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MemberAugust 20, 2010 at 7:06 pm in reply to: I admit it; I danced on the basement support jacks! edit:picThat pic ROCKS!!! LOVE IT!! Talk about creative!!
I had a Hysterectomy in 1994(vaginal hyst). I was working as a charge nurse in long term care, lots of heavy lifting etc. I couldn’t lift for 2 months then had to resume slowly. One thing I can say is that I was able to do more after healing than before my surgery. Just give your body time and follow your Doctor’s instructions. You will be able to do floor work ie: the very basics and a few simple spins after a few months depending on whether the go vaginally or through the abdomen (vaginal heals faster). Anyway, you’ll be back at it in no time!!! Good Luck to you!! Sending warm *HUGZ* your way!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cool.gif
HI!! and WELCOME!! I’m 54, will be 55 in Dec.
My nickname came from Carl Eller, #81 tight end from the Minnesota Vikings….WAY back in 1970! LOL I was dating his cousin that was living with him at the time…he called me that because I was so tiny! (everyone was bigger than me back then!! haha!)
I would seriously look at building your arms, shoulders and traps.
Is that second picture you or your "ideal"? If it is not you, you may not have the genetics to have an "hourglass" figure. I know I don’t and no matter how "skinny" I get, it will never happen.
Do you have a gym you belong to? I would get with a professional trainer and let them know your current workout and what your goals are and then go from there.
Chemgoddess is right, you need to build some traps but also the taper comes from building your lats! That’s how I balance my body out (it gives you that tiny waist appearance)…otherwise I have that no curve look lol, I took some tips from Ava Cowan an IFBB Figure pro.
I am also self taught, there are NO STUDIOS anywhere in this state. I learned from Veena, then Studio Veena. As with anything else if you are motivated and safety conscious you will not have problems if you have a good resource or tools available. Studio Veena’s lessons are the best I’ve seen, and because she is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer definitely knows how to teach proper form and technique. I am involved in Bodybuilding, and most if not all the training for contest prep is done online…it is up to me to do it the way they tell me to prevent injury.
My feelings as a "retired" nurse are as follows, you can teach someone anything properly, but is is still up to the individual to do it the way it was taught/explained. I say this because I had to give patient discharge instructions after Ortho surgery, not all were compliant…that was their responsibility. So basically the old adage stills applies….you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink…this is also true of classes, not everyone is going to do as you say. Now having said that, I’m not advocating a person should not take classes, by all means! if you have a studio available and can afford it. I don’t have that kind of money so even if there were one here I would not be able to do that. Studio Veena offers me an affordable SAFE alternative, and I am EXTREMELY grateful for this site!!
Studs/stringers (studs if there’s a floor above the ceiling, stringers if there is an attic/roof) I have done construction and they are spaced every 16 inches in the US.
Once you find out which way they are running then you can measure out from a wall.
I have an advocate at S.C.O.R.E regarding business and also have spoken with the SBA (Small Business Administration), and excellent resource they gave me to help me was legalzoom.com It does all the foot work and legal research for you and can answer all your questions. Whether you need to be a DBA, LLC, or INC. I went through them because I have the expertise of attorneys and lawyers that I do not have to pay for out of pocket (saved me $1000!), they also file all of your paperwork for you in your state.
I just got my 45mm x-pole sport today, my niece and I put it up…it made such loud creaking noise! I took it apart and did it again…same thing, it was so loud! It was really loud when I would spin or stretch, I called x-pole because we did everything right and by the book, the noises were coming from the joint and the base. Spoke with Chad at x-pole, he asked how much distance I had between the nut and the rod hole…well I knew that wasn’t the prob cause it was only 3 inches overall…he said that sometimes they are not lubed well in manufacturing…so he said to use engine gunk on it but absolutely NO WD40! and if I have any probs after that to call them back and they will replace the joints. I have to wait til tomorrow to get the lube stuff…so FRUSTRATING!!!
Your WELCOME!!! Now get your butt on that POLE!!!! Happy poling hun!!!
Hey girl! I just spoke with a friend who manages rental properties…he stated that unless your drilling holes or altering the structure you DON’T need to ask permission, it it no different that putting a piece of furniture in your house. His advice is don’t bother because it will be NO because of personal preference not due to anything legal. Hope that helps! He said PUT THAT POLE UP!! LOL https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif
Love the scenery! Utah is gorgeous, I was there when I was 19…loved it!
I have absolutely NO DANCE or ATHLETIC background, and I didn’t start poling until I was 51!! I couldn’t do a lot of stuff but I started slow and took advice and just had fun with it…the more I did it the more comfortable I got. I didn’t do any spins until almost 6 months after I started because I was just working on my balance and core strength…please don’t give up!!! The ladies are right! I still use Veena’s lessons, I refer to them frequently…I often review the beginning ones as they help with breaking down the others and understanding how it all comes together…Hey if I can do it and I’m now 54!! YOU CAN TOO!!! HUGZ!!!
p.s. There is still a lot I can’t do, but it’s ok I have plenty of time to try!! ENJOY!!! -
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Wishing you all the best…party hardy and ROCK that pole girl!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_compress.gif