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I provide strength training (with dumb bells). Stretching, and pole fitness/dance. I'm covered for gymnastics, fitnessm and dance. They wanted to make sure everything was covered, and it is expensive! However, it covers my studio, myself and staff as well as if we teach in another facility!
My insurance is under gymnastics and dance. They stated after sending an agent out to see what I do…it is GYMNASTICS, because it is a piece of equipment. It was explained to me that fitness is anything like weight training, cardio (on the floor), that anything in the air off the floor falls under gymnastics and that if I purchased insurance as a fitness studio, a claim would not be covered if someone fell off the pole. So make sure they are very clear about what it is you do.
Hi Honey Luv! Veena has many exercises that you do without a pole…the whole point is to help you start gaining/building strength so you can use a pole. You can improvise on some by tying the band to a doorknob for some of them….but no, you don't need a pole to start getting ready! 🙂
I agree regarding the education…I am a retired nurse with a 35+ years background in OT/PT, ortho/nuero, and rehab. I think that gives me a solid foundation for teaching pole without a personal trainer or group fitness cert. 🙂
I am not a certified personal trainer or certified group fitness instructor…I teach pole and I own a studio…I disagree that YOU HAVE to have one of those certs….having said that…I do BELIEVE that you need a solid knowledge of anatomy and physiology. I have students that are on this forum, I don't want them to think that I am not qualified to teach them because I do not have those certifications. 🙂
Happy birthday!! Your not getting older!! Your getting BETTER!! *HUGZ*
I have "EXTREMELY" flat feet…which means…there is absolutely no arch in my foot…which makes it impossible to point. So I do what I can…ugly feet or not, it's my fitness and my expression….so don't look 🙂 *Hugz*
The best program I've found out there is also used by NPC and IFBB Figure bodybuilders is Tosca Reno's The Butt Book. It gives you a complete plan of exercises/workouts along with a suggested menu with the recipes and a better butt in 9 weeks! IT WORKS!! The vook costs about $10.
MemberFebruary 26, 2011 at 7:39 pm in reply to: Pole Fitness Location and Pole Fitness Studio InsuranceI have just under 400sq ft. and 4 poles. Since all I teach is pole I don't need more space. As for insurance, you have to be insured under "gymnastics", not groip fitness, or personal training. There have been small suits that have been filed in the past under those and insurance wouln't pay because it was a pole…so make sure it's clear to the agent what you are doing "SPECIFICALLY"! to be properly covered because you are teaching on a piece of equipment. Good luck to you!!
I appreciate all the information that is brought to this forum, as an individual with a "mind" of my own and the ability to make "my" own informed choices, I appreciate all the different types of pole and polers. I respect peoples choices and opinions whether or not I may agree with them, that is their right as I to have that same right and appreciate having mine respected as well. It is not necessary I believe to try to convience everyone that I am right (in my mind and thought process). Veena has given us a "SAFE" place to share and be who we are, PLEASE lets all remember and RESPECT that. I do not appreciate anyone "attacking" anyone due to their own belief process…this is AMERICA (at least where I live). Thank you ErinMarieOMG for the information you've shared, your opinion is noted…it's time to let it go. Peace
I really feel that "Veena" needs to be on that list! She has and does influence pole to and for the "average" woman like myself. She has spent allot of time helping us moms, students, wifes learn how to pole…but more than that her influence is significant because she is a wife and mother of FOUR young boys!! She has helped change attitudes, and made pole something that "us" ordinary women that will never compete or become "Infamous" with in our grasp! I know for me she has had a MAJOR impact on my life..she encouraged me, held my hand so to speak when I wanted to give up, only one other person in my life has had such influence on me and God rest her soul she is no longer here…BUT Veena is…I opened my own studio in November because she helped me believe in myself, she helped me become a stronger woman through pole!! I don't think I'm alone when I say…she is a MAJOR force today in pole and reaches more than 15,000 people through her website!
I have purchased the lessons yearly since Veena started offering them! I own my studio and teach…I find them invaluable for a teaching reference as well as working on my own stuff…since there is no one here to teach me the advanced moves….and what's wonderful is they are available 24/7 and there is always something new and or updated versus a DVD that becomes outdated! It is the BEST investment I've made in my business!!
MemberFebruary 9, 2011 at 10:14 am in reply to: APFA donation turned away by charitable, called “stripper money”These were a few of my comments. This entire situation with the National Breast Cancer Foundation really saddens me. I have lost family members to Breast Cancer, my family is actually involved in a study for breast cancer (I, myself declined as I had no desire to know if I have "the" gene or not). I had a triple lumpectomy in "94", they were benign.
Though I wasn't happy to hear this news… I still intend to support Breast Cancer Research and awareness…Cancer unfortunately is bigger than we are, and I believe (after getting over the initial shock) that we can best serve our sport by not personalizing this. We can hold our heads high and show our more graceful and grateful side and not allow this to beat us down…it's what others would expect. I chose to show them that's not how we are. Believe me, as a woman that has had a breast cancer scare, I understand why everyone was so upset…and that's ok…so now let's pick ourselves up, brush off the dust and continue to make a POSITIVE impact on our communities, because one day pole will have earned the respect it deserves! I want to be a part of the reason that happens!!
My stance is this…I am moving on to focuss on further educating my community..one person, one student at a time. My actions and how I present myself to the public eye (that is already scrutinizing me) must be positive if I hope to achieve changing even one persons attitude regarding pole. Much love and Happy Poling!!
I just went through the same thing last week! YES you can take the adjuster out…you just keep unscrewing it then you can get a broom handle in there. It does work…that's what x-pole told me to do…problem is now fixed!!
CONGRATS HUN!!!! I'm soooo EXCITED for you!! You will do AWESOME with your new venture…and I agree with you about Veena and SV!!! Sending *HUGE HUGZ*