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MemberSeptember 12, 2010 at 2:47 pm in reply to: STACEY NEMOUR’s Secrets of Splits & FlexibiltyI downloaded it about a year ago and had the same problem, never did get a hold of them! I am out the money for it, I did order the DVD though…but it still ticks me off that I lost money on it!
LOL…they were AWESOME!!!
Hydrocortizone cream can make certain skin irritations WORSE. I have irritation from shaving with bumps, I use calamine lotion plus (it soothes and takes the redness out and any itch I may have), it leaves a pale pinkish coating on your skin so I use it at bedtime…you may want to give it a shot, you can find it in most drug stores. Good Luck!!
Thank you Prncsopowr! I really appreciate that!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif I had an absolutely HORRIBLE week and yesterday the world crashed on me. I’m only one person and trying to fight for what I believe is has never been a problem, HOWEVER, throw in my personal relationship and issues then it becomes so overwhelming and I don’t have the stamina I did when I was younger to fight!
Now for an UPDATE! I received a call last night from the reporter….he is NOT giving up on my STORY! and will NOT let me give up! I have made some decisions and through some messages I’ve received and renewed strength (not to mention spending all of yesterday BALLING! my eyes are so swollen today with edema!! LOL), I have PUT MY FOOT DOWN so to speak….I have never been a quitter and I’m NOT going to start at this stage of the game! I just had so MUCH coming at me and got knocked down….time to brush off the dust and get my feet back under me!! I don’t belong to any other forum, only SV! I can’t imagine not having this as part of my life…VEENA your a GOOD MOTHER to us KIDS and an INCREDIBLE FRIEND!!! LOL
SOOOOO! having said that…I will be posting pics again as soon as I get a camera to take them, and vids if I can figure out how to on the mini flip cam (I can’t get it far enough away with limited space to video).
NOW LAST BUT NOT LEAST!!! I AM SO PROUD OF ALL OF YOU LADIES for taking control of your LIFE and BODIES!!! You are such WONDERFUL examples of what WOMEN can do!!!! So I’m taking BACK CONTROL OF ME!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!! HUGE *HUGZ*
Food choices. Coffee or tea ok with brkfst.
Brkfst: 1/2-1 cup cooked oatmeal, 1/2 banana, or 1/4 cup raisins, water
or 3-4 scrambled egg whites, 1 slice multi grain toast, 6 oz. OJ, water (eggs can be seasoned with sea salt
and pepper, or other herbs of your choice)
or 1/4-1/2 cup cooked oatmeal or steel cut oats (the best choice) with 1/2- 1 scoop protein powder mixed in,
1/2 banana or OJ, water
or 1-2 whole or multi grain tortilla or taco wrap, fill with 2-3 scrambled egg whites divided, 1 tbls. salsa and 1
tbls. shredded lowfat cheddar cheese. OJ or grapefruit, or grape juice, water
french toast made with egg whites, for 2 slices; 3 egg whites, 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract, 1/2 tsp cinnamon,
1 tblsp 2% or 1% or skim milk depending on your preference. Top with pure maple syrup or natural honey or
fruit, OJ , waterMid morning snack: ! serving lowfat yogurt or
a small handful raw nuts, walnuts, almonds, etc. or
1/2 an apple with 1 slice of lowfat cheddar cheese or
2 tblsps. natural peanut butter or sunbutterLunch: small salad, a portion of lean meat, 1/2 cup brown rice, or 1 serving of Tomato basil multi grain pasta, 1 cup
of veggie, or a medium homemade chef salad (mixed greens or spinach leaves, cucumbers, tomatoes, 1
hard boiled egg chopped, 1 small carrot sliced), can also add 1 tblsp of salsa.
or a protein shake, or smoothie. WaterMid afternoon snack: any of the above morning snacks or a yogurt smoothie (1/2 to 1 cup lowfat yogurt, 1 tsp.
cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. nutmeg, 1 sliced banana, a few raw nuts. mix in blender), it can be made
ahead and frozen, homemade trail mix. 1/2 cup cottage cheese wit fruit.Dinner: 1 baked potato or sweet potato or 1 serving brown rice, 1 portion of lean meat or fish or steamed shrimp,
1 serving of veggies. waterIf hungry at bedtime, yogurt or piece of fruit with a few raw nuts. These are just a few suggestions.
Tomato basil multi grain pasta:
enough pasta for 4 servings 2 large tomatoes chopped (about 2 cups), or 1 lg. can diced tomatoes
2 tblsps. chopped onion 2 tblsps. olive oil
1/8 tsp salt or sea salt 1/8 tsp. pepper
2 tblsps chopped fresh basil or 2 tsps. dried basil leaves
Cook pasta per package directions, rinse well. In a 2 quart sauce pan mix pasta with all ingredients except basil. Heat thoroughly then add basil before serving. Is excellent for re heating and a good replacement for potato and bread.
There are many more I can add. On Sundays eat a normal breakfast and lunch, then have your favorite meal…it’s called a cheat meal. It helps you focus during the week because you know you can have a treat of your choice on Sunday!! enjoy!!
Okay ladies!! I typed up the menu choices and I don’t know what happened but after spending 20 minutes typing it I hit a button and it TOTALLY DISAPPEARED!!! I will do it again shortly UGH!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cry.gif LOL
MemberSeptember 10, 2010 at 6:04 pm in reply to: I’m being interviewed tomorrow by our local paper!!!Update…I have canceled the rest of the interview and have requested the paper not publish my story. I am giving up my business as I can’t find a place that will allow me to lease to teach pole fitness/dance. I don’t have the strength to fight this fight anymore…maybe someone younger with more support can finish what I started. Peace all!
Hi ladies, I will try to get those food choices up as soon as I can…but I will be leaving the site for awhile. I have some things to think about, I have a few battles to tend to and I’m afraid I’m of no use to anyone. I realize that I really am of no help to anyone and I don’t want to be a negative influence.
I wish you all the best! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif
Ok…megs982, one thing it looks like you are not taking in enough protein…you need at least 1 gram per pound of what you want your LBM (lean body mass) to be…so say you want to weigh ideally 120 lbs and you body fat percentage is at 20% you would need a minimum of 96 grams of protein total for the day to get to and maintain that body weight (the lean body mass is 96 lbs). It is beneficial to have your BF checked so you can determine how much protein you need. You need to add a snack in the mid morning so your metabolism doesn’t start to lag…you should eat something even a few nuts every 3 hours. You should never have less than 1200 calories in a day as that slows down metabolism…the body requires at least that to burn fat and stay healthy.
As far as your coffee…I use sugar and cream still, but am not allowed REFINED sugar, it adds FAT calories…I am allowed to use raw unrefined sugar because it is not stripped of the natural molasses and is much sweeter..it also does not add the unusable fat calories! I found SUGAR IN THE RAW at Walmart, it is a lightly brown crystal and is 100% all natural sugar cane sugar, it is also found in health food stores and co ops under the name SUCINATE or TURBINO sugar, but is more expensive in those stores. I will have to give it up closer to comp, but in the meantime I can enjoy real sugar…my trainer DOES NOT ADVOCATE ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS because that is not what our body is supposed to try to process.
I am pulling together some menus with many food choices for times of day and will post them sometime today. I will help as much as I can…TO YOUR SUCCESS!! *HUGZ*
Sorry it took me so long to get back on! I have had a long day/evening lol…I will post some menus tomorrow for sure! and megs…what is your typical day like? what do you eat, when do you eat and approx. amounts, and what is your level of activity and how often during a week…that will help to narrow things down. I’m in training right now for a NPC Figure Competition for March…so I am eating clean right now versus just healthy.
I would absolutely love to have at least 3 different options for meal plans so I don’t get bored with the monotony as I am always on the go and this example is something I could definitely manage. I understand what to do to get my body where it needs to be, its the eating that always trips me up. I typically eat lean cuisines because they are fast and make the trip with me when I am on the go pretty well. I have heard that they aren’t so great though because they are high in sodium.
It’s true they are high in sodium, but they are okay in a pinch. There are a lot of things you can do to prepare for meals on the go…I spend usually Sunday cooking ahead and portioning everything in 1 serving containers so I have my food with me wherever I need it…there ore many things that don’t need to be microwaved which helps when I don’t have one available or when time is limited. I will post some food choices later today when I have more time…I want to help in anyway I can…you guys are my FAMILY…and we are here to support each other with EVERTYTHING!!!!
MemberSeptember 9, 2010 at 2:55 pm in reply to: What makes us unique as individuals in our pole dancingWell said horsecrazy12987! I’m the eldest, however I didn’t have that experience…I was always compared to my younger sisters…I was never good enough and why couldn’t I be more like Darlene, or Evie, or Christine! ARGH! I ran away from home at age 15 so got over all that since I was no longer a part of the equation. I AM UNIQUE in my own right…as are you VEENA!!! You are my MENTOR and my ROLE MODEL!! Believe it or not, you have had a MAJOR impact on my life because of WHO you are!! You are such a BLESSING and GIFT to this world, just want you to know that and more importantly to BELIEVE that!! I think others would agree with me!!
Prncsopowr, what are you eating and when? Clean eating is…no processed sugar, no white flour, only healthy fat…olive oil etc. You need to be eating a minimum of 5 times a day. Here’s an example of a day:
Brft: 1/2 to 1 cup cooked oatmeal (a complex carb), 1/2 banana or 1/2 orange 6-8 ozs of water
snack: apple or a lowfat yougurt or 1/4 cup raw nuts 6-8 ozs of water
lunch: a salad with 1 tblspn of dressing (if you are not bodybuilding), 4 oz. chicken breast or a turkey, chicken lean deli meat sandwich, and a piece of fruit. No time…then a protein shake or a protein bar (Supreme is the best balance and will satisfy your sweet tooth as well as fill you up!) 6-8 ozs of water
snack: yogurt or apple (apples are know to help with that mid section fat) 6-8 ozs of water
Dinner: a salad, green veggie (1 cup), fish, chicken breast, or turkey (can be ground) 1 med baked potato or yam
hungry before bed….have a protein shake or yogurt. 6-8 ozs of water
What this does is keep your blood sugar level so you are not craving…we crave the "bad" cards (sweets, chips, etc. when our blood sugar drops). Also remember if you are not exercising you can not take in a lot of calories…calories in needs to balance with calories burned, and for potions, rule of thumb is only what fits in the palm of your hand. Hope this helps! I can help with some nutrition plans if anyone is interested. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! *HUGZ*
Hey hun….if your clothes feel the same (which means, if you have gained weight and your size did not change it is muscle weight not bodyfat that you have gained!)…here’s why….1 pound of body fat weighs the same as 1 pound of muscle, HOWEVER! bodyfat takes up 18% more space than muscle! Your metabolism is working right if your clothes still fit with the weight gain. I tell my clients STAY OF THE SCALE!!! If you must weigh yourself do it only once a month, go by how your clothes feel and your body!
As women we have gotten so indoctrinated over watching those nasty numbers on a box!! FORGET the SCALE!!! IT DOES’NT know the difference between fat and muscle!!! Here’s an example: I was 122 lbs, I worked out and poled…I went up to 148lbs…BUT! I was still wearing the same size clothes!! That was because I had soooo much bodyfat at 122 and replaced it with muscle!! It took me awhile to understand the concept. I do not OWN a scale…I’m weighed at the gym once a month! So keep in mind that if your clothes still fit YOU ARE NOT GETTING FAT!!! You are getting lean with strong muscle, which in turns increases your metabolism as long as you are exercising to burn calories you take in…and your nutrition and times you eat are important as well. I’d say your on track!!! *HUGZ*