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Awesome and exciting! If you have any kind of small business association/group close to you, they can probably help with requirements needed for a business in your area.
Awesome and exciting! If you have any kind of small business association/group close to you, they can probably help with requirements needed for a business in your area.
I can’t comment on chrome vs. brass, because I haven’t used chrome. But, I do have the x stage lite with a brass 45 and I love it. I had really poor grip with my legs the first few days, but it improved after cleaning the pole really well. Maybe it’s all in my mind, or I’m just adapting to the size/metal but, it seems like the pole grip has improved after using it for a while.
I haven’t had it happen, but give them a call, Randy was really helpful when I had an issue with my vaulted ceiling mount.
I left the bottom piece on the pole and brought the joint with me to show the guy at the shop how the pole works. He just taped off the bottom part and plugged the holes used for adjusting the joint.
I just took it down to the local powder coating shop, easy as pie. They had every color and finish I could ever dream of!
This last pic is with a strat dog we picked up last week, gypsy, she’s taking a little nap on the stage. Anybody want a husky from Alaska?
I second glitterhips, rara’s silhouettes are awesome. I love the pics she did for me!
Husband, family, a job I love, our home, our dogs, my pole-getting in shape again, veena’s lessons-because there’s no one in Alaska to teach me, and because I’m in Alaska, I will be thankful when the temp is over zero!
I know they tell you how to cut it down in the instruction video. Give Xpole a call and see what they recommend.
Thanks! I was having so much fun!