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  • freakiel

    April 23, 2010 at 2:34 am in reply to: How to tell future roommate about poling?

    Thanks for all the replies ladies! Like you all said, I am most worried about it doing some sort of damage. I haven’t had any damage in my current room but that is because my ceilings are cement. I don’t think she’d be too upset by the actual pole dancing, I just really don’t want her to forbid it. I just got this pole and I can’t go the summer without it!

  • freakiel

    April 11, 2010 at 10:33 pm in reply to: Selling Danskin Pole Shorts

    i have these and LOVE them! i usually wear M-L and i got them in XL, they are very very tiny, but with the XL they look great!

  • freakiel

    April 8, 2010 at 5:08 pm in reply to: Pole convention?

    how much do these tickets cost? i’m confused by the price section on the website…

  • freakiel

    March 29, 2010 at 1:41 pm in reply to: Do You Let Your SO Watch You Practice?

    haha my boyfriend lives for watching me pole dance. he watches the veena lesson video with me then watches me try it and offers advice and tries to help me do it. he also enjoys playing around on it. he used to polevault so he has a lot of the necessary muscles and can do a beautiful shoulder mount. i like making him try new things. overall, he is able to separate me practicing from me performing and he appreciates the difficulty of what i am trying to do so he doesn’t care when i fall/fail and i think it makes it all the better for him when i can finally do it and he thinks its even sexier that i have gained the strength/ability to do the spin/move. for example, i’ve been playing around on spinning pole a bit lately and i started just doing some kick spin holds (like boomerang but with baseball grip) on spin which i could only really hold for a second or two, which slowly turned in to a kick spin for about 5 seconds to fireman combo, which now has turned in to a kick spin for however i can hold it to a fireman hold which i then take my left hand off the pole, and lean back, then whip around the pole to go quicker, and then slowly release my thighs and point my legs out so i slowly glide down the pole. he LOVES seeing me improve and build on this move because he thinks its sexy that i am getting stronger and better at it.

    AS for the lack of enthusiasm over the CKR, before joey attempted anything he was the same way. i think people in general will always be blown away by some really simple moves and then unimpressed by what are difficult moves to us but to them they don’t look that hard. people don’t automatically assume that sitting on a pole hurts or that climbing a pole is hard. but its extremely painful and difficult. joey used to think that it was easy and then i made him try it and he squealed like a baby and was like ITS RIPPING MY SKIN! hahaha, so now he gets impressed every time i can possibly sit on the pole for longer than 2 seconds without jumping off and doing a pain dance.

  • freakiel

    March 23, 2010 at 10:29 am in reply to: USPDF Championship results!!!!

    Hi girls,
    vids are online on youtube!!!!!" onclick=";return false;
    Thank you pinkpoleprincess22! Eva

    i JUST watched Fleur’s performance. OH. MY. GOD. it was so fantastic! holy sheesh! i sat there the entire time with my jaw on the table. it was gorgeous. i loved it.

  • freakiel

    March 20, 2010 at 3:30 pm in reply to: How do you disassemble your x-pole?

    So my question is…what is the specific order of things that you do when you disassemble your x-pole? Loosen the individual pieces first and then the dome? Or dome first? Bottom to top? What’s the best way to do it?

    I checked to make sure no one has already given this advice that I have learned from pole buddies: when you are taking your pole down, loosen the pieces first before anything else. Then take the pole down top to bottom. When you loosen the pieces while it is still pressurized, it makes it MUCH easier to get the pieces to come apart.

    Hope this helps if you are not doing it already.

    Hmm, maybe because I am such a visual learner, I am having a hard time figuring out how one would do that…

  • freakiel

    March 20, 2010 at 2:20 am in reply to: Bruises

    It’s totally normal. I love my bruises! You can usually tell what people are working on based on where the bruises are on their body. Honestly, your skin takes a couple of weeks to toughen up to certain moves (different for each people) BUT, your body will probably continue to get bruises with each new move you attempt. the only bruises that bug me/hurt me a lot, are the ones I get on the top of my feet from doing too many firemans or climbing.

  • freakiel

    March 19, 2010 at 6:24 pm in reply to: So, when did YOUR pole burn subside?

    About two months ago… It was amazing because I did a CAR and omg it doesnt hurt nearly as bad!!!! I think I did a happy dance too! Its not like 100% gone but its not like oh fudge cant do *hops off pole* lol

    yay! how long have you been poling?

  • freakiel

    March 19, 2010 at 3:50 pm in reply to: So, when did YOUR pole burn subside?

    look at all you lucky girls that never had it! i took lessons for about 2/3 months before i had to take a long hiatus and although i wasn’t taking classes every day or even attempting the pole sit every lesson, i never got used to the feeling. i think i remember it being a little less painful, but it still hurt like hell. and now, it feels even worse on chrome because not only does it hurt but i am slowly slipping down. haha i thought it would be easier for me because i have thunder thighs, but not so much!

  • freakiel

    March 18, 2010 at 4:07 am in reply to: So, when did YOUR pole burn subside?

    I was lucky and found my "sweet spot" early on, so no pole burn from pole sit, ever! My first pole burn was from inverted crucifix, and that was just the first time until I sorted out my contact points a little better.

    wow, lucky lucky girl!

    From a pole sit??? Um… probably a few weeks, maybe, and that was poling just about every day. I’m still not entirely pain-free but it’s more like discomfort than actual pain. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when it happened, it’s not like I went "Whoa! This doesn’t hurt anymore!"

    Moves like the gemini and scorpio don’t bother me at all anymore.

    Now, as for the superman… I have to be in a particularly tolerant mood for me not to jump off the pole doubled over my thighs after 0.2 seconds. I hate that move…

    haha i’ve heard that about the superman!

  • freakiel

    March 10, 2010 at 3:02 pm in reply to: "The Roxy"?

    ooh hopefully veena lets you! i’ve been dying to learn that spin for a long time.

  • freakiel

    March 6, 2010 at 7:40 am in reply to: Sissybun’s Daughter B-Day and Poling After Party Today!!

    oooh how fun that sounds. jealous!

  • freakiel

    March 2, 2010 at 3:14 am in reply to: Christianity & Pole Dancing & Boundaries

    While I am not a christian (although I know a lot about the religion, I was raised Christian and my sister is going to school to be a preacher), I think you need to think about it in terms of equality. If you feel comfortable pole dancing while other men might be in the room, then you should trust him to feel comfortable watching you pole dance while other women might be in the room dancing.

  • freakiel

    March 2, 2010 at 12:45 am in reply to: A-hem….

    LOVE them! i really want some thigh high pvc boots but i want them to be bright blue, purple, or pink.

  • freakiel

    March 2, 2010 at 12:32 am in reply to: A-hem….

    ooh! ooh! link to the boots!

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