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I used to drift to the side when I was doing this move too. For me, the problem was actually with my upper hand. I was wrapping my hand around the pole, which bent my wrist at about a 45 degree angle, and then I would drift to the side until my wrist straightened into a neutral position. When I learned to grasp the pole with a straight wrist to begin with, the drifting stopped happening.
Hope that helps. =)
Canada actually is on the "pole map" already–it’s just everything is going on out west. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_scratch.gif Check YouTube for vids from the 2008 and 2009 International Pole Camps. I went last year and it was fantastic!
I’m really glad to see events starting to be organized in Ontario finally. Thanks Joni! =)
I actually took my pole home with me for Xmas last year. On the way there I checked the pole segments, packed in their cardboard tubes inside the X-pole case inside of a box. The top and base plate went into my checked luggage, but they actually managed to dent the edge of the top plate somehow! So on the way back, I checked the pole segments same as before and took the plates as one of my carry-ons.
Everybody I dealt with at the airports was curious what I was packing for sports equipment, but I didn’t get hassled at all. Apparently the x-ray machines have no problem with the pole segments–they can tell they’re hollow–but the two plates packed in their round carrying case are too dense. I had to pull those out and let them inspect, but it wasn’t an issue. It just took me a little longer to get through security, so make sure you allow extra time for that. Just about missed my flight because of it! LOL.
Make sure you check the exact luggage guidelines for the airline you’re using. You’ll probably need to register the fact you’re bringing sports equipment with you, but there’s usually no extra charge for that as long as it meets the weight and dimension guidelines.
If you’re having trouble finding a box that’ll work, try a UPS store or equivalent. I just took the carrying case in with me and they found a box that fit it, then used this little gizmo to customize the size to meet the airline requirements. Took no time at all and cost maybe $10.
For reference, my pole is an X-Pole. You might have issues if you’re trying to pack a PS multi-piece instead, seeing as one of the segments is longer (potential dimensions issue?) and they’re stainless steel instead of chrome (potential x-ray machine issue?).
Good luck! =)
Well, I found a random university student to stay with… yay, couchsurfing! I just hope she doesn’t mind me practicing floorwork in the middle of her living room. =P
I hope you all have a great time at the pole jam!
Yay, an Ontario pole jam! Unfortunately, I can’t make it to this one, but perhaps there’ll be more in the future. =)
I hate to put a request like this out to the public, but I was wondering if there’s anybody in the Hamilton / Burlington area that has a couch I could crash on this weekend. Or even somewhere slightly further afield (but closer than Ottawa). =P I just found out I need to attend a meeting down there this weekend, but I’m also signed up for an online workshop with Alethea on Sunday that I don’t want to miss! >< Whoever hosts me is definitely welcome to watch the workshop with me! *dangles carrot* LOL!
kas. =)
Business occasionally takes me down to Hamilton. I would definitely be up for attending a pole jam in the GTA if one coincides with my trips! Saturdays would work better than Sundays for me, but there’s not much point scheduling them around my preferences since I’m not a local. LOL! =)
Hah! UPS to the rescue! The store has boxes that are 48 x 8 x 8–which, if you do the math, adds up to 64 inches total dimensions. No problem! They just whipped out this handy little contraption and shortened the box two inches by making the flaps longer on one end. Problem solved! *happy dance*
https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif
Thanks for the suggestions, Empyrean. I do have an X-Pole, but it came with the newer velcro case (and I actually forgot it had the shipping tubes already!). I’m going to do some running around to UPS and similar type stores tomorrow and see if they can come up with anything that’ll work. If not, I’ll pick up some luggage straps and go with your method. Sitting at home sans pole with 2 weeks to kill is just not an option!!!
Hi to all the new people in this thread!
For the Halifax ladies, check out http://www.readytorumba.com/. Suzanne is fantastic and has a really strong background in ballroom and latin dance as well.
I’ve found re-tightening the big threaded rod at the top of my pole fixes that problem for me.
Thanks for the input, ladies. I guess I’ll just keep trying to practice every couple of days, see if the problem sorts itself out or not, and go from there.
Static. All I’ve tried doing so far are beginner spins like the fireman and sunwheel, but I can only do a few and then my stomach starts churning and I have to take a break. Very frustrating! This didn’t even happen when I first started dancing. =/
MemberNovember 16, 2009 at 11:07 pm in reply to: You shouldn’t go to strip clubs and heckle the strippersMy observation has been that the quality of the stage dancing depends on the focus of the club. Most of the strip clubs I’ve been to in Alberta (my home province) don’t offer lap dances at all, so it’s all about the stage show. Those girls are the ones that inspired me to take up pole dancing! The strip clubs out east here in Ontario? Well… Granted, I haven’t gone out to them all that much yet, but I haven’t really been inspired to go back after what I’ve seen. The girls mostly just got on stage, rubbed themselves against the pole and strutted around for a bit, and then worked the crowd to sell lap dances. Meh. It made the guys I was with happy, but I was underwhelmed. I miss the Alberta clubs.
Something that should be mentioned… in case you do decide to go with a pressure mounted pole like X-Pole… is that just because there is a flat part in the ceiling doesn’t necessarily mean there are any useful joists running through it. Vaulted ceilings can be funny that way. Before you order, you should confirm you have a solid spot to work with in the flat portion that will be large enough for the ceiling plate.
Try giving her a call. She’s organizing a big pole event that’s happening this week and it’s been a bit hard to get a hold of her online lately.