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  • ivygirl726

    August 7, 2012 at 9:44 pm in reply to: Help With Iron X

    Thank you ladies. I have both the half mount cartwheel and and split and got that in about 4 tries. Im comfortable in a twisted grip on my left hand not my right. I do both other tricks with my left hand on top should i keep this habit?

  • ivygirl726

    December 12, 2011 at 1:57 pm in reply to: pole clothes for a competition,. where to find any

    A friend of mine has an online store if you wanna check it out she has some great things on her website. I hope you find what you are looking for!

  • ivygirl726

    August 7, 2011 at 6:38 pm in reply to: Taya Parker wants to help me!!!

    Sorry.. Or if you know any personally… I would love to talk to a few just to get a base of what I should go in there with if and when I have to sign on a dotted line! 

  • ivygirl726

    August 7, 2011 at 6:25 pm in reply to: Thinking of becoming a stripper… Help?

    At the club I work at they let you keep on bikini bottoms and you can get pasties that cover most of your boobs… That will help you build up the confidence to get topless if need be.. Talk to the manager or the owner of the club.. They are usually pretty understanding for new girls that have skills! If you know how to work a pole then they will hire you. Tell them you want to build up your confidence and work with an older girl that has been dancing for a while. 

  • ivygirl726

    July 27, 2011 at 1:20 pm in reply to: Pixie/pretzel spin

    Try wrapping yourself on the pole in the finishing move. That is how I learned. It helps you to realize how you should be on the pole in the end of the trick. From there find the easiest way to get into that position while moving on the pole. Hope I helped! 

  • ivygirl726

    July 25, 2011 at 12:52 pm in reply to: has anyone ever heard of…

    About her tipping out the dj… She won $2500, ALL FEATURES tip out the dj, she knows that. All girls that dance know that if you like your music you tip out the dj. Even though it wasn't mandatory 4 girls that didn't even place tipped him out. And about the professional thing compared to the amateur thing… My boss didn't think any professionals would come out and do it. We are in Broussard, Louisiana of all places. He said that next year it's going to say just amateurs. 

  • ivygirl726

    July 24, 2011 at 9:56 pm in reply to: has anyone ever heard of…

    I was in a pole competition with her I didn’t know who she was she’s been in pole competitions nation wide. She’s a professional that was at an amateur pole contest and won 1st place over all including best freestyle and best pole. I came in second to her but am kinda pissed. She didn’t tell anyone that she was a feature or a porn star. She told everyone that she was in the circus, all the guys knew who she was. And on top of that she didn’t even tip out anyone. Just was wondering if anyone on this website knew who she was.

  • ivygirl726

    June 28, 2011 at 3:02 pm in reply to: Allure magazine article

    HAHA!!! LOL I just wrote to them and I am going to put what I said on this post for all to see, here it is, I am waiting for a response when and IF i get one I will post it for you all to see,Enjoy!!




    To Whom it May Concern,

     It has been brought to my attention that you had something in your magazine about pole dancing being tacky. Well I am writing this to tell you that you are wrong. It is about grace and poise and sheer power that I do what I do. I know grown men that don't have the strength that it takes to pull off some of the moves that I can. I can promise you that I am not trashy in my pole dancing. It is an art form that many women only wish they could master. I know there is a stigma about what I do for a living, and I am OK with that, everyone is entitled to their own opinions as they should be, but when you say what I do is tacky what does that mean? That my strength and grace mean nothing when you look at what I do? Yes, I take my clothes off for a living but actors and actresses get paid to do the same thing. Is that tacky? No, That is art! Artist paint naked women, is that tacky? No, It's art! There are naked statues in our art galleries, it that tacky? No! Look at artists like Jayne Butterfly or Christina Acuchi, whom I know personally, they have a beauty and grace to them that makes them two of the top 5 in the U.S., one takes her clothes off the other does not. So if you could please explain to me why what I do for a living is TACKY I would really appreciate it. You know, clear the air for all the women that do this as a job and make good money and are not living off the government, or for the wonderful things that it does for toning their bodies, or competition and get national recognition for their talents. Oh and by the way if it's "tacky" like you say then why are they thinking about putting it in the Olympics? Waiting to hear a response,

                                                                                     Jenee' Taylor


  • ivygirl726

    June 23, 2011 at 10:53 am in reply to: Competitions coming up

    I have had 52 views and no one is willing to help.. did I say something wrong? Did I offend someone?? I don't get it. 

  • ivygirl726

    June 20, 2011 at 11:57 am in reply to: Instructors, I need advice!

    You can make your students sign a wavier stating that bodily harm is not your fault and they are talking their own personal safety into their own hands and you are not responsible for anything that may happen. That could cover almost all of your bases.  Just an idea. Call a lawyer and check it out.

  • ivygirl726

    June 7, 2011 at 11:02 am in reply to: Thinking of buying Pleaser Kiss3010 thigh high boots…

    As a dancer so I am kind of an expert on shoes and how well they stay together… I have broken about 4 pairs of pleasers and don't care for the dancer shoes much. I have to say I have some white thigh high pleasers which I love but they run about 1 size smaller than dancer shoes. I am a size 6 and my boots are a 6 and are tight on my toes. You might want to get one size larger than you normally wear if you are getting boots. That might also help in the calf department. Hope I helped you some, XOXO

  • ivygirl726

    June 3, 2011 at 10:48 am in reply to: needing slow and sultry….

    Sail By Awolnation , Boum Boum By Enigma, Skin By Rhianna, Darkness by Disturbed, 37 Stitches by Drowning Pool, Scream of the Butterfly by Acid Bath, You by Amy Lee, Baby By Ashanti, I am the Highway by Audioslave, Read Your Mind by Avant, Let's Get Lost by Beck and Bat for Lashes, Brand New by Drake, Fall for Your Type by Jamie Foxx and Drake, Don't Let Go by EnVouge, Wicked Game by Giant Drag, Voodoo by Godsmack, Dazed and Confused by Led Zepplin, 1stp Klosr By Linkin Park… The remix for Reanimation, The Noose by A Perfect Circle, Snuff by Slipknot, What do I Have to do by Stabbing Westward, She Needs My Love by The Dream, Wetter by Twista, Number One Sex by Keri Hilson, Contagious by The Isley Brothers…

    I hope some of these song choices have helped you. I tried to get some of the ones noone else had. Enjoy and Keep going strong! XOXO                                                                                                                                                                                            


  • My left leg is more flexible than my right so I know what you are saying. I think if you spend a little more time on you "tight" leg it should start to loosen up a little more. When you stretch just pay more attention to your left leg and you should get there in no time. I wouldn't worry about throwing your body off in any way. If your left leg go there then your right should be able to do the same. You might just have a tighter hip flexor and that just needs a little more special attention. Do any stretches that you can feel in your hip itself and that should work. Our bodies don't always do what we want them to so sometimes it just takes a bigger push. Don't stop stretching your left leg just spend some extra time on your right. Hope I helped!!

  • ivygirl726

    May 31, 2011 at 2:44 pm in reply to: I have a question for everyone…..

    I am a dancer. I have been doing it for over 5 years all together. I have been at the club I am at for just about 2 years. And I have a few thing to touch on if y'all don't mind… I teach at the club that I am at all of the new women that come into the club, and some of the older women come to the class also. The first thing that I tell them is " If you have to be F#$*ed up to do this job, then you shouldn't do it!" The reason is to make it a real source of income you should not be on anything, another is if you don't have the personality  and courage to do it not messed up then why are you doing it in the first place. I have never been on anything but maybe a few drinks… And on my birthday last year when my BOSS got me really drunk. I see no point. I know girls that take bars to dance and it makes them look like, excuse my french but, whores! They're too loose and let the guys do what they want to them. Most of the women that I work with are single mothers and they do this for extra income for their babies. I am one of  2 girls out of 30 that are married and work at this club. I go home to my MAN (when he is not working) or CHILDREN every night. While there is alway that one or two girls that will leave with the guys that come in, in every club, I do not talk to them. I think it makes ME look bad. I focus on my skill and "AWARD WINNING PERSONALITY"(LMAO) to make my money. On the other hand I have made some really amazing friends. There will always be a diverse group of women that work in the industry and I am OK with that. I know me and know what I can and WILL NOT do. So to sum it all up for you…. I am respectful of the women that do it the right way and have no respect for the ones that use it to find their "Johns". 

  • ivygirl726

    May 21, 2011 at 4:36 pm in reply to: Natasha Wang on The View

    @ Poleprincess I agree with what you said and it being dance and not prostitution. I don't do all the @$$ shaking that most of the girls at my club do. I don't think that is classy at all. When I teach the class at work for the new girls I make it a point to tell them that they should only have maybe 30 seconds worth of booty shaking in their whole routine, which is 8 minutes long, and encourage them to try different things on the pole more.  

    I am not saying I do the pole tricks to make money, I am saying a lot of people come up and tip me because I do them, and tell me they are tipping me for my skills. I look at it as an art form, and a, very proud when someone comes up to me and compliments me on my skills. While, sure, there are trashy girls that I have worked with, I keep it real. I let men know that I am not going to act like anything other than myself if I sit with them. I am the fun girl with the funny personality that you can have a real conversation with. I am what you call an entertainer. A stripper take all of her clothes off, including her thongs. I do not. 

    I am in no way taking anything away from what people that do this for sport or fun. It has done amazing things for my body, as I am sure it has done for everyone who is on here. And I am not mad about people thinking my job is a crock. I just think that if people could see what we all do weather it be for sport or money making purposes they would understand that if done the right way it is beauty, grace, agility, and stamina not to mention training and pure muscle that makes all of us able to do the amazing things that we strive to perfect. and that in itself is beautiful! 

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