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Since we're on the subject of online pole lessons, has anybody checked out the new ones from Tantra Fitness? The sample lessons look pretty good, but I really dislike the fact I can't even browse what's available without buying a subscription. I'm also wondering how often they're going to add new content, but it's probably too early to tell with them yet.
@Steffie – Also, just to clarify, Cherished was talking about the Premier Pole Online lessons when she mentioned the dark clothing on a dark background.
Sparrow's original description sounds like a dismount I learned at B&P. I use it in the middle of my May 2012 Challenge video on a spinny pole, but it can be done on static too (I learned it that way, actually). Is that the move you're asking about?
I really like Rhiannan Nicole's online lessons, but she definitely hasn't been sticking to her weekly publishing schedule. They've been really, really sporadic (ie. she posted a bunch in August, then another batch a month ago, and only one since then). I've been contemplating cancelling my subscription with her and just signing back up for a month here and there to check what's new.
I'm not familiar with PoleAndAerial.com, so I can't comment on those lessons.
Veena's lessons are fantastic for learning individual pole tricks and transitions. She also provides really good stretching and strength training videos.
Look up "KTCoates Sahrmann" videos on YouTube. It's a series of exercises specifically for rehabbing your abs after pregnancy. Those will help you get ready for pole!
I expect it will be super unstable. I ended up taking down my 9 foot (A+B+250mm+200mm) 45mm X-Pert because it felt unsafe. I replaced it with a 9 foot (A+B+500mm) 50mm original X-Pole which feels much more stable, I think in part because it's thicker and in part because I'm using fewer extensions.
I've actively taken classes at 8 studios and done drop-in's at another 2 studios.
Here's a whole bunch of core exercises you can work on with no equipment:
I also highly recommend KTCoates's "Sahrmann Exercise" videos on YouTube.
You should look on StripperWeb. I browse over there on occasion and remember reading a thread once about university degrees and careers. It was very interesting.
I'll take my pole down for a variety of reasons. Routine maintenance is one of them. Maintenance generally means lubricating the joints on my old style X-Poles with silicone spray. I might also take it down if I want to swap it out for a different pole, since I have a couple which are different sizes. Sometimes I take it down so I can take it with me somewhere (ie. going home for Xmas). On rare occasion, I might take it down just because I want the floor space for something.
I don't take mine down for company, but I know a lot of girls do.
I've used my X-Pole in quite a few different places with different types of textured ceilings and never had a problem until my current place. We moved into a brand new condo this summer that has popcorn ceilings and my X-Pole has worn all of the popcorn off in a ring already. On the upside, it makes it really easy to position properly whenever I take it down and put it up again. On the downside, it's really noticeable when the pole's not up. The boyfriend also doesn't want me setting up more of my poles since he's afraid they'll cause more rings. =(
The popcorn in this place seems really soft and fluffy compared to what I've experienced in older apartments and houses. I'm guessing the construction industry has changed the product used to make popcorn ceilings at some point in the not too distant past? =/
MemberOctober 24, 2012 at 4:12 am in reply to: Flying w/Toddler, Large carseat,baggages, Carryon and Pole by myself. How am I gonna do this? Ideas?The few times I've flown with my pole, I wrapped my pole segments with bubblewrap, packed them in a box, and checked them. The top and base plate I took with me as a carry on. Never had any issues, aside from security inspecting the plates manually at the check point.
MemberOctober 23, 2012 at 9:13 pm in reply to: New XPole is moving slightly when in static position – help?!?One of my friends bought an X-Pert 45mm chrome a couple months ago and hers does that too. Not sure how to fix it.
Yeah, a few drop lessons would be great! Superman drop, sad girl drop, jade drop… =D
Thanks for all the advice, ladies! There's lots of great information here. =)