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The cloth is the only one used on new cars because it doesn’t scratch the paint. My husband is a car dealer LOL
Legitimate and honest dealers have an agreement with Xpole that they may not sell Xpoles for less than the stated retail price. The only part of the cost that can be negotiated is the shipping.
So for example with the original Xpoles…..they may ADVERTISE $269 but then add $30 shipping….or they advertise $299 with free shipping. Either way the lowest a retailer is suppose to sell a pole for is $299. If not, Xpole can refuse to supply them with more poles.
If you see someone selling a new pole for less they are cheating Xpole…that may not matter to you, but keep in mind that a dishonest person is usually someone you don’t want to do business with.
This is true for retailers or "resellers", however if the person is not a retailer and just a private party that is selling something they own or no longer can use it doesn’t matter what they sell it for as it’s a private possession. Ex: my hubby sells Harley goods on e-bay, he is not a dealer he just sells what he no longer uses or was the wrong thing and he can’t return it..he is not a Harley dealer/retailer so he’s sells for less than new. It’s best to ask the person before you buy on e-bay they should be able to give you that info.
omg litlbit that is awful! from everything youve written on here about your life story i think you are such a courageous woman, i couldnt go through half of what you have and come out on top, you are fabulous https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif and thank you everyone else for all the lovely compliments you guys are so sweet….this is just an issue that hits close to home for me and i want to make women more aware of it!
You know the saying what goes around, comes around (and vice versa)…well my ex hubby committed suicide in 1993…he left a note and the 1st paragraph was to me…saying ending his life was the only way he could stop hurting people and he knew it. He apologized for everything he ever did to me…not that it made it better, however knowing he finally admitted what he did was a comfort to me. Hun you and your family are totally in my thoughts and prayers…that could have been me years ago!
Hey glitterhips! TY for posting this…I was abused by my 1st husband for the last 6.5 of the 8 years I was with him. He was a police officer…I tried filing a formal report for assault, battery, and rape against him but his dept. protected him….it took me 2 years to finally be freed of him because no matter where I went he found me (my friends were terrified of him that he would plant something and bust them) I could go into more detail about what he did to me but I think you get the picture….I couldn’t get into a shelter back then because you have to have a child so I was totally on my own with that. I finally got away from him when I came to North Dakota…a very kind rookie officer that stopped me because I fit the description of a missing police officers wife let me go after I told him everything.
If your man has ever hit you and apologized even once…YOU NEED TO GET OUT! it is only the beginning. I applaud you glitterhips for your courage in sharing this important yet painful topic!! Love ya girl!! *HUGZ**
Have fun for ME! I am so BUMMED I can’t be there!! becca I’m sure I’ll meet you in a few months when I go visit my daughter since your only a few hours from there! VEENA GET LOTZ OF VIDEO TO POST!!!!
THIS TOTALLY SICKS!! WHAAAAA!! *SOB* *SOB* I had to cancel reservations for the pole jam…we were supposed to get our kitchen cabinets installed tomorrow, but now they can’t do it til SATURDAY!!! I’m so disappointed!! I have been living without a kitchen now for almost two weeks during this remodel…It’s bad enough that I cook in a microwave and am using a dorm refridge and washing dishes in the bathroom!…but DAMN now another delay! OK had to vent!! I WANT TO GO!!!
WOW! I can’t believe your PS was so unprofessional to say that to you then laugh! I’m sorry that happened to you! I educated myself for 6 years and learned everything I could before I made the decision to do it.
#! as we age our breast tissue thins as well as the skin #2 as you lose weight you lose fat in the breast tissue which is why the "deflate"so rippling happens (Breast tissue is composed of a lot of fatty tissue). #3 the pocket has nothing to do with "tightening up" unless it was made to small (some PS’s place them to far apart as well so make sure you’ve researched your surgeon and spoken to previous patients). #$ what your describing sounds like a classic "capsular Contracture" It pulls the implant up and squeezes the implant…it is usually caused by your immune system attacking the capsule around the implant. #5 working the chest and upper body muscles does not cause the implant to sit higher and tighten unless you have a contrature. There are thousands of bodybuilding women that have implants sub muscular and they have never had that problem….I know several that are pro competitors…they lift extremely heavy. I also lift heavy 6 days a week and have since I was 50 then added pole at 51. I’m not saying your PS is wrong, I’m just saying it doesn’t sound right from what I learned. My PS educated me thoroughly, she gave me tons of info and had me watch several videos during those 6 years. She also gave me the website to help me learn and understand every aspect of implants. I’m also a nurse so I was very grateful for what she did for me. Again this is just my thoughts based on what I’ve learned and experienced first hand. Check out bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/avacowan she has had implants for years…she is a pro competitor and lifts VERY heavy. She works her chest and arms really hard…she has never had a problem.
Lil, you are not far at all! Only about 20 mins away from the studio. Can’t wait to meet you! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
I’M SOOOOO EXCITED!!! Can’t wait to meet you either!!! YAY!!!!
LOL…implants can not get lumpy! as for the tight feeling it is normal…that’s why you go slow, you need to stretch the muscles to loosen them just as any other muscle. It takes time and patience..I followed my PS’s instructions to a T…she told me to resume light wts at 3 wks and do stretching exercises…it was strange at 1st trying to lift myself but I kept going and at 7 wks could do it just not as much as b4( you can see it in my SC Theme from Peter Gun video that I had no problem)…by 10 wks was back to normal. It’s like anything else, you need to listen to your body because everyone is different.
OKAY! We have a room booked but how far is this from the studio???
Hampton Inn Minneapolis/St. Paul-Woodbury1450 Weir Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125
651-578-2822 -
Mine are under the muscle…I workout heavy for bodybuilding and have never had a problem with that and I have no distortion.
Okay…this is not something I share with anyone…I got implants the 1st time in 2006 because of a triple lumpectomy that caved in my right breast…I had the lumpectomy in 1994 so it took me a long time to take my doctors recommendation to do the implants. Anywho I had no probs with the pole. I had developed severe bilateral capsular contracture from scar tissue so I had a bilateral capsulectomy with removal of scar tissue and implants done on July 21st of 2009…they cleaned out all of the scar tissue in the pockets and placed new implants….I was back on the pole 7 wks post op…my Sept challenge videos (I posted the date wrong it was July not June post op! LOL) Any way…I’ve never had any problems with poling, you just have to go back into it slowly, not do too much and I went back to lifting wts upper body (light wts) at 3 wks post op. There is an excellent forum to answer any all questions and chat with other women…its implantinfo.com I know the owner of the site Nicole, she has info on everything including board certified plastic surgeons/financing/before and after pics of the members on that site.
700 calories in a small latte is probably a bit of an overexageration BUT the point is, if you are drinking anything other than water, you are wasting calories! Honestly, I don’t mind a small latte because it at least has some nutritional value (calcium, protein, etc) compared to having a soda….
Easy way to cut calories? Drink water only. NO ALCOHOL! Not only is alcohol a complete waste of calories, it is usually paired with "drunk food"… https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif
The calorie count on the latte came from the hospital dietitian that has the listing for all carry out popular coffee houses. I agree drink water…it’s what your body and muscles contain the most of.
booze yup…diet killer…I don’t drink that much boooze – but the thing that knocks me off track is – no lie – iced tea…the sweet kind…seriously between that and my lattes…once I gave them up and a swear dropped 10 pounds in 3 weeks without doing anything else…just iced tea’s and lattes – the two items I can’t seem to give up for good – I hate that https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_sad.gif
Latte’s are really bad…the average one has about 700 useless calories in a small one!!
Check out this mom of 4…look at her transformation…Her name is Fern, she is a friend of mine…
http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/MsFitness/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;Heres Vanessa another friend…it’s amazing what you can do!!