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Ok….since there are so many people here that are trying to either lose wt or maintain it….thought I would throw this out there. I belong to a website that is FREE!!! I know the owners and have been with them since they started the site. It is for health and fitness. You can track your meals, your workouts, get info and support…it is an AWESOME site! They also have a free get started program. A lot of bodybuilders are members on there as well and can help you, as well as other professionals…and then there are of course people like me and you…just everyday folk. There are some pretty amazing people on there. Nancy lost a huge amount of wt by learning how to eat right and exercise…her story is featured along with others…she was even interviewed and published in Oxygen Magi zine last year!! Anywho here’s the site!! mybodysite.com you can visit my page I’m litlbit.
MemberJanuary 1, 2010 at 3:48 pm in reply to: How old were you when you discovered pole dance?I was 51 when I "discovered" poling…started learning just b4 52 (self taught, no studios around here) just turned 54 yesterday! LOL
AWW..TY you beautiful polers you!!
WOW becca…my wedding anniversary is Feb 6th!! makes it easy to remember your b-day!! LOL
There is nothing wrong with meat or being a vegan…the only concern I have is being a nurse and having a degree in Diet and Nutrition Therapy is that we know for a fact that more than 2lbs of wt lost in one week is not healthy, because you are losing muscle, and carbohydrates are necessary to synthesize protein to feed the muscle as well as glycogen which feeds your brain, and healthy fats are needed to complete the cycle.
It’s a bit complicated to explain. Here is a simple version…if you don’t keep putting gas in your car when it’s low what happens? Well the body basically is a furnace, we put fuel in it and in order for it to keep burning steady we need to keep fueling it (when we eat only a few times a day it slows the metabolism and the body gets a message from the brain that it’s starving, so it starts to store fat so it doesn’t starve…it’s a built in mechanism , that’s when we gain wt.). The body when given small meals at least 5 times a day will continue to burn fat and calories…wt doesn’t have to be a problem if you do this with the proper balance…rule of thumb 45% protein, 35% carbs, and 20% healthy fats will keep wt off…it is SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN and a FACT. What eating strictly meat does is cause your body to change from burning the right fuel to burning your muscle and fat. You put your body into ketosis which is not healthy for any length of time. I’m not here to lecture just share some facts. Diet is what you consume not what you do. So whatever your choices Just wanted to share that. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif
LOL…no pay…this one’s from the heart hun!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
I have to approve all comments before they are posted…I’ve blocked everyone except friends. I was slammed and trashed on youtube because of poling at my age…I didn’t take it personal…we are after all a country of free speech…I just choose not to put up with it so I pre screen and block…works for me! BTW UR VIDS ARE AWESOME!!
I totally AGREE!!! Veena has a wonderful talent for breaking things down so everyone can comprehend them. The new lessons are absolutely WONDERFUL! If anyone is considering them…stop thinking about it and just do it!! IT IS SO WORTH IT! and you won’t regret it! GO VEENA!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_bounce.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_salut.gif
LOL….Well at least you guys know we care about ya! HaHa….Happy Holidays!!!
Hey Veena….I had the same problem your describing about 8 months ago….on the advice of a PA I went to a Chiropractor…they are very knowledgeable with nerves. I had nerve impingement and after an adjustment in my cervical spine and my elbow the numbness and tingling went away. Because of the type of movements that pole requires we are not always aware of what we are putting our vertebrae through…it has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not we are strong enough or conditioned enough…our bodies still get a jolt…and YES it does cause muscle weakness etc. if it is not properly treated. Regular Docs. don’t have the expertise or knowledge base that a chiropractor does…unless they are experts in Neurology….and more times than not they only make guesses and treat the symptoms and not the cause (That’s a statement from the PA I spoke with). It would be worth looking into…I know it was the best $40 bucks I ever spent!
S.A.D. Lights are prescribed for the seasonal affective disorder, they are covered by insurance. My husband has one because he gets really bad during the winter months and his medication doesn’t work as well without it. They are prescribed in lux…5,000, 10,000 depending on how bad your S.A.D. is. I used to fill those orders for Docs. when I worked for a Durable Medical Equipment company. The lights they have now are quite a bit smaller than they used to be…they can sit right on a desk. You only need to sit with it on for 20 minutes. My husband turns it on when he checks his e-mail in the morning before going to work. If I’m having a bad or dragging day I’ll turn it on and get a boost myself! LOL I have two friends that rent them every year. You don’t need a prescription to rent one and there is no time limit to rent. Insurance however will buy it for you if you are diagnosed and prescribed by a physician. They are AWESOME! We even use them on residents in long term care!
I was born with flat feet and had pain and cramping for years, I just lived with it until I worked for a podiatrist. He put me on increased water, calcium citrate and I eat something with potassium everyday. My cramping stopped once I increased my water intake. I was also fitted for orthotics and the ones they have now are quite comfortable. I spoke with my boss about surgery….he didn’t recommend it and usually doesn’t. My pain and cramping have been eliminated as long as I do those few things as well as foot stretches which I do before getting out of bed (it’s such a habit now). I know everyone’s situation is different….that was just mine.
I hope someone is going to be posting vids of this! I’m so sad I can’t be there!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_sad.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cry.gif
HaHa…I think the cats are trying to figure out how to climb the poles! since they like being up high…it’s the one thing we can do that they can’t! poor babies!!