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Tigger is doing well, her transition is settling down and she did just get better internet connection. I contacted her via our FB to see how she's doing…busy, busy, but doing well. Teapartie said she was in chat Friday, so that's good!
She'll be touched by all the love! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_heart1.gif
It was also very painful for me starting from the floor. Someone told me starting from aerial on the pole helps arm/skin to slide down a tiny bit for contact instead of trying to use armpit pressure to hold. I was also scared of falling so I would just do one little climb to be off the ground and if I slipped I was already close to the ground. I had hard time trying to get into position by hanging legs and bringing up. I saw someone (wish I remembered who) get into it from hood ornament, so I tried it and liked that. It's in my recent video 9/30/12. I seem to be more in armpit instead of bicep and butt in front of the as much as possible. You'll get it. BTW, it did hurt a lot when beginning to learn it till you find your sweet spot/grip.
PA, we need to sv chat pole jam on this one. Skittles taught it at a workshop I went to while back, but haven't had the nerve to try it yet. Jade, I'm with you, let's get started! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_eek.gif Here is video of Skittles doing brass monkey flip after seeing Jenyne also. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlraQrxSPyQ&list=PLF2D5613C69A70597&index=2&feature=plpp_video
I was a little concerned about telling a few co-workers also, but I did. They were SHOCKED to say the least because they perceived me as quiet and "common" huh?? I told her I am and do it for fitness, she just would not drop it. I asked her to please not make a big deal of it and not use it as topic of conversation. I am a secretary at the adult school in my town so work for school district, which doesn't matter.
I went to my administrator (female vice principal) and told her about what I do. I said, "I should never have said anything to anyone, but it's out now." I showed her a couple of my pratice vids and she said there's nothing wrong with it and don't worry about it.
We have a new male principal and I'm so worried he'll find out because he's on the loud side to and I know would be "amazed". He knows I do bootcamp training and private and always working out. He's always saying things like, go get that workout in, Yolanda; did you workout? Are you working out this weekend? etc, etc, etc.
Sorry this happened to you because it's on your own time. And bummer someone "threw you under the bus". Great advice from webmaster, hope it all works out so you can enjoy poling and not feel you have to hide it. I have two facebook accounts, one for poling friends and one for personal friends/family/co-workers. I do post on my personal FB but have a list with specific people to be able to view. A couple of friends "mentioned" they blocked me from their newsfeed. One is a male who said he didn't want to be tempted, HUH!?!?!?!?!?! He mentioned skimpy clothing, WHATEVER! But he watches beach volleyball FEMALES!
Hi there, footnote: thinner doesn't always mean stronger…in my case anyway. When I discovered pole about five years ago I was very active in a traditional gym and took an awesome power flex class. I was shocked at how I couldn't do a basic pole hold. It took me a lot of pole practices, workshops, classes, to begin to develop strength. But I found a bootcamp fitness type of workout close to me. I've been going for few months, but almost two months ago started private training.
I can't tell you how it has helped with poling and I still have a ways to go with fitness and poling. My videos here 9/12/12 and 9/30/12 are improvements due to fitness strength and whole body workout.
Working on new things for pole and taking it in baby steps will develop strength. And if you are able, find a workout that focuses on using own body for workout or work out at home. I personally am not self-motivated and even though I do a few things at home to practice, I need the group class and private to challenge myself.
Otherwise, just keep working at it with pole and strength will come.
I found a bootcamp workout place near me and tried it months ago. I LOVE it. I need a class to work as hard as I need to. I started private training once a week also and it is helping tremendously with strength, toning, balancing my body/muscles. The trainer knows I pole and is excited about strengthening me for it. My practice this weekend was wonderful as I felt a lot of strength improvement.
Years ago I tried the gym thing with machines, etc. It didn't work for me. The bootcamp workout is awesome, using own body weight.
If you look at my profile, you'll see I'm on the thin side, however, this summer I didn't work out much and had a fun time with road trips, etc which ended up a lot of "vacation eating." I got quite out of shape in my mid-section (middle-age also contributes), that's when I decided to start the private training and improve some eating habits.
Hopefully you'll get a trainer that will meet your needs/goals and not just do the typical thing that everyone does.
Oh, since I started poling years ago, I have tried to learn basic handstand. Friends, instructors, workshops have tried to help me, but I would panic and even get teary-eyed with fear. I just couldn't figure out how to hold myself up. My fitness trainer started me on handstands this past week. He saw how scared I was and talked with me for about 15-20 mintues to get me to trust him spotting me. I am not able to get all the way up by myself, BUT he spots me and gets me up to a wall and I can hold myself in handstand position!!!! That's due the strength training he has me on and I feel stronger…now I just need to learn technique to get myself up 🙂
Long story short, I've heard cross-training helps with pole and it's true!! Like others said, look at it as getting stronger, fit, etc. the body changes will come. Keep us posted 🙂
Welcome back! Glad to hear you are back to your pole journey and hope things have settled down for you in life. Also welcome back to sv. Many still meet in chat on Fridays. Haven't heard of Bendy Buddies for a while. I think some have made arrangements to meet for stretch time, but not sure if they still do and how often. Hopefully someone here will give details.
Your strength and pole will come back and glad you have a teacher to go to. Keep us posted.
As others said, that you are starting is a positive. We are of all ages, weight, height, physical level here. As rewarding as poling is, it can also be physically challenging. When I started I was very active with weight training and aerobics at the gym. I was shocked at my first pole class that I couldn't even do a basic pole hold or anything!!! It took me months to learn to invert.. When I found studioveena I had to start all over again to go back and learn things correctly. So you being here is already a step in the right direction https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
The hardest thing about pole is having patience and not comparing, realizing it all takes time and some things come easier than others. Please use the beginning of your pole journey to build strength and rejoice in each accomplishment as small as it may seems. The small ones turn into bigger ones down the road.
I haven't accomplished many things I would like or feel I should by now, but it's okay. I have fun with what I've learned as it's still a great workout. We've all started where you are and this site is the most supportive and encouraging. Join Friday chat if you can!
I am one of the "older" ones at 57 yrs old. I started at 52 almost 6 yrs ago (will be 58 in Oct). I am on the thin side, however, struggle with mid section due to age and menopause. I am happy with what I've accomplished so far and hope to continue for fitness aspect. As others have mentioned, everyong poles for different reasons. Find what works for you, take your time and don't compare to others. So, in answer to your question, yes! You can do this at your age. Oh and the most important thing…have fun!!
Welcome, you will love this site!
Welcome and yes, it's soooo easy to get "hooked" 🙂 You will love this site and the veneers who are part of it. Join us in chat on Fridays if you can!
Poletential's address is: 2682 Middlefield Road in Redwood City. I'll private message you.https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif
Not sure if you pulled a muscle, but I did years ago when I started inverting. Mine was the opposite though, I did it while kicking into an invert trying to get up. I knew I did something bad because I felt the "pop" of pulled muscle, I also dropped to the floor in horrible pain and could not move. I thought I'd fractured a rib. I had tried to pole but there was no way. After weeks of sheer pain went to the doctor for xrays which showed severely pulled muslce in rib cage. I had to stop pole and all activity for a good two months. Maybe you strained something, I'd try resting it till it goes away. Maybe others can give input.
Just looked up Santa Clara and seems like you are in between two gals I know in the area. Maybe closer to the one in Sunnyvale. I'll ask her how far she is from you. I think she is planning on going to open pole July 28.
Poletential is in Redwood City. Not sure where that is in relation to Santa Clara. Where are you distance-wise from Pleasanton? Twirly Girls is an awesome studio there, they are having open pole on Saturday July 28 for a small fee. I live 2 1/2 hrs from Twirly Girls and go as often as I can. Unfortunately, I might be out of town that day and won't make it. Wish I lived closer, I'd get together with you, I don't have anyone close by 🙁
I'll have to check where Santa Clara is. What other town is close to you? I'm terrible with geography!