Forum Replies Created
MemberOctober 12, 2009 at 4:55 pm in reply to: Just curious, how many ladies here are in thier 50’s?WOW! Didn’t expect so many responses on this topic! LOL You ladies totally rock…to the younger ladies…you give me the courage to keep pushing myself…and to the ladies closer to my age..KEEP ROCKIN IT!! cause we have to show the rest of the world that there is life worth getting off your butts for!!
I started this thread because I don’t have any friends my age where I live, I’ve been rejected by the women of my community because they don’t approve of how I dress, act, or live. I have no problem with that….I happen to like myself and I’m happy with what I do…I have been embraced by the younger generations and they support and encourage me…my adult children are awesome as well!! And EVERYONE on SV has contributed to my mental health in a very positive way…TY ladies and gents…and a HUGE TY to VEENA for giving me the extra little push I needed a few years back. I intend to lift, pole, and step on stage in 2010 at the young age of 54 for my 1st Figure Competition
MemberOctober 12, 2009 at 12:27 am in reply to: Just curious, how many ladies here are in thier 50’s?Thanks ladies! I know with lifting and clean eating 6 times a day it has made a huge difference in my life…I looked like SH*T before….sometimes I wish it didn’t take me til I was almost 50 to start getting fit…but if I were to change anything I wouldn’t be where I am now…and I like where I am now! LOL
Hey aster14…I do know what your saying…been there…Hang in there, stay in touch and active…it really does help! You can read a brief of my background if you like, it’s on bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/litlebit my profile tells my story…it does get better hun! Have faith and lean on your friends!! *HUGZ*
Poletwista is right…so I won’t repeat what she stated…I was 51 when I started teaching myself to pole…I posted vids on youtube and was totally humiliated by rude comments( a lot due to my age!). SV didn’t exist yet, I almost gave up…but was encouraged by Veena to keep going…this site is very empowering, It has helped me feel good about what I do to take care of myself…please post a vid of your progress…we’ve all been there (ha ha I still am!)..we are always our own worst critic…Oh and WELCOME TOO!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
OMG….I’m speechless! I didn’t know her as well as some of you but she was such a joy…she will be truly missed! I’m soo SAD! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cry.gif
MemberSeptember 30, 2009 at 6:16 pm in reply to: I never thought I could ask anyone about this stuff!I agree ladies…I was one of the women that fought and marched for women’s rights many years ago…I was also a "Bra Burner!" LOL When I was involved in the movement the women I gathered with were all about equal rights…that INCLUDING the right to be sensual and sexy in our expression of ourselves as women…it was supposed to be about our right to do anything a man was allowed to do and gain equality in that ie: pay etc. and the right to choose between working outside the home or staying home to raise our babies….somewhere along the line the extreme feminists threw a wrench in it!!
So ladies!! ROCK ON WITH YOUR SEXY SELFS!!! LOL https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_salut.gif
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE!!! I’d do a singing pole dancin video but I’m afraid I’d scare people!! LOL But seriuosly…this is your day enjoy and cherish it and yourself…you will meet your goals I have NO DOUBT!!! Big HUGZ!!!!
Here’s more wrist exercises…/www.studioveena.com/video/gallery/022009-010
I’d take the 12 foot pole!! I have hardwood floors and don’t like them for poling…you think carpet burns hurt! HaHa
Veena is right about the hamstrings…jumping squats are also excellent! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
Wish I could do the September challenge…I have to try to borrow a video camera…mine is DECEASED!!! LOL https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif
From my instructor at pole4fitness that I have just rejoined.Went today and finally managed a Gemini on my own!!
3 times.Yipee,but then she wanted me to go into a inverted thigh hold.I couldnt,I can do them both on their own,but putting the two together just hurts so much.And I get confused when Im upside down at what Im supposed to be doing next!! its my age! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_sad.gifI have just been looking at Veenas youtube clip on Cartwheel handspring,It looks appealing whilst my legs are soooo sore I cant wear my trousers https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif
OK debbie…we’ll have none of that! LOL It’s not your age!! I’m 53 and it has nothing to do with age. Some things are easy for others to master, we all have our own pace…don’t be so hard on yourself hun…you’ll get there!!
DUH!! I’m so computer illiterate sometimes!! (self taught with the computer too…no WONDER!! LOL) I finally figured out that that was a html to put into a blog or whatever…got it today!! WOOOWHOOO!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif
DUH! EVERYONE!! I haven’t been on much so don’t know many of you yet, however your all so kind and encouraging to each other…I was going through some tuff stuff and had wonderful support, the messages I received touched my heart! I’m grateful for all of YOU!!!
I do want to give a special well deserved *HUG* to the woman that is my role model and has been since my pole beginning…VEENA I LOVE YOU GIRL! You have been so instrumental in helping empower us women…you nurture us as if we were family. you encouraged me when I was ready to give up (youtube and the nasty comments regarding my age! LOL). Thank you for bringing the world a little closer, making us women stronger, and making mine so much brighter and healthier!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_salut.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
OMG! That sounds like so much fun! I live about 4 hours away…I would love to try to make it!! I’ve been off the pole for a bit *had surgery on June 21st), just getting back to it and lifting again!! I want to have one here this fall sometime as well, I’m in Fargo, North Dakota. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_bounce.gif