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Todays meals (I do this religiously!)
Breakfast: ! cup cooked old fashioned oats, 1 whole egg and 6 egg whites scrambled, 1 slice whole wheat toast with sunbutter, 1/2 and orange, vits and supps, 8 ozs water and 1 cup of coffee.
Snack: 1 cup low fat plain yogurt with 5 almonds and 8 ozs water
Lunch: Skinless boneless chicken breast, spinach salad, 1/2 cup cooked brown rice, 1 cup frozen vegies, 8 ozs water
Snack/Pre-workout: Protein shake
post workout, protein shake with L-Glutamine and 1/2 banana 8 or more ozs waterDinner: Orange roughy, 1 medium baked potato, spinach/lettuce salad, 1 cup frozen veggies..8 ozs water.
Snack: 1 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 apple, 8ozs water
have you checked that link yet? I’m still getting pm’ed from people wanting to know whats up with it. I spend a lot of time writing back to explain, LOL…I know your busy, so thanks in advance! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
It’s posted on bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/litlebit on my profile page.
YUP…it takes me to a google search page!
I posted the link and people told me it takes them to a google pg??? Im going to check it out myself!
MemberSeptember 12, 2009 at 4:21 pm in reply to: Happy Birthday to The Pole Goddess Herself! -
It’s this video on my profile page https://www.studioveena.com/video/gallery/022009-010 Hope this works! LOL
I did upload a video for wrist strengthening exercises…just go to my page….hope that helps! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
Welcome! I’m originally from MN. I was born in Grand Rapids and grew up in Mpls. I have family all over the Iron Range. I’m in North Dakota but 5 min. from the MN border and 3 1/2 hrs from the twin cities. Would be nice to get together sometime in the near future!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
You may be a pole dancer if you took the furniture out of the guest room to make a pole room and your company has to sleep on the couch! LOL….I actually did that! LMAO https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif
OOPS! LOL My business is It’s All About You Fitness and Pole fun!
Ok here’s mine LOL
name: Pamela
location:Fargo, ND
stage name:Litlbit
lessons or self taught: self taught (not even a DVD LOL)
spin or static: Prefer static but I have both (2 poles)
shoes or barefoot: barefoot, socks or tennis shoes
favorite pole move:don’t have one LOL
day job: Group Fitness Instructor/Circuit Coach..Business owner for It’s All About Fitness and Pole Fun
your best/sexiest feature: My legs (so I’m told)
how you got into pole dancing:Saw Veena on Youtube and thought that might help me with strength and endurance for my bodybuilding (and it DID!!)
how you found out about studioveena.com: DUH!
if you were a pair of underwear would you be a thong, boy shorts, bikini cut or granny panties: Definitely boyshorts haha -
MemberJune 15, 2009 at 7:07 pm in reply to: Can you guys tell me if I’m being too sensitive?Adamseve ty for sharing your story…I will share mine as well..This is posted on another site I’m on…it’s under what motivates me…so I know how it feels to feel left out…but to an extreme.
I am 28 years clean and sober. I have always been a very private person but as I was reflecting on the past years I’ve decided to share a brief history of how I became who and what I am today…the events that have driven me to become and continue to become the best human being I can be!
I was born into poverty to a violent alcoholic father and an abusive mother. My father was twenty years older than my mother, she was 19 when I was born. I am the eldest of 4 girls. I was not a wanted child by my mother, I know this because she told me I was the product of her “doing her duty” as a wife and that she would never love me. I was never held, hugged or kissed as a child by my parents. I was molested at age 4 by a relative that was staying with us. I told my mother and she accused me of being a slut (I didn’t even know what that meant at the time) and beat me with a belt for “teasing” him. I was responsible for caring for my almost 3 yr old sister and when she was kidnapped from our yard my mother beat me and told me I was never to tell anyone that I was babysitting her. She lied to my father and the police. They did find my sister 14 hours later. She had been molested and left on a bridge in downtown Mpls.
I never had friends growing up because I wasn’t allowed to. I never learned social skills as a child however I did excel in school, until I reached junior high. I was 11 ½ when I got into 7th grade. I had all of the household and childcare responsibilities and still trying to get homework done (which was impossible with all my responsibilities). My mother felt it was time I started paying room and board so she got me a babysitting job after school..3-midnite for $20.00 a week caring for 6 small children, she collected the money from me every Friday night when I got home.
I would come home everyday beat up so the school made arrangements for me to arrive 15 late in the morning and leave 15 minutes early at the end of the day. Why was this happening? We were one of the 1st schools to be integrated for desegregation…8 black students were bused to our school. I became good friends with them….not something you did back then or in my neighborhood. The kids in my neighborhood beat me for that reason. I discovered drugs at that point and starting using to get rid of my feelings of pain an worthlessness, I also started to drink….my grades were slipping quickly and the school didn’t know what to do with me, I was a bloody mess most of the time from being attacked in the hallways or the girls bathroom. I was raped that year and told no one (it wasn’t like it is today), my mother beat for ruining my clothes from “fighting”. When I got into high school, I was 15…I was transferred out of my district because the school where I lived didn’t want me…the principal said I was too much trouble and they didn’t want “my kind” in their school. I went t to the guidance counselor in my new school and asked for help regarding my home life…she took me to Family and Children Services but back then they scheduled home appoints…not surprise visits. They said after talking to my mom that I was the problem….my counselor told me off the record that if she was me she’d take her chances in the street. So I did, my 3rd week in 10th grade I ran away from home and never looked back. I moved in with a man 10 yrs older than me and we were married illegally. I had all false documents…my life was ok for awhile but my usage was escalating I tried to kill myself 3 times and was intercepted every time. To shorten the rest of the long story…I left my abusive husband and moved to another state, did 3 years of high school in 50 hours and passed my GED with high scores in 1980…I fought to get into college for an additional 11 years because the nursing programs didn’t want me with my background, I wasn’t socially acceptable! The wrong background etc. I did finally after agreeing to 2 psych evals. Get into one of the toughest nursing programs. I was remarried in 1982 and had 2 small children by the time I got into college, I was working nights as a CNA. I commuted 100 miles round trip every day, worked nights and still took care of my kids, I don’t remember when I slept. I graduated and passed my boards.
I have had a lot of things happen in my life that have made me a stronger compassionate human being, do I regret them…absolutely not! There are many things I’m not proud of and horrible things that have happened to me, that should never happen to any human being…however if I were to change even one second of the past I would not be who, what, and where I am today! I am not looking for pity or sympathy, just acceptance as a person. I was once a victim, now I’m a survivor! I am a grateful recovering addict/alcoholic.
So what happened to me I chose to use to become stronger…I happen to like me today VERY MUCH! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
MemberJune 15, 2009 at 1:50 am in reply to: Can you guys tell me if I’m being too sensitive?Hey sweetie! I’m assuming that your sis is the last child. I have two children that are now grown and gone. For me it was learning to be a parent with my oldest and trying to do the right thing…I was stricter with her because she was was first. I have always been closer to my youngest, I believe the reason for that is because I was more relaxed by the time I had to raise him, and my daughter and I were more of a mom raising a daughter situation so she was fighting me in a sense.
I have talked with many moms regarding this and everyone of them tells me it was the same way with them….I even spoke with a counselor because I didn’t want to hurt my relationships with my children. I was told that what a parent and their first born go through are the trial and error phase…sort of a practice run if you will but one you can’t take back….so it’s much harder to get the closeness we feel we should have with our older child and because my youngest learned what to do and what not to do by his sister’s example ie; her getting into trouble or breaking a rule etc. that he learned most of it from her, the teaching from me was less and allowed for us to spend more quality time together. Now that my youngest has graduated college and left home, my daughter and I are now spending more time together and getting to know each other on a different level. We are getting a closeness we have’nt had since she was little(she is now 26). She has shared with me the things you’ve just mentioned and we have had some wonderful convos….she and I both understand each other now and why it was the way it was.
I’m sure this will get better for you too! We as parents have a hard time letting go of our youngest child…we know that they are the last one that will need us, so in a sense it’s trying to hang on and not have to face our own aging process. I don’t know if this helps, but also because my daughter was able to do for herself…I focused on my youngest ones needs, because my daughter displayed her independence and I didn’t want to take that from her. I was so very proud of her but at the same time felt she didn’t need me anymore…so it’s probably your mom feeling like that as well..as mom’s we have to be needed. Good luck to you, I’m sure your mom loves you very much!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif