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MemberDecember 15, 2015 at 2:01 pm in reply to: Anyone here owns a lyra and had it rig inside your house w/ fairly low ceiling?I suggest contacting these folks, they are great at answering your questions! It’s always best to speak to the pros! 🙂 https://www.aerialessentials.com/ 🙂
DanZinDuck, I went through that when I first started 9 years ago. I already had no self esteem, or confidence. I was wearing gym shorts and a tank top, people were making comments like “Put your clothes on old lady, that’s disgusting”! among other nasty comments. If Veena, and Joel (Poledancefan)hadn’t commented to encourage me to keep going, I would not be where I am today! I learned to ignore them, and go where the positive reinforcement was. I was elated when Veena started SV! I will be 60 this new years eve, I have owned and taught in my own studio for 5 years now. So forget the trolls, do your thing, and do it unapologetic-ally!!! 🙂
I wish!!! After reading the requirements, I think my studio is too small 🙁
MemberAugust 28, 2015 at 10:47 pm in reply to: Help! Cracks at the corners of my windows?? X pole related?Agree with Webby, after looking at your photo, it’s foundational. We have owned 3 old homes and when that started getting worse we repaired and sold them. If you had fresh paint when you moved in, it’s very easy to hide with that by just putting a bead of something in the crack and smoothing it out. I learned that from a building inspector! LOL
X pole has poles that will go that high and higher, they have ordering for Canada only. You just have to phone them direct. Here’s the link http://xpoleus.com/store/welcome-to-xpole-canada-online-c-29.html. I have the build a pole from them in my studio because the heights are different in each classroom, they are AWESOME! You can fasten them to the floor if you wish, I didn’t but have the option. 🙂
Spring, Summer, and early Fall. We just had crazy HOT weather last week! But in ND you never know, one day 101 and the next 60 like last week! LOL
Good to know! Thanks Might Grip!!!
When you do, come and visit us!!! 🙂
WHAT??!!! How can they do that and not notify their policy holders??!!!
I own Total Woman in Fargo. Bismarck is CC’s Studios. There aren’t any others in North Dakota, I’ve been contacted several times to open one in Minot and Williston.
LolaSlaytor, it is that way here where I live in the states. Sadly a lot of people don’t know that. Anyone working in a gym or fitness center in particular needs to know their state labor/wage laws. Here to be considered an Independent Contractor, the person has to meet 21 points of definition, or the person is to be considered an employee.
I made sure when I started my studio that I was clear as an employer. Since I provide training, curriculum, insurance, a set schedule, etc. I have employees and pay not only their wages but taxes as well. Yes, it is really important to know if you are going to work for someone, and they call you an independent contractor, that you know what that is, and what your rights are.
We have gyms here that hire for example group fitness instructors, but tell them they are not an employee, yet they schedule and collect the money for the classes, pay them, and don’t pay workers comp, their employer matched taxes, nor unemployment insurance, so they can save money. That is ILLEGAL, but as I stated, there are way too many people that don’t know this, so they don’t question the practice.
MemberJuly 9, 2015 at 2:22 pm in reply to: Massive pain in bicep that won’t go away! Help 🙁Ice is fine for the acute onset for swelling, but after the acute stage heat should be applied. The area at the shoulders where allot of the tendons meet( including the bicep tendon)need heat to allow for better blood flow for healing/recovery. When I worked for a sports medicine physician (he treated several athletes in our area), this was the most effective method, and using a light resistance band along with pendulum exercises (movements that don’t require lifting your arm high) to help strengthen and stretch out the tendons/muscles. I know it works, he treated me after going to physical therapy and still having pain for over a year. With his help I was good as new within less than 2 months. Good Luck, and heal fast!! 🙂
That’s not an easy question to answer. First of all it depends, are you an independent contractor? Here an IC rents space and runs their own classes/schedules/curriculum, and pay their own insurances. They charge according to their expenses, the studio/studio owner can not tell them how do do things, and can not be involved with their classes including collecting fees from the IC students. They are under self employment. On the other hand, I own my business and have my own studio.
I hire employees. Now, as far as what I offer them for a wage is based on all my expenses of running the business, rent, utilities, licencing, water, sewage, garbage, office supplies, classroom supplies, cleaning supplies, cost of equipment(mats, poles,etc.), liability teaching insurance, commercial property insurance, unemployment insurance premiums, workers comp premiums, etc. After all the expenses of running the business are totaled, that helps determine what hourly wage I pay them. They either accept and work, or they decline and go elsewhere. I provide insurance for all my employees, and ongoing training.
The pay scale depends on their experience and amount of training, and which level of pole they are teaching. I’m afraid I’m not much help. Every area is different due to cost of living, demographics, etc. 🙂
MemberJune 28, 2015 at 10:06 am in reply to: New to Pole and disappoint to the point of quitting!!Lisandra, it breaks my heart to hear of such treatment of another human being! I own a small studio and teach. We have a wonderful mix of all shapes, sizes, ages, and backgrounds. EVERYONE is welcomed with open arms! I do not tolerate that kind of behavior from ANYONE! The ladies that have responded are right on, this is a safe, welcoming, supportive place to be! You will find help, support, encouragement, and friendship here, the women on studioveena have a track record of lifting their fellow women! Please don’t let one “bad apple” spoil the whole bunch for you! I hope you continue on your pole journey, and if your ever in my neck of the woods, come and play with us!! (((HUGS)))
MemberJune 13, 2015 at 9:34 pm in reply to: Group Fitness Certification vs. Personal Training CertificationI don’t hold any of those certs, though I do have all the materials from several from personal training to group fitness. I have a degree that includes Anatomy & Physiology, Diet & Nutrition therapy, Pharmacology etc. I have also worked in sports medicine rehab, PT/OT, ortho/nuero surgical, and Cardiac to name a few. I’m a retired nurse. My problem with the certs is I don’t need all the numbers involved, ie: BMI, etc. Also the reason I got into pole was because I can’t jump, run, or do any of the Cardio type classes like Zumba etc. So for me to try to obtain a cert and the requirements in particular for group fitness of teaching a regular cardio class, with my knee, just isn’t going to happen.
I also agree Veena, that there are good instructors out there that are not certified, but are very knowledgeable, and are awesome. I own my studio and teach pole, and don’t have any certs other than an Elite Calisthenics Specialist since allot of what we do involves that, and I didn’t have to hurt my knee to do it! We also have gyms here that don’t require certs for group fitness. They test you to make sure you know what your doing and have you intern for a brief period to make sure you are safe before hiring to teach. Having said that, I’m certainly not against them, but they don’t always mean a person is safe because a paper says they passed. 🙂 Good luck with whichever way you decide! 🙂