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  • frenchhornprof

    May 21, 2016 at 8:16 pm in reply to: not having children

    I am 34, married, and will most likely never have children. I find the personal, internal drive to create more people a fascinating thing, and it seems to be very powerful seeing as most people do have kids.

    I myself have never felt a burning desire for children, but every once in a great while I ask myself, “Will I regret this when I’m old and need a family to take care of me?” If that is as much as I think about having kids, then that to me seems like a good reason not to have them.

    I am of the opinion that you shouldn’t have children unless you very actively want them. I also feel that people should procreate responsibly. The world already has too many people, and there are significant world issues that go along with overpopulation.

  • You might not have the screws lined up with the grooves inside the adjuster. I set it up wrong on my first try and the screws stuck out, but then when I noticed there were grooves for the screws, I readjusted it and they went all the way in.

  • frenchhornprof

    October 4, 2015 at 5:08 pm in reply to: Recommend any pole studios in Washington?

    I’m from Tacoma! I go to Athena Vertical Dance. They offer pole, hoop, silks, rope, acro yoga, and many, many workshops. I highly recommend them. They are fun and safe, and the prices for classes are very reasonable. We are starting up the tradition of student showcases twice a year for students who want to perform. I like the camaraderie and the friendliness of the instructors.

  • frenchhornprof

    September 24, 2015 at 10:34 pm in reply to: Newbie Aerial Silks,help?

    Aerial silks are really a different beast than pole. I have seen lots of cautions, and I agree, that silks are not something that you want to learn on your own. Here’s a web article that cautions about trying to learn silks on your own:

    If you have a studio in your area that teaches them, this would be where to start. I always wanted to do silks, but there were no classes in my area until this year. So I finally got to start silks this summer.

    Rigging is also more complicated than pole, and the consequences of failed rigging can be steep. That being said, I have a 12 foot outdoor rig that was made by a trapeze specialist, and I have tricot 108″ low-stretch silks, but I trimmed them down to 90″.

    It’s too bad about your mother’s view on pole because that is a much more user friendly way to get in to aerials if you’re going it on your own.

    Bottom line, find a studio or a teacher who can help you get started.

  • frenchhornprof

    May 28, 2015 at 9:54 am in reply to: Indoor trapezerigging

    I just ordered the 7.5-13 foot adjustable rig from Trevor. It arrives next week. I’ll let you know how it works out! I’m hoping the lowest setting will fit in my house, but I’d also like to use the highest setting outside.

  • frenchhornprof

    March 25, 2015 at 1:33 pm in reply to: For Sale: 45mm Chrome X-pole Sport $150

    The pole is sold.

  • frenchhornprof

    March 24, 2015 at 11:45 am in reply to: For Sale: 45mm Chrome X-pole Sport $150

    Thessy, I sent you a private message on this site. You have first dibs right now.

  • frenchhornprof

    January 25, 2015 at 4:54 pm in reply to: Showing off?

    Do you go to Athena Vertical Dance? I also go there, but I broke my wrist last August so I haven’t been there for a pole class since then. I’m currently doing the lyra six week course, and everyone seems to be super supportive. I seriously thought I was going to be the worst in the class coming back from an injury and having lost a lot of core strength. But all of us have individual areas that we are better at than others. I’d cheer your progress if I was in a class with you. I was taking the level 3/4 pole class, and the ladies in that class were quite nice. I’m not a super fast progresser, but I do like to cheer on the people who get things faster than me or seem to exhibit an inclination for what they’re doing.

  • frenchhornprof

    January 3, 2015 at 9:00 pm in reply to: Broken wrist recovery – advice?

    Glad you didn’t need surgery, and good to hear that you’ll get all of your range of motion back. I was only recently able to do a downward dog stretch with my wrist bending and holding my weight. You’ll start flexing your hand backwards during therapy, and the doctor is probably right about it taking about three months to get to a place where you can put weight on it in the fully flexed position. I’m looking forward to the day I can do a regular pushup. When I first came back to pole, I did moves that did not require my left arm. I even inverted with my armpit since I couldn’t use the hand. After about a month I could invert normally again. After about two months I could do moves that required more grip strength, but I still haven’t tried a SG ayesha or anything. I could shoulder mount again about two months after the cast came off. It is terribly frustrating to lose so much progress. I was looking back at photos of mine that are a year old now, and realized I’m not anywhere near there anymore. Fortunately, we’re relatively young, and we should bounce back.

  • frenchhornprof

    December 29, 2014 at 2:07 am in reply to: Broken wrist recovery – advice?

    Michaelaarghh, so sorry to hear about your wrist! It really sucks. Did you have to have surgery to fix the break? I have a plate and screws, and I think that makes the recovery longer. I’m five months out since the break (four since cast removal), and I’ve come a long ways, but I still have a ways to go. I started putting weight on it about a month after the cast came off, but I still cannot fully bend my wrist backwards or forwards. I’m unable to do handstands, and I can only barely do a girly pushup because of the restricted range of motion (I have taken to doing girl pushups on my fists). I have hope that I will gain back almost all of the range of motion and strength, although the doctors told me I wouldn’t. I made a few videos of my pole progress post break that you might watch to get an idea of what I could do when I came back. I haven’t been very diligent about pole for a while, but I am taking a lyra class in January! I feel that the wrist is good enough to try. So, you’re looking at an extended recovery, but you’ll come back. When I broke my wrist, I could hardly find any information about what the recovery would be like for a poler, so let me know if I can be of any help to you.

  • frenchhornprof

    November 16, 2014 at 1:50 pm in reply to: Please HELP (sorry for the politics but I need yo)

    I only just heard about the kidnapping of the students a couple of days ago. I can’t fathom what’s happening, and I can’t imagine being in the middle of it. My heart goes out to all of you, and I hope that the world can respond to the citizens’ needs. I hope you are able to stay safe.

  • frenchhornprof

    November 13, 2014 at 11:42 pm in reply to: Craziest pole moves

    This made me curious, and I did a Google search. Here’s a website with some crazy moves.

  • frenchhornprof

    September 19, 2014 at 9:12 pm in reply to: Finding my style

    Ooh, that should be fun. Every couple of years I do something drastic to change things up. First I got a navel piercing, then I cut my hair shoulder length (Gasp! Well, it was a big deal for a formerly conservative Christian), then I dyed my hair bright magenta. It’s fun each time.

    Hope you like the way your hair turns out!

  • frenchhornprof

    July 30, 2014 at 11:35 pm in reply to: vote- my bringing sexy back video!

    That was a pretty high quality production video. Wow, you have a killer jade. I like your little smirk throughout and then smile at the end. Several of the videos on the list seem to be missing the facial engagement. Plus, you looked like a supermodel for the entire video.

  • frenchhornprof

    July 23, 2014 at 12:52 am in reply to: Does anyone have Star Stand Alone?

    The screws on my x-pole stuck out like that when I didn’t have the pole aligned quite right. I bet they are supposed to be flush when assembled. You might check how the pieces are fitting together.

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