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I'd love to skype or sv chat pole with someone; however, my work hours are unique so doesn't seem to fit into most people's schedule. I usually try to practice on Tuesday or Thursday (or both) in the middle of the afternoon pacific standard time. I work split shift those days so I'm home and usually pratice 1:00 or 1:30 p.m. for a little while.
Anyone available during that time of day, let me know. 🙂
Stacey, I have a 50mm TG xpole and even though it is grippier, it still has it days of feeling like I'm on chrome. Although I have practiced and accomplished a lot on it. I recently ordered a 45mm TG chrome (don't know why I got chrome) and keep going back and forth between the two. Depending on weather and my skin determines which one I have up, but I want the 45mm all the time. So I put the 45mm chrome up again and going to practice with it consistently. If I'm still not happy in few months I'll sell it and get 45 TG.
In other words, be prepared that there may be some days where it feels like the TG isn't doing its grippy job, but I do LOVE it and it is different than chrome.
Good luck! I remember when it was time to replace my Lil Mynx, it was difficult making the decision.
MemberJanuary 11, 2012 at 8:48 pm in reply to: International Pole Convention In LA June 22-24Any word as to when the convention passes will go on sale? I keep checking the website, but don't see mention of it yet?
Welcome Sherry! This is a wonderful place 🙂
MemberJanuary 8, 2012 at 12:37 am in reply to: Everyone’s talking about get flexy but..polefairy, THANK YOU so much for posting this! I also struggle with consistency and if I'm doing correct form. If I would use the conditioning/stretching lessons here I know it would help, but I tend to be hard on myself that it's too late in my stage of life. I know, I know, it's not, I just need to get that through my head. I am so not flexible and very, very tight. There is a studio opening in my town soon and I hope that will help me to be consistent. Besides forgetting, work and life get in my way. Again, thanks for posting cuz I feel the same way, had same questions, etc.
Double ditto Thank You and Yay for v and webmaster!! Do I see a new user name: sexy webby! 🙂
Love this site also, I don't know what I'd do without it!!
MemberJanuary 5, 2012 at 10:00 pm in reply to: Platinum Stages and X-Pole Side By Side DemoI've typed and deleted, typed and deleted, typed and deleted again. I want to say so much but not sure how far to go.
@payton, to your "I just have one question to all of the studio veena enthusiasts and xpole supporters and I expect an answer" With the way you have conducted yourself here from the very first post, you are pretty nervy to make such a request. I am impressed with Empyrean (and others) as she chose the high road to respond to you. Even though I am not up there with the expert/advanced polers, I have been to studios with different types of poles. There is something I like and dislike with EACH of them (which includes PS), even the one I ended up with which is an x-pole. I would take something from each one and add something to each one, but it's not a perfect world.
I personally would have refunded you, then there would be no excuse to remain here if you are SO unhappy. We can't help but wonder what your underlying issue is, why you are so bitter and hateful. It would be difficult to have you walk into a studio knowing who you are, which is sad becaue you might be a very nice person at the end of the day. But not the at end of the day here on sv.
I know there are pros/cons, but I have one and am glad I do. I was able to get it for great price from a studio in my area that closed down. I was sad it closed, but thankful for the mat.
I've been to a couple of studios who didn't have them and I was uneasy trying new things. I love the studio I go to that has them. Thank you TG 🙂
When I was searching online after starting pole to find help after my studio closed down, I came across sv. I was curious and registered, the only thing I could come up with is hookedonpole because that is what I was, "hooked"! After I registered, I had second thoughts about the "hooked" part and wondered if anyone would take it out of context https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif
I visted the site a couple of times and actually did not return for quite a while. I was still so new to pole and didn't think the site was for me…WRONG!! I came back and am "hooked" on sv!!! Now I LOVE my user name! (copied from previous thread that tigger posted)
MemberDecember 29, 2011 at 9:46 pm in reply to: Why is Studio Veena Bias towards X-Pole?I debated whether to comment here, but decided to. I also do not understand why the need to express an opinion in such a negative manner, as well as already attack the administrators. If you are around this site often enough, it's obvious it is the most encouraging and supportive group of people, as are the administrators.
There are many threads where opinions are provided in a respectful manner regarding poles, grip aides, style of pole dance, etc. Veneers give feedback based on their experiences with a various product, which is what many ask for when making decisions. I did when deciding on a pole purchase. Just because they are a vendor of a product, doesn't mean they are shoving it down our throat. I know quite a few gals who are pole vendors, for xpole or other brands, and don't even have a studio business. If it's a way to earn income, what's wrong with that?
I also have two xpoles, a 50mm titan gold and a 45mm chrome. I prefer one finish to the other, but that's me. All in all I love the xpole xpert.
Please rethink before posting so as to be part of the encouraging and supportive mindset that makes up the community of studioveena. Your original post saddened me as a veneer.
Loved this video. Husband and I watched and cracked up. 🙂 He rolled laughing at the end!
OMG, wonder if I should do this!!! I've had a 50mm titan gold for over a year and love it. However, I recently purchased my 45mm in chrome and regret it.
I've been trying to decide about selling the chrome and getting the titan gold. Of course I would lose $$ cuz i would sell the chrome for little less than what I paid. Wonder if i should get titan gold 45mm A & B instead????
Thanks for the info.
What happens when you try to watch a video? Do you just get a black screen? Let me know because if that's the case I might have a bug fix. Does it happen in youtube or anywhere else?
MemberDecember 26, 2011 at 2:01 am in reply to: Switching from 50mm to 45mm on the day of the show – bad idea?Here is a site where you maybe can also post about the possibility of trying a 45mm. It's http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/PoleTrippers/
Yes, exact same thing for me. I know for me it's the adrenaline. I also struggle with the lack of open space and feeling of being able to go for something full swing. As veena, when I went to a gym for power flex weight classes, I could do more reps and heavier weights than at home, as well as ab work and any other workout for that matter. Glad to know I'm not alone 🙂