or knee or ankle so there is the maximum amount of skin touching the pound. I have an easier time sticking to the pole than some girls who are curvier than I am but I think it's all about being aware of your body and how it works. Sometimes, it's as simple as making sure you're not slouching or whatever.

    AND DRY SKIN! Trying to find that balance between moisturizing but making sure you're not too greasy is hard. Winter and snow are lame.

  • distracted

    March 5, 2012 at 5:59 pm in reply to: Pole Convention 2012 – I know its early!

    I would vote for Friday evening as well now that others have mentioned it.

    Would it be possible to have something that goes from mid/late Friday afternoon to early Friday evening? This way, we can accommodate both the ladies who are finishing up the certification programs and the ones who have workshops to go to in the evening?

    Verucablue, thank you so much for your generous offer. I would love to meet some of you ladies at a pole jam. If not, we'll just have to have random encounters at the convention!

    Dakota Fox, check your inbox!

  • distracted

    February 27, 2012 at 3:49 pm in reply to: Dancing it out

    Sorry for your loss. 🙁 I'm glad you have found such a wonderful way to express yourself and release tension, even if it's for painful emotions. I'm sure you will be dancing beautifully as a wonderful tribute to your friend.

  • distracted

    February 26, 2012 at 9:06 pm in reply to: Polers in Europe

    Thanks Elektra!

    One of the girls I used to teach with actually recommended Elena's studio since she took a couple classes there when she was in London and said it was fantastic. I have to compare her studio and Justine McLucas' studio and make a decision. I have a feeling it might just come down to timing/location.

  • distracted

    February 26, 2012 at 12:50 pm in reply to: Pole Convention 2012 – I know its early!

    I and another girl from Canada will be flying down Wednesday night since we're both taking the XPERT Certification. Unfortunately, the training goes until Friday at 6, so I don't think we'll be able to make the pole jam if it's being hosted in the afternoon.. 🙁

    I look forward to see you ladies everywhere! I am so excited to be bruised and tired. I'll definitely be bringing my Arnica cream with me!

    When's everyone else leaving? We're actually leaving the following Thursday so we can explore LA and go to Disneyland!

  • distracted

    February 26, 2012 at 12:35 pm in reply to: Polers in Europe

    Thanks everyone! I've messaged a couple of you but I'm not sure if the mail is being sent properly.

    This sounds really silly, but for all of the non-English speaking countries (my French & Italian are extremely basic), do you think it would be really difficult for me to join a class? I don't mind observing and following along in the corner (I'll probably stick to the lower level classes since I can just watch and learn new transitions or whatever) but I don't want to stick out like a sore thumb (more so than I would anyways).

    ahlemh2001, 30e is something I'm willing to budget for in my trip! I've added "pole fund" to my backpacking budget. I love going to different studios, so it's worth the money. 🙂

  • distracted

    February 26, 2012 at 12:35 pm in reply to: Polers in Europe

    Thanks everyone! I've messaged a couple of you but I'm not sure if the mail is being sent properly.

    This sounds really silly, but for all of the non-English speaking countries (my French & Italian are extremely basic), do you think it would be really difficult for me to join a class? I don't mind observing and following along in the corner (I'll probably stick to the lower level classes since I can just watch and learn new transitions or whatever) but I don't want to stick out like a sore thumb (more so than I would anyways).

    ahlemh2001, 30e is something I'm willing to budget for in my trip! I've added "pole fund" to my backpacking budget. I love going to different studios, so it's worth the money. 🙂

  • distracted

    February 21, 2012 at 10:51 am in reply to: Can anyone tell me about Karol’s Rockin’ Combos Workshop?

    I did Karol's Rockin' Combos last year, and, in my class, Karol offered options for a lot of the combos to make them easier/harder. I think as long as you go in with an open mind and don't get frustrated because you can't get a move, it'll be fine. Karol does come around to help anyone who's confused and is great at fine tuning. I thought it was a fun class. Too bad I don't remember much of it anymore. Oops.

  • distracted

    January 30, 2012 at 11:46 am in reply to: Pole Show LA

    I was totally surprised when I realized it wasn't a raised stage and that the audience was up close and personal. I would be way too awkward to do floor work literally at someone's feet!

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