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bump, just double checking to see if anyone has any recommendations.
MemberJuly 27, 2014 at 8:10 pm in reply to: Wow!! Sooo many new faces but I still see some old too!tWelcome back Roxy. I too basically gave up pole for the past several years in order to focus on aerial silks but I miss pole ALOT. Already looking to purchase a new one soon. Can’t wait to see new videos from you again, you were amazing.
Thanks. Looked up pole pressure and they are basically not offering any classes the week of June 3rd so I think I'm going to sign up for a couple classses at Diva Fit in Herdon since they have some advanced classes. I'm just there for a few days on business.
4 years on and off. Mostly focusing on silks for the past year though.
Had the opportunity to stop by Pheonix Dance Studio. Great group of ladies there. Was great playing around on the silks and pole. If you are ever in the area I would recommend this studio.
I too have the supendulum. Its about 21' high in a tripod configuration. I love it!
Hi There. I live in Pittsburgh. I've been to OMYG, FWAT, Spin on Fitness and Full Body Fitness Club.
My recommendation is Spin on Fitness or Full Body Fitness Club.
I've been poling for 4 years and am mostly self taught but have been going to Full Body to take aerial silks for the past year and just love it. You should come by.
I was poling for 3 years before I started taking silks. I found that I was able to progress much quicker than all the other girls because I already had the upper body and ab strength. Some of the the moves are similar and alot of the time I think about how could I take a pole trick and do it on silks.
I still find pole much more difficult than silks. Once you have the upper body and core strength on the silks its pretty easy to learn new tricks once you have the fundamentals down. It takes me alot longer to learn a new pole trick than it does on silks.
Both are painful in different ways but goes away with time.
I still prefer the pole.
Any suggestions on how to get into this. It seems like you have to bend your back towards the pole quite a bit to get the bottom leg/hip to rest on the top of your arm. Wasn't sure if you need quite a bit of back flexibility for this?
Well I tried to sign up for open pole at Vixen Fitness but they don't allow non members. That sucks cause they were only 5 minutes from where I'm staying. Pole Addiction doesn't have any availability for open pole after 5pm and Shadow doesn't appear to be available on the schedule for private classes during the week.
I've reached out to Charley to see if she can do a private. Also looking at another studio but I would have to drive 45 minutes to get there.
Any other suggestions?
They have been sold.
Thanks for the feedback. I already contacted Detroit Flyhouse since I wanted to do silks while I'm there as well.
Try spin on fitness or full body fitness club.
They have 4 long silks and 10+ hammocks and one Lyra. Erin who is the main instructor is very good. She is currently on tour with a company. Maddy who is subbing for her and is good although Erin is much more advanced and knows a lot more moves. Maddy main focus is aerial yoga. They do not have advanced classes right now nor time for u to just practice. When I go to class they just let me practice while they are teaching and if I need help or have questions then I grab the instructor.
You can get the nylon silk fabric from fabricdepot online. Its much less expensive than some of the other sites. Its about 8 dollars a yard.
If you want a rig for your yard that you can practice on try http://www.aerialdancing.com
I purchased the tripod rig this year and love it. Very easy to put up and down in less than 10 minutes.